Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1485: Copy home!

"Hehe, maybe you have forgotten the rules of our Hundred Flowers Palace..." The beautiful master said aloud, and then said in a voice that only three people can hear: "You should know what is meant by killing chickens and monkeys, sorry. Whoever makes you be the best bird can only be killed as a chicken!"

When the two Beard heard these words from the beautiful master, they were taken aback for a moment. They were just about to say something, but they didn't say anything, they didn't feel anything. Because I didn't know when, Lu Chen appeared behind them, left and right, and punched them one by one, killing them completely!

In order to have a shocking effect, this time, Lu Chen did not let the two disappear, but turned into a mess of flesh, piled softly on the ground, exuding a strong smell of blood, making the other ten present. Many people looked at Lu Chen and the beautiful master with horror, and they didn't say a word for a long time.

The beautiful master smiled at Lu Chen, nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the remaining dozen people, and said with a smile: "Now, I will give you two choices. One is to hand over all your property, and then leave Baihua. City; Second, hand over all your property and continue to stay in Baihua City!"

"What... Palace Master, you... you can't do this, you should at least leave us some property, let us live!" Hearing the words of the beautiful master, even Lu Chen was stunned. For a long time, Lu Chen thought he was like a robber and adopted the Sanguang policy, but compared to the beautiful master, it seemed to be worse.

"But did you have two choices? Leave all your property and Baihua City. If you choose to stay in Baihua City, there will naturally be Baihua Palace to protect you. If you need anything, you can get it from Baihua Palace based on your contribution. But if you leave Baihua City, then I'm sorry, you are not a member of Baihua City anymore, we Baihua Palace, there is no need to help you!"

The beautiful master waved his hand indifferently. Lu Chen looked at the beautiful master's picture and felt very sure that if the beautiful master had a nail clipper at this time, he would definitely take out the nail clippers. With a glance, he lowered his head and trimmed his ring.

"But..." There are still people who want to work hard, but the beautiful master did not answer them at all. He just glanced at them lightly. The two messes on the ground obviously mean: if you choose these two options, you are not willing If you choose, then become like them! Anyway, they are dead, I can still get their property!

In fact, Lu Chen also found out that although these dozen or so families are not necessarily all big families in Baihua City, there must be one, that is, like the Bi family, they are all man-headed families. I guess they are dissatisfied with the birth of Baihua Palace. It is because they don't want to be riding on their heads by women like Baihua Palace again.

To be honest, if it were Lu Chen, he would also choose this way, but it was a pity that they met Lu Chen, not Lu Chen, so Lu Chen did not need to consider the issues they were considering.

"Give you one last minute to think about it, and let me know if you think about it!" After the beautiful master said, the whole banquet hall fell silent again.

As time passed, a dozen patriarchs of large and small clans, with sweat beads on their foreheads, looked at the eyes of the beautiful master, extremely complicated.

"I've decided, I decided to stay in Baihua City!" said one of them.

"Very good! Binghan, record it!" The beautiful master said to Master Bingshan with a smile from the corner of her mouth.

"Yes, Master!" Sister Bingshan didn't talk nonsense, and pointed directly to the person at the empty location, and began to record.

"I'm leaving Baihua City!" someone said, but this person had an expression of extreme pain on his face after he finished speaking.

"Well, Yue Yao, you can record it!" The beautiful master said to Junior Sister Yue Yao again.

"Okay, Master!" Little Junior Sister Yueyao smiled sweetly, and pointed to another empty seat at the same person.

In the end, eight of the dozen or so people chose to leave Baihua City and three remained in Baihua City. Obviously, those eight women who chose to leave Baihua City were all those women who could not tolerate Baihua Palace, and once again oppressed them. They had the same machismo thoughts as Lu Chen.

"By the way, I would like to remind you that it is best not to have crooked minds, and don't let me know that you haven't contributed all your wealth!" At this time, the beautiful master suddenly added.

In fact, if these dozen or so people really didn’t hand over all of their property, Master Beauty would not be able to really look for them. After all, she was about to leave the Yuanshen space with Lu Chen, and she didn’t have time to take care of this matter. So saying this is just to scare them.

But just such a frightening sentence made several people who were prepared to hide, dare not hide the slightest.

After dealing with these people’s affairs, it’s already after midnight, but it’s not over yet, because the beautiful master hasn’t put all their property away yet. Who knows, will they take advantage of this tonight? When I was resting, I sneaked away!

Therefore, the beautiful master had to suffer Lu Chen again, and asked Lu Chen to help, so that all the wealth of these dozen people was kept overnight. Originally, Lu Chen didn't do it, but in the end, at the strong request of the beautiful master, he had no choice but to agree, and kept all of these people's wealth overnight.

However, speaking of it, Lu Chen is still quite generous. Based on the collected property and their own wealth, Lu Chen still gave them some middle-grade celestial stones from his pockets, and left them for their use. Of course, the Hundred Flower Palace was still used in name. Lu Chen didn't want these people to hate Hundred Flower Palace and use some crooked tricks behind his back!

Of course, Lu Chen did not ask them to leave Baihua City immediately. Instead, he gave them ten days to prepare them. If they want to stay in Baihua City after ten days, they must follow the rules of Baihua Palace. According to the contribution rate, the residence time of Baihua City is exchanged.

But now, Baihua Palace has not yet been born, so naturally there is no so-called contribution rate, so if it is discovered by Lu Chen and the others, it will obviously be very dangerous, but at that time, Lu Chen and the others have already left. Baihua City is now!

Of course, this matter was unexpected by the eight family members who were about to leave Baihua City. So within ten days, they left Baihua City in accordance with Lu Chen's instructions. It’s just that after learning that Lu Chen and the others actually left earlier than them, they regretted that they shouldn’t have left Baihua so early!

After dealing with this, after Lu Chen returned to the back of the city lord’s mansion, he found that the girls were still happily chatting tirelessly. The content of the natural chat was closely related to today’s beautiful master’s madness. The beautiful master was shy at this time. Keep hiding his head on the sofa, dare not say anything.

Seeing Lu Chen coming back, the girls naturally leaned to Lu Chen's side and began to ask Lu Chen what good things had been copied from those dozen or so families.

Lu Chen smiled, and handed the rings containing the things copied from the house tonight to the women, so that they could see for themselves, while Lu Chen smiled and took a seat. Come down, take out a bottle of wine, drink it slowly, after having been tired for so long, now it's pretty good to drink a little wine and take a break!

But in the end, Lu Chen's eyes still touched Yan Jiayuan, because Lu Chen remembered that tomorrow... he was leaving Baihua City!

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