Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1492: Shop second!

Although speaking of it, Lu Chen left a lot of back for the two families, helped their respective family disciples, and improved a lot of cultivation. But it will take half a year or even a year before these can be used.

If the Hall of the Hidden Gods had prepared to act against other forces in the Origin God Space before this half a year, I am afraid that only Lu Chen would leave the Yin family of the Asura team, and other families would certainly be unable to resist. In that case, if the time comes, if I take them back to the Origin God space, I am afraid I will never see them again, their relatives!

"I'm going to see the Hermitage Temple at night!" Lu Chen glanced at the girls before suddenly speaking.

The women naturally understood what Lu Chen meant, and Lu Chen didn’t say that someone should go with him. That means Lu Chen didn’t want anyone to be with him, so the women didn’t say much, and said directly, “Then you Be careful, don’t rush to do anything if you find something..."

Lu Chen smiled, "Of course I know this. Now we don't have to worry about it. It's early. Let's go to Yu Yuancheng now!"

"Okay!" Shopping is naturally a very happy thing for women.

"Xiao Er, check out!" As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, the previous Xiao Er had already ran over, "My lord, there are 30 low-grade immortal stones in total!"

"Oh!" Lu Chen nodded, took out a pile of celestial stones from the ring, and threw them into Xiao Er's hands. At the same time, he asked unconsciously, "How expensive! Things are not delicious! "

"My lord, it's like this. Tianlan drunk is more expensive, and my lord, you just ordered five bottles, so if you subtract Tianlan drunk, the meal is actually only five low-grade immortal stones!" Lu Chen asked, but Xiao Er was scared. After a jump, if it weren't for Lu Chen's face with a smile, I'm afraid Xiao Er would have knelt directly on the ground.

"Oh! Tian Lan is drunk!" Lu Chen nodded, did not say anything, glanced at the girls, and continued: "Prepare some rooms for us. Now we are going to visit Yu Yuancheng. We will be back soon. Let's go to the room, here, this is a reward for you!"

After that, Lu Chen threw a piece of middle-grade immortal stone to Xiaoer, ready to leave the restaurant.

Zi Xin'er pulled Lu Chen's arm, glanced at Xiao Er, and said, "Lu Chen, let's fix the room first. I don't know when we will be shopping. If it is too late, it will be more troublesome... "

"That's good!" Lu Chen nodded and looked at Xiao Er.

Xiao Er was looked at by Lu Chen's gaze, and instantly recovered from the shock of the medium-grade immortal stone in his hand, and quickly said: "My lord, our restaurant actually has a small courtyard. For adults, The small courtyard may be more suitable for you, I don’t know you..."

"Small courtyard!" Lu Chen said with a joy on his face, "The courtyard is good! Take us to see it!"

After receiving Lu Chen’s reward, Xiao Er would naturally try his best to serve Lu Chen. Even if someone next to him called him something to serve, he didn’t even look at it, so he missed that person and brought Lu Chen and others directly to the restaurant. In the small courtyard behind, walked over.

It is said that it is a small courtyard, but it is not small. Just behind the restaurant, a long siheyuan-like house appears here. Lu Chen had seen this place from the second floor of the restaurant before, but because he didn't know what place it was, he didn't pay much attention to it. He just didn't expect that it was actually a guest room in the restaurant.

Starting from the back of the restaurant, all the rooms in the quadrangle courtyard close to the Tianlan River belong to this restaurant.

So Lu Chen found a small courtyard near Tianlan River to live in. This small courtyard, from the back door, walking a distance of more than ten meters, you can directly come to the riverside of Tianlan River.

Actually, this small courtyard was not chosen by Lu Chen, but those women of Lu Chen chose. One is because this small courtyard is close to Tianlan River, and the other is because the environment of this small courtyard is more beautiful than other small courtyards. , So all the girls agreed and chose here at the same time.

"Here you are, a reward!" Very satisfied with the environment of the small courtyard, Lu Chen took out another fairy stone from the ring. This time, it turned out to be a top-quality fairy stone. But when he saw that the immortal stone he took out turned out to be the best immortal stone, Lu Chen didn't say much. Anyway, this thing was of little use to Lu Chen.

The reason why Lu Chen took special care of this second man was not only because the second man was very suitable to his appetite, whether it was doing things or talking. More importantly, Lu Chen discovered that this Xiao Er turned out to be a human being, and it was not that simple to be able to see a human in the world of monsters.

A human being in the Golden Immortal stage may be very powerful in the cultivation world, but here, it is the bottom of the existence. Now it happened to be met by a human like Lu Chen again. It would be fine if he hadn't met, but since he was met by Lu Chen, he naturally had to take good care of this little second.

"Big...sir, I can't ask for this top grade immortal stone! Please take it back!" Xiao Er saw the immortal stone in his hand. Although he hadn't seen it before, he felt the energy in the immortal stone, compared to the top grade he had seen. Immortal stone, even more terrifying, guess it should be the best immortal stone.

When it came to the position of the best immortal stone in the Origin God space, Xiao Er couldn't help but shudder, and then said.

"Oh? Don't you!" Lu Chen glanced at Xiao Er with some surprise, and he was a little puzzled when he handed over the best immortal stone.

"My lord... the villain, I'm just a shopkeeper. I have a very low and very low cultivation base. The best immortal stone is basically something that any creature can **** in the Origin God space. If I own this ultimate immortal stone, I won't be able to use it. So...sir, I still don't want it!"

Dian Xiaoer didn't hesitate at all, so he directly stated the issues he had considered.

"Then why don't you directly cultivate on this top-grade immortal stone?" Lu Chen smiled, and pushed the top-grade immortal stone back into Dian Xiaoer's hands, and looked at Dian Xiaoer with a smile.

"But..." Dian Xiaoer’s cultivation base has been stuck in the Golden Immortal Stage for a long time. Because there is no suitable technique, and there are not enough immortal stones for him to practice, he also knows that he wants to continue to improve. It is an impossible thing.

So in order to live, I can only become a second in the shop.

Although Lu Chen gave him a top-quality fairy stone, because of his inertial thinking, the fairy stone was used to buy things. So he simply forgot, the saying that Xianshi can still cultivate, for a while, some don't know what to do!

"Are you not practicing the exercises?" Lu Chen asked suddenly.

"Ah! Big...sir, how did you know?" Dian Xiaoer said in amazement.

"Hehe! This is the world ruled by monsters and beasts. I know what's going on!" Lu Chen smiled lightly. From the ring, he took out a jade slip of the exercise technique and prepared to pass it to Xiao Er, but finally thought After thinking about it, Lu Chen decided not to give him the exercises like this.

So Lu Chen stretched out his hand and touched Xiao Er's forehead. Suddenly, a golden light flashed on Xiao Er's forehead, and Xiao Er's eyes were full of confusion.

"And these, give it to you!" Lu Chen took out a storage bag, which contained a lot of ordinary pills and immortal stones. Since he has chosen to help the shop's second child, he naturally wants to help him to the end. As for him, What achievements will be made is not something that Lu Chen can consider. After all, Lu Chen believes that he should not have the chance to meet the second person in the shop in the future, and it is nothing more than to help the second person in the shop by himself!

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