It should be known that Lu Chen and the others had already arrived. The Great Elder of the Hidden God Temple appeared directly at the mountain pass to greet Lu Chen and others. When the Great Elder saw the beautiful women behind Lu Chen, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. Then he walked down the steps with a smile on his face.

"Haha, senior, you are finally here, but we have been waiting for a long time!" The Great Elder of the Hidden Temple said with a grin.

"Let you wait for a long time. I rushed over as soon as the day broke. I didn't expect it to be slow!" Lu Chen said.

"Where!" The elder rubbed his hands, then pointed to the hidden temple behind him, and said directly: "Senior, come with me, although I don't know what you can do with senior, but you can take you to visit us. The Hermitage Temple is my honor, but I don’t know if I can get this honor?"

"Haha! Just visit the Hidden Temple, anyway, I also visited yesterday!" Lu Chen smiled, his face suddenly changed and became a bit cold, "You are really obedient to the Hidden Temple! I was going to let you go, but Unexpectedly, you would send someone to arrest my woman, even though those people were abolished by my woman! But I still feel very upset!"

As soon as Lu Chen's words fell, the great elder of the Hidden Temple suddenly changed his expression, and he finally understood why he hadn't waited until the elders of the green caps came back. It turned out that these women had already been killed by these women. Thinking of this, Yin The gaze of the great elder of the temple swept over the children of Zixin.

"Don't look... it won't be yours anymore!" Lu Chen said coldly, without talking nonsense, and started directly.

"Bump!" The Great Elder of the Hidden Temple couldn't dodge, and was hit by Lu Chen's chest with a punch. He flew out in an instant, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

Seeing Lu Chen's hands, whether it was from the Hidden Temple or Lu Chen's woman, they were not to be outdone and each found their opponents.

Originally, the people of the hidden temple, because Zi Xin'er and other women were women, so looked down on them. They thought that they could take advantage of them, but when they discovered that all those close to Zi Xin'er and other women's Hermit Temple had been killed by a merciless move, they realized the horror of Zi Xin'er and others.

In just a few minutes, the people lying in Zi Xin'er and other women's hands had already exceeded double digits. From this, we can see the horror of these women.

At this time, the people in the Hermitage Temple wanted to break away from Zi Xin'er and other women and attack Lu Chen, but after looking at Lu Chen, they realized that Lu Chen didn’t need a few women to get better, even though it was in Lu Chen’s hands. , Can live a few more moves, but the end is indeed more tragic.

If it is said that in the hands of Zi Xin'er and other women, those people were killed in a painless way, then in the hands of Lu Chen, they would die alive. The difference between the two is clear to everyone, so in the end, the people of the Hermit Temple either fled in a panic, or attacked Zi Xin'er and other girls again.

Those who fled, whether it was from Lu Chen's side or the Hermit Temple's side, were very upset, so when they saw those who fled, they just slashed past them with a single sword, and they were talking about it first.

For this reason, in the end, there are basically not many who can continue to live.

Whether it is a mid-term master of the Hidden Temple, or a master of the **** emperor's deity, in the hands of Lu Chen and others, they can't make a few moves, and they will die. Therefore, last night, the plan made by the Hermit Temple naturally failed to be realized.

"Boy, who are you?" The Great Elder of the Hidden God Hall naturally understood that Lu Chen was definitely not a person from the Forest of Origin God, so now seeing that his subordinates were wiped out by Lu Chen again, he felt cold. Looking at Lu Chen coldly, he asked unwillingly.

"I! I have said, I am a member of the Sovereign Sect, I come from the Forest of Origin God!" Lu Chen said with a column of mouth.

"Impossible, you should be very clear about the characteristics of the Origin God Forest. Once you enter, don't think of it! I have never heard of the words of the Sovereign Gate. You... shouldn't be a person in the Origin God space!" I don't know why, the great elder of the Hermit Temple suddenly thought of such a thought, and his mouth seemed to be uncontrollable, and he said it directly.

"Hey, how did you know?" Lu Chen glanced at the Great Elder of the Hidden God Temple in surprise, and said with a smile: "Yes, you are right, I am not actually from this world, but what about it? , You want to unify the Origin God space, I just disagree!"

"Why, kid, I agree with Yuanshen space, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you! Since you are not a member of our Yuanshen space, there should be a limit to the time you can stay in Yuanshen space, so sooner or later you will Leaving the Kaiyuan God Space, I don't unify the Source God Space, and it has nothing to do with you!" the Great Elder of the Hidden God Hall asked.

"It doesn't matter. Although I am not from the Origin God Space, my wife is! The Yin family in Origin Spider City has my wife, the Yan family in Yanli City also has my wife, and the Yan family in Baihua City still has mine. Wife. Oh, yes, Baihua Palace in Baihua City also has my wife..."

When talking about Hundred Flowers Palace, Lu Chen smiled weirdly, "Do you know why I did it to you in the first place! It's because you don't know what the **** is going to happen to the Hundred Flowers Palace, which made my wife very upset? , After destroying the four people you sent to Baihua City, it happened to pass by Yu Yuancheng, so we made the plan to destroy your hidden temple!"

"Of course, this plan was made because of your hidden temple, vainly attempting to unify the entire Origin God space. Since you know that I don’t belong to the Origin God forest, let alone the Origin God space, let’s not talk about it. Understand, the horror of the Origin God Forest, in this case, your death is already inevitable!"

"No... Even if the Origin God Forest is terrifying, I will definitely break them!" The Great Elder of the Hermit Temple said suddenly.

"Oh! Really? You don't need to tell me these words, because I don't need to know these things..." Lu Chen shook his head gently, looking at the Hermitage Temple and his own women who were still fighting around him. Said to the great elder of the Hermit Temple again:

"Look, you can see for yourself, if it were not for your ambition, it would not be like this now in the Hidden Temple. You will still live quietly in Yuyuan City as it has been for millions of years, without wars and disputes. It’s a pity that it’s because of your ambition that you let you hide the temple on the road of destruction!"

"Tsk tsk, what a pity! What a pity, who let you provoke me! I am the most upset about the women who provoke me, and the most pleasant thing is, bit by bit, to get rid of all those women who provoke me. Clan... let them know, I... can't provoke, and my woman can't provoke it even more!" Lu Chen said arrogantly.

But at this time, Lu Chen's arrogance, no one said about him, because of his current situation, he was allowed to be arrogant, and his capital was arrogant.

Listening to the constant screams in his ears, the heart of the Great Elder of the Hermit Temple was dripping blood. He knew that his plan had completely failed, and that what he was looking forward to would never be realized. The reason for all this failure was the man in front of him, this young man.

The Great Elder of the Hermitage Temple wanted to kill this young man, but he knew that he could not, not because he did not allow it, but because he did not have that ability. Now he has understood the gap between him and Lu Chen before. With a light movement of a finger, Lu Chen had already squeezed his head!

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