Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 153: Life hangs for a moment

"No..." Wang Tao yelled in pain, and fell to the ground again weakly. Although, in normal times, this subordinate is very courageous, and his character is relatively weak. However, Wang Tao still admired his boy-like temperament next door.

It is precisely for this reason that Wang Tao chose this guy to let him and himself come out on this mission, but he did not expect that a very simple thing would become so dangerous. But no matter how his brain works, but he just can't think of how he two appeared in this place.

"Hi...his...his!" The sound of the giant snake in its ears became even more anxious. It seemed that it was no longer satisfied with the food in its mouth. It also wanted to swallow the food in front of it, because it found it in front of it. This food is not the same as the one he just swallowed. This gives him a very dangerous feeling.

Wang Tao felt a cold shot behind him, and then he felt a change in the fluctuation of the air in his ears. I didn't even dare to think about it. Wang Tao rolled away, but he still heard from his right arm. There was a sharp pain, as if his right hand had been severely torn off.

Looking at his **** right arm, Wang Tao broke out in a cold sweat. If he had just moved a second late, it would not be his arm but his body that was injured. Injury of the arm will not affect his escape speed, but if the body is injured, he can't run.

Seeing the food in front of me, I actually escaped my own blow. The giant snake was obviously annoyed. Its huge body swayed abruptly, and then it moved up to a height of about one or two meters from the ground, and then it "touched" it again. On the ground, the whole mountain bag was trembling fiercely.

Then, the original green eyes of the giant snake began to change into reddish purple, giving people a gloomy and **** feeling. Unfortunately, at this time, Wang Tao turned his back to the giant snake. Even the quick evasion just now was completely dependent on him. It feels made. If he were to see the changes in the eyes of the giant snake, he would absolutely despair.

Holding a tree beside him, Wang Tao climbed up from the ground abruptly, and then ran along the Z without looking back. As soon as he ran, Wang Tao didn't have the fear he had before, because in his opinion, with his own speed, he should be able to escape the hunt of the giant snake.

Especially when a huge forest appeared in front of him when he ran down the hillside, Wang Tao couldn't help but want to cheer. The best terrain to deal with this kind of snake is in the forest. Of course, it is the kind of relatively old forest with very strong trees. If it is the kind of number that will break when touched, even if Wang Tao hides no matter how strict it is, the giant snake depends on Wang Tao. After the scent emanating from his body, Wang Tao had only a dead end after the rampage.

Suddenly, Wang Tao's body trembled vigilantly again, and he subconsciously moved to the side, and then he felt a scorching breath that swept across his cheeks, and the hair beside his ears was even more affected by this scorching breath. The teasing. Then he saw himself in front of him, being blown out of a big pit by a huge fireball.

Fortunately, after feeling the breath, Wang Tao rushed to the side after subconsciously hiding. Otherwise, even if he was not hit by the fireball, he would be injured by the explosion of the fireball.

"What a beast of his sister! This girl is capable of magic! This is a bit over, the stuff ran into the woods for a while, and it burst into flames under its anger. Wouldn't I be burned alive in it! Should I enter the woods!" Wang Tao kept thinking as he ran.

Finally, in desperation, Wang Tao had to choose to enter the forest, because he roughly looked around the surrounding terrain and found that if he did not rush to the forest as soon as possible, then the problem he encountered would not be a matter of being burned to death. , But was swallowed alive. This is much scarier than burning to death! At least the former, his ashes, are still left; while the latter, there is nothing left.

As soon as Wang Tao entered the forest, as he had guessed, when the giant snake saw that his food was suddenly missing, he let out a monstrous cry, and then kept throwing himself up, and then down, up and down again, and moved around the forest. The ground trembles.

The red eyes in the purple also became more and more red, and the tyrannical aura on his body continued to increase. The big mouth like a blood basin, one and one, like a spell, if someone is here at this time, you will definitely find that the fire element in the air is constantly moving closer to the giant snake.

After entering the forest, Wang Tao didn't dare to stay the slightest, constantly shifting direction, and ran toward the depths of the forest. He was afraid that his running would slow down. The giant snake issued a high-level fire magic, lighting the entire forest. , It's over by himself, so his task now is to find a place with sufficient water as soon as possible.

"Hiss..." After a while, Wang Tao's ear suddenly heard a loud neigh, and then the entire sky became blood red. Then, something like a meteor appeared in the sky, dragging a long string. The long flame smashed down into the forest.

Seeing this scene, Wang Tao's entire face was immediately drooped. Although he is a swordsman, he is quite familiar with some forbidden curse-level magic of magic. The scene before him is exactly the forbidden curse of fire magic— -Stone of Scourge, this dangerous existence.

It's not just Wang Tao who has changed his face, but also those strong men in Mowu City? Their expressions were also abrupt, and they couldn't imagine that someone would dare to release the forbidden curse near Mowu City. Previously, Mowu City had regulations prohibiting anyone from releasing magic above the Forbidden Curse level within a range of ten kilometers nearby.

Not only Mowu City, it should be said that all cities and basic mountains have this rule. If anyone violates it, he will be chased by all masters in the city. Such a strict secret order prevents anyone from doing so.

When many masters in Mowu City felt the existence of the Forbidden Curse, they rushed to the place where the Forbidden Curse was released. Even Lu Chen, who sensed this breath, arranged for Sirin to rush over. What happened? what.

Neither Wang Tao nor Giant Snake thought that because of a forbidden curse magic, all the masters of the entire Demon Martial City would be dispatched. If Wang Tao knew, he would be ecstatic, because as long as the masters showed up, it meant he was safe. Of course, the premise is that he can escape the current forbidden curse.

But fortunately, this forbidden curse was an aimless attack by the giant snake. Otherwise, with the forbidden curse's powerful existence, Wang Tao would have absolutely no way to escape this blow...

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Seeking gold bricks, collections and rewards!

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