Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 157: Kindness or conspiracy?

"My son, you are so awesome! I regret not being able to see you sooner!" Lying on Lu Chen's shoulders, Phantom Yan Snake kept wearing rough clothes, her whole body had become weak and weak, if it weren't for Lu Chen's support At this time, she could only limp on the ground.

Lu Chen smiled trivially and said, "Well, do you want to continue to be happy? Those just now are just foreplay. I haven't used many of the actions that make you happier yet! Look, you enjoyed it. , I still feel very uncomfortable when I go, let's continue!"

Phantom Yan Snake touched Xiao Lu Chen subconsciously, and exclaimed, "My son, you are so strong! The slave family...the slave family really can't stand it! Let me rest for a while? It's a big deal... Use your mouth to help you solve it!"

"Using your mouth?" Lu Chen smiled wryly, feeling excited in his heart, "Okay! But if you rest well, let's go down, after all, the feeling above is not as cool as below!"

Because of deliberate control, Lu Chen was still very strong after half an hour, and had not erupted for so long.

The phantom Yan Snake, without a face of spring, swept the sea in front of her forehead behind her ears, and said with a small mouth: "My son, the slave family is not good! The son is too powerful. The slave family's little mouth is already very sour. No...there is one under the slave house, let's use it!"

Because of the enjoyment and experience of the previous few times, the Phantom Snake knew that Lu Chen was so powerful, and did not dare to be as crazy as before. Otherwise, if he reached the peak of happiness several times this time, and Lu Chen still had no eruption, then , She would definitely be ashamed to death.

Phantom Yan Snake doesn’t know what she thinks. When she saw Lu Chen’s appearance, she did **** up Lu Chen’s thoughts, but when Lu Chen touched her skin, the feeling in her heart, I was forced down by something. Let her give birth to an idea willing to dedicate to Lu Chen.

After several peak pleasures, the thought in her heart became stronger, and whether it was her own thoughts or her original wishes, she found that she could not bear to hurt Lu Chen at all. More importantly, she just tried it, and the method of inhalation that was deeply imprinted in her mind suddenly couldn't be used.

"Perhaps it's God's will!" Phantom Yan Snake looked at Lu Chen's handsome face in fascination, and felt that she was more and more inseparable from this man in her heart, so that she now has an inner hatred for other men. , I don't want men other than Lu Chen to touch his body.

The gentle movement is indeed very different from the craziness just now. The clear and strong feeling made Lu Chen almost unavoidable to want to erupt, but thinking of the nature of the Phantom Snake made Lu Chen not dare to erupt easily. He didn’t want to. Let the current happiness disappear because of the temporary peak.

"My son... give it to others! The slave family can't stand it!" Although the Phantom Snake also enjoyed this feeling, such a long period of continuous, and the beginning of madness, made her lower body already devastated. In addition to the feeling of happiness, she also had a hot pain.

She knows that if this continues, let alone not enjoy the happiness this time, even next time, or forever, it will be impossible to enjoy this happiness!

"Do you want it?" Lu Chen smiled, "If you can't stand it, do you want Lao Tzu to die! You are really good at the Phantom Snake Clan! You have not always been absorbing the essence of men to improve cultivation? Why! If you have the ability, you can **** me up by yourself!"

"So you know it!" Hearing Lu Chen's words, Phantom Yan Snake showed a faintness in his eyes, slowly listening to the action, and then said with a sigh: "My son, although the slave family is indeed a family of Phantom Yan Snakes, but Except at the beginning, the Nu family thought about sucking you up and improving your cultivation level, but now, the Nu family finds that they can't do without the son! The Nu family really hasn't thought about hurting the son!"

"Really?" Lu Chen sneered. "When did you, the Phantom Snake Clan, become so good? Let's talk! Shouldn't you be in the Lost Garden? How could you appear on the mainland? Did you pass the Lost Garden? Passed, sneaked to the mainland?"

"No...no son! Since you know that I am the Phantom Snake, then you must know that I was just transformed! You are my first man and will be my only man! I swear Except you, I will never let other men touch me in the future, I..."

"Stop..." Lu Chen interrupted Phantom Snake, "I am not asking you this, I am asking you how you appeared on the mainland! Don't say anything you don't know, and don't even think about making up any reasons. Come lie to me! I have a way to know if you are lying!"

Phantom Yan Snake gently wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said: "I once had a happy family. My parents and I lived happily in the Lost Garden. But because of our snakelike nature, this The happy life didn't last long. It was completely broken because of my mother's betrayal.

Although this is a relatively normal thing for our Phantom Snake Clan, an adult female snake basically has to do that with hundreds of human males a year, otherwise our cultivation will stop, and eventually Because of exhausting the energy in the body, he died slowly.

But what made my dad and I didn’t expect was that when my mother betrayed my father, it was not to improve my cultivation, but to be happy with him. This kind of snake belongs to our clan. The betrayer is to be hunted down by the whole clan!

Because my father has a very deep affection for my mother, although on the surface he accompanies the people to chase and kill my mother, but actually help my mother escape many times under the ground. But what my father didn't expect was that his many dedications not only failed to impress my mother and returned to his embrace, but instead let him die in my mother's hands.

That time, my father helped my mother escape the chase of the elders in the clan. My mother pretended to reconcile with his father and asked my father to go to a place with him, but what my father did not expect was when he followed my mother. At the destination, I found out that it was surrounded by people from the Holy See.

Under the siege of many members of the Holy See, my father was soon seriously injured and his body was unable to move. At this moment, he still had a fluke in his heart, hoping that my mother could save him, but what he ushered in was not his mother's rescue, but a blood-sparkling sword.

My mother broke open my father's abdomen, took out the magic crystal inside, and swallowed it in front of my father. The essence of the cultivation base of my father's life is contained in that magic crystal. After my mother swallowed the magic crystal, she quickly recovered her body and her cultivation base increased significantly.

My father also thought that his mother was a person from the Holy See, but he would never admit the mistake of his mother after his body was restored! At that moment, I was completely disappointed. What my mother didn’t know was that there was still a silver magic crystal in my father’s mind. My father was unwilling to do this and detonated the silver magic crystal in his mind..."

"How do you know this! Did someone else tell you?" Although he didn't know how the Phantom Snake appeared in the mainland, Lu Chen still heard this story with gusto.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" A deep hatred appeared in the eyes of the Phantom Yan Snake. "After my mother betrayed my father, I have been secretly following my father because an elder in the clan, Zeng Jinjiao Through a way of hiding my breath, even people like my father could not feel my existence."

Lu Chen nodded. Indeed, if it weren't for his special detection method, I guess he wouldn't be able to detect the existence of the Phantom Snake.

"I followed them to that place and hid in a cave next to him. After my father detonated the magic crystal in his mind, he killed at least 80 or 90% of the Holy See on the spot, and my mother, because of evolution. , Did not suffer any harm. And I was also in the explosion and passed out in a coma.

When I woke up, there was nothing in the valley, as if some were my hallucinations! But I know, absolutely not, so I am going to practice alone, wanting to seek revenge from people from the Holy See. But the next thing, you should be able to guess. Being arrogant, I ran to the headquarters of the Holy See, and after killing some young people, I was caught!

When I woke up again, I appeared on the mainland. But I always feel that there is something in his mind. He always publishes a task every once in a while for me to complete. Otherwise, my whole body will be stabbed like a needle. So far, I have completed three tasks!

Just when I finished the last task, I finally met the requirements of transformation! When I transform, I need a lot of food to meet my energy needs. Just because I saw two human beings in a coma at the time, I prepared to eat them as food."

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