Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1658: Be a good person in the future!


The flames on the monster dragon receded, suddenly revealing his body covered with turquoise scales.

"This is my strongest strength! Boy! Come on!"

With a loud roar, the monster's body shook suddenly, and the rocks under his feet suddenly shattered, and pieces of rubble flew across. The demon dragon seemed to enjoy this kind of power very much, posing one POSS after another. Not far away, Qingpi's wretched uncle yelled hoarsely.

"Brother Demon Dragon! Come on!"

"Big Brother Demon Dragon! I love you!"

"Big Brother Demon Dragon! You are so strong!"

"Brother Demon Dragon! Stay with me tonight..."

Qingpi's lines are getting more and more... Uh, powerful, Yaolong's face is covered with cyan scales, and he can't see his expression, but Lu Chen knows that Qingpi is going to be unlucky.

Sure enough, the trembling Demon Dragon, who was irritated, didn't go to Lu Chen for the first time. Instead, he turned around, walked to Qingpi's side, and kicked him a few hundred meters away...

"How can you treat people like this..." Qingpi's voice got farther and farther, knowing that it disappeared, Lu Chen seemed to hear a grieving voice: "People will come back..." (purely spoof... )

Lu Chen really admired these three people. With such a combination, he could also be a robber. Oh damn!

After the demon dragon solved Qingpi, he walked towards Lu Chen and squeaked his fist.

"Boy! Are you scared?"

Hearing the arrogant lines of the Demon Dragon, Lu Chen smiled and said, "How about we make a bet?"

"What a gambling?" Yaolong said with interest, standing not far from Lu Chen.

"It's very simple! Let's compare, who can beat each other further!" Lu Chen touched his nose and said casually. In fact, one finger is enough to solve these three guys, but these three guys are all top quality, which aroused Lu Chen's interest and planned to play with them three!

"What's the bet?" Yaolong was very interested in everything that competed for power.

"Bet? This..." Lu Chen hesitated twice and said, "If you lose, you will be a good person from now on!"

Hearing Lu Chen's condition, Yaolong's eyebrows jumped and said, "Joke! My Yaolong will lose? How is this possible! What should I do if I win?"

"Whatever you want!" Lu Chen shrugged and said indifferently!

"This is what you said! Who will come first!" Yao Long said excitedly.

"You go first! Modesty is a virtue!" Lu Chen touched his nose, standing not far from the demon dragon, and said, "Bring out your strongest strength! Although you have no hope of winning at all!"

"Go to hell!" Yaolong was irritated by Lu Chen's contemptuous lines. He stepped back a few steps, shaking his fists, and slammed his feet. He suddenly stomped a two-meter deep foot on the ground. The pit came, and the demon dragon, under the action of this recoil, rushed towards Lu Chen suddenly, his fist pierced the air, and there was a whirring wind.

When he was less than half a meter away from Lu Chen, the monster dragon turned and slammed his waist, and immediately the whole body's strength was poured into his fist. With the power of that fist, the monster dragon was confident that it could smash a mountain. .


There was a loud noise, and the monster dragon immediately felt a sense of power being released, and he was secretly delighted. This punch, not to mention blasting you directly, can at least make you withdraw to several tens of meters, right?

But after opening his eyes, Yaolong was dumbfounded.

Lu Chen still stood there and didn't move. He just stretched out a palm and stopped him with a full blow!

I rub! I have the blood of the demon dragon! And after the animalization, the physical strength has more than doubled! With his full punch, this person can actually block it with one hand? Is this still a human?

If Yaolong knew that Lu Chen was actually a person with a godly level of cultivation, I wonder if it would be a **** horse! Maybe you will be scared to death, right?

Lu Chen shook his hand and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, I am quite strong! Should I come next?"

Hearing what Lu Chen said, the monster dragon almost vomited blood. Is this guy Nima mocking me?

But at this time, the arrow had to be sent on the string, and the demon dragon had to stand firmly and set up a defensive posture.

"bring it on!"

The demon dragon knew that if he remained motionless, it could still be counted as a tie, but if he only took a step back, he would lose. Therefore, the demon dragon was very cautious now. The power of his whole body was concentrated under his feet, tightly clinging to the ground. Even his feet have sunk more than three feet in the rock.

Lu Chen shook his hand and walked to the monster dragon. Under Yaolong's somewhat surprised gaze, he lightly punched him and hit him.


The ground under the Demon Dragon's feet was shattered by a powerful blow, and his body was blasted out several hundred meters by this punch, and disappeared directly into Lu Chen's sight.

Lu Chen still took some effort with this punch. The strength he used was just the bottom line that Demon Dragon's body could bear. I have to say that after being transformed into a beast, the physical fitness of the monster dragon is quite good!

"Don't forget to bet! Be a good guy in the future!" Lu Chen yelled to the sky in a spoof manner, then glanced at Liu Shu, who was standing not far away, and said, "What's wrong? Not leaving? Should I also send you a ride with my fist?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Liu Shu's feet softened, and he almost sat on the ground, hurriedly greased the soles of his feet, and ran towards the direction of the monster dragon;

"Big Brother Lu Chen! You are amazing!" At this moment, Li stood not far away and looked a little silly. He realized that Lu Chen had walked to her side.

"Actually, your current strength is not worse than that of the monster dragon!" Lu Chen said with a smile: "Although I didn't dare to improve your realm without authorization, I strengthened your body by the way. If you fight with the monster dragon now, he Otherwise, it is definitely not your opponent!"

"Really?" Li was dubious!

"Of course, why did I lie to you? Do you have any sugar to eat!" Lu Chen smiled and grabbed a stone of about fifty kilograms from the ground, held it in front of his chest, and said to Li: "Come on, punch this stone. Try it!"

He glanced at the stone and said with some fear: "I don't! It will hurt!"

Seeing the watery eyes and the scared expression, Lu Chen smiled and touched his head, and said lovingly: "Try it! Do you think Big Brother Lu Chen is a lie to you?"

"Okay!" Li hesitated, and finally chose to believe in Lu Chen. I saw this girl squeezed a fist, closed her eyes, and banged her fist on the stone.

Li was ready for the pain.

But I didn't expect that I hit the stone with a punch, but didn't feel any pain, as if it was hitting a sponge.

Li opened his eyes strangely, and suddenly saw countless small stones on the ground.

"I hit it?" Li Li looked at his right hand stupidly, and said in disbelief: "This stone, isn't it fake?"

"Of course not!" Lu Chen said with a little laughter or cry, "You have the physical strength to cross the Tribulation Period!"

The little girl still didn't believe it, and in the end she ran out and smashed more than N big rocks. She laughed in surprise and rushed over to save Lu Chen and said, "Thank you, brother Lu Chen! I won't have to worry about picking medicine in the future. At that time, it was robbed by others!"

"How can you continue to gather medicine!" Lu Chen touched his head with some affection, and already had a great affection for the little girl in his heart: "You will follow me in your practice! I have a lot of medicinal materials here. Yes, basically they can't be used up, so you can't use them!"

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