Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1664: Brother bastard!

Zishui Town is the closest town to the Ziyue Mountains.

Although it is very remote, relying on the natural treasures of the Ziyue Mountains, the development of this small town is not worse than that of some outside cities. It is because the merchants of ore often stop here because of the coming and goings of buying medicinal materials. Business development is also very good.

But because of many reasons, such as the treasures of heaven and earth, the life of this person is very good. Usually he goes to the Ziyue Mountains to mine some ore, climb the mountain to collect medicine, or buy and sell things, and get money. It's very simple. Here, the most common people are very wealthy.

But because of the wealth of living things, the most popular thing in Ziyue Town is gambling!

Every family is very rich. In such a remote town, why don't you use money for gambling?

Therefore, for these reasons, the casinos in Zishui Town are extremely developed, and even the luxury of some casinos far exceeds that of the outside cities. Many gamblers even travel far and wide with all their worth to fight here. A handful.

In Zishui Town, the most famous casino is Zishui Casino.

People outside rumored that this casino was opened by the mayor's house, and there was a certain sect behind it.

These rumors were not groundless, because many people had troubles in this Zishui Casino... But they all ended up in the same way, they were all put into sack to fill the waste mine!

Therefore, almost no one makes trouble in this Zishui Casino.

In Zishui Casino, besides gambling, it also runs a business-loan shark!

How many gamblers lost their worth and borrowed loan sharks like this Purple Moon Casino? How many gamblers can afford it? However, those who can afford it are okay, and they can’t afford it.

However, although everyone is afraid of the prestige of this Zishui Casino, there are endless gamblers who come here every day.

"Yo! Mr. Hu! Here again?"

The person in charge of the casino smiled and looked at the ragged youth who walked in, and said with a smile, "Mr. Hu still owes us a lot of debts to Zishui? Is this to pay back the money?"

Hearing what the person in charge said, Mr. Hu looked embarrassed, waved his hand, and said, "Sister Qiao, don't worry! I'll change the money, but isn't it time yet? I'm here to try my luck today!"

"Hahaha!" The person in charge named Qiaojie sneered and said: "That's right, it seems that there is nothing wrong with you when paying back the money, you are also responsible for borrowing money, anyway, you have a hardworking and kind sister!

Although Sister Qiao has worked in Zishui for so many years, she has done a lot of bad things, and she has seen a lot of gamblers, but she still hates Hu Yun from the bottom of her heart.

Because this guy is really shameless, but since he is a guest, he definitely has no reason not to accept it. He smiled and stayed with Hu Yun and went in to change chips.

"What do you take as a mortgage today? Mr. Hu?"

Sister Qiao looked at Hu Yun with some contempt, and said,

"This... you see how much it is worth..." Hu Yun took out a string of necklaces from his arms.

"This is your sister's thing?" Sister Qiao raised her eyebrows. Hu Yun's sister had been here many times. Of course, she came to pay back the money. She wears this necklace every time, and it seems It looks very cherished.

"Isn't my sister's mine?" Hu Yun glanced at the table without food, glanced anxiously into the casino, and said, "Hurry up! I must have a template today!"

Sister Qiao sighed, pulled a few chips and handed them to him.

"So?" Hu Yun's eyebrows jumped.

"That **** girl! I was holding it like a baby every day, I thought it was a baby!" Hu Yun said cursingly, and then he took the few chips and walked to the dice table...

The harm was over after a few chips. Hu Yunqing walked out with a face and touched his pockets, but there was nothing suspicious to exchange for chips. He hesitated for a while, but resolutely walked to sister Qiao and patted the table. , Said: "Sister Qiao! Lend me a hundred...not five hundred!"

"Five hundred?" Sister Qiao gave him a white look and said: "You still owe our casino 3,700 gold coins and haven't paid it back? And! Five hundred is not a small sum, plus your previous debts, you have to pay it back. Are you up?"

"You don't have to worry about it!" Hu Yun patted the table impatiently, and said, "Isn't the upper limit of your casino five thousand gold coins! You can just lend it to me! It's mine if you can afford it. thing!"


Upon hearing Hu Yun's words, Sister Qiao snorted and said: "I just pity your sister! What kind of evil did he do in his last life! You have a brother like you!"

Hu Yun turned out the bargaining chips kicked by Qiao Sister, and gritted his teeth and said, "That dead girl, the last time a foreigner came out for two thousand gold coins, and wanted to marry her as a concubine, the dead girl would not agree! To her! I have to tie her to the Tianchun Tower!"

Sister Qiao just shook her head and sighed without speaking.

Hu Yun's luck today is really bad. Five hundred gold coins have been given to the casino in less than two hours!

That's five hundred gold coins. Food and drink are enough for a few years!

Hu Yun's face was a little pale, and he walked out swayingly. He just walked to the gate and saw a beautiful voice.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he rushed over with great energy, grabbed the girl, and shouted excitedly: "Hu Li! You die girl! Let's catch you this time!"

"Don't call me Hu Li!"

The girl looked at him angrily and said, "I have nothing to do with you!"

Yes, this girl is Li.

After leaving the underground cave with Lu Chen, Lu Chen, who had no goal, decided to go back to his house with Li. Unexpectedly, not long after entering the town, he ran into a lunatic.

Lu Chen looked at the wide-eyed, twisted guy clutching Li. He was instantly angry and kicked Hu Yun with one kick.

"who are you!"

Lu Chen hugged Li, coldly watching how far Hu Yun fell.

"Okay! Go out! I found a little white face! Last time I introduced you a rich old man, you dare not, it turns out that you have a friend! I'm your brother! Are you looking for an outsider to beat me?! "Hu Yun fell miserably, but still got up quickly, gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Chen.

"You are not allowed to say that, Brother Lu Chen!"

Li looked at Hu Yun a little angrily, and said, "How come I have a brother like you! I know to bet every day! I am exhausted every day to bad debts for you, and you want to sell me..."

As Li was talking, tears couldn't help streaming down.

Lu Chen's face became colder. He probably already knew what was going on. Hu Yun said coldly, "I don't care what you like to do, gambling or prostitution. Now you are my person. I disappear, if I dare to appear in front of me and Li in the future! Humph! You know the consequences!"

"You little white face!" Hu Yun looked at Lu Chen with a dark face, and said, "This is my family affair. You don't need to worry about it. Get out of here!"

"Is it!"

Lu Chen squeezed his fist, walked a few steps forward, grabbed Hu Yun's forehead, and slammed it to the ground!

Suddenly, the ground of the bluestone bricks was hit with a dent.

Fortunately, Lu Chen didn't try hard, otherwise Hu Yun's head would have exploded. But even so, Hu Yun was still a little dizzy.

"get out!"

Lu Chen waved his hand and suddenly Hu Yun was thrown out and flew 40 or 50 meters away, knocking over a meat stall.

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