Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1671: Jiang Meier's reminder!

While admiring Jiang Mei'er's swaying Shuangfeng and Feng, while drinking a small wine, accompanied by the cute and lovely Li, Lu Chen felt very comfortable.

But Jiang Meier on the other side didn't feel that way.

After a few rounds of dice rolled down, the physical exertion was sweating all over, and the most important thing was that Lu Chen, within a few hands, had already won all the money in the casino.

No way, this guy is full pressure every round! The chips kept doubling, and the table was already piled up!

Jiang Meier bit her lip, wondering if she should continue to gamble.

The chips in Lu Chen's hand were already worth eight million. If he wins another one, the casino will not be able to pay it.

After hesitating for a long time, in the end, Jiang Meier still whispered to Lu Chen: "Sir, our casino has no liquid funds..."

Lu Chen was looking through Jiang Mei'er's sweaty clothes, and the peeper Chunguang couldn't hear clearly.

Jiang Meier naturally noticed Lu Chen's fascinating gaze.

No way, Lu Chen looked too explicit, so he put his eyes on Jiang Mei'er's chest.

Jiang Meier bit her lip, and didn't care about Lu Chen peeking at her. She raised her volume and said to Lu Chen: "Well, sir, our casino really has no liquid funds, sir... Would you rather stop here?"

This time Lu Chen heard it, looked at Jiang Mei'er's tangled expression, suddenly laughed, and said, "It turns out that you have no money! You Zishui Casino, isn't it the biggest casino in Zishui Town? How long has it been since there are no funds?"

All the onlookers were speechless.

Does anyone gamble money against you like this? Keep doubling the total pressure, no amount of money in this Zishui Casino will be enough for you to win!

Jiang Mei'er was also scolding this shameless fellow in her heart, but her face was still very polite: "This gentleman, our Zishui Casino is indeed the largest casino in Zishui Town... But, sir, today We have won more than 8 million gold coins, which has made our casino's income for several years...If you don’t stop, our Zishui Casino won’t have any money to pay you..."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Lu Chen smacked his lips, and said with some intent: "I haven't gotten to it yet, you have no money, really bad luck! But I am not such a bad person, since the beauty has spoken. Then I won't bet!"

Jiang Mei'er finally let go of her hanging heart. She gave Lu Chen a grateful look and said, "Then I will lead her husband to cash out the chips! And... Sir, be careful..."

Jiang Mei'er said the last sentence very quietly, almost lying on the edge of Lu Chen's ear.

Although the voice was very small, Lu Chen could hear clearly, and at the same time he felt the fragrant wind from Jiang Mei'er's mouth, which made Lu Chen feel a little tickled.

This girl is so cute!

But what does her last sentence mean?

Be careful? Why be careful?

Lu Chen frowned and thought for a while, he was new here, and there is no enemy in Zishui Town. The only thing that can do it to himself is the Zishui Casino, right?

Having won so much money from others, they will certainly not let go of them.

For their own reputation, the casino will not start inside the casino, that is to say, maybe Zishui Casino has already set up an ambush outside waiting for itself!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little moved.

I originally thought that this girl named Jiang Mei'er had cultivated a charm technique, and she must have been wrong in her mind, but she did not expect that she was so kind. He would risk reminding himself this unknown gambler!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen had a lot of affection for the charming girl in front of him, so he drew a bunch of chips on the table, and said to Jiang Meier: "Actually, I didn't plan to bet money today. , But there is no way. My wife owes you a lot of debts to the casino, and I can only take a risk once, but I didn’t expect that today I have such a good character and can win so many. These chips, even if I pay off my wife’s debt, I don’t know exactly how much it is. The extra will be yours!"

Jiang Meier looked at the pile of chips in surprise.

Having been a croupier for so many years, Jiang Mei'er's eyesight is not bad, this pile of chips is at least 200,000 yuan, and Hu Li's brother owes the casino money, not even 10,000!

"This won't work! It's not in compliance!"

Jiang Meier hurriedly waved her hand, and her annual salary was only less than 10,000 yuan. This pile of chips is enough to earn half of her life!

"I let you do it, you do it, where is so much nonsense!"

Lu Chen waved his hand unhappily, grabbed a glass of wine and took a sip, and said, "Cash out the remaining chips for me. Hurry up, I'm very busy!"

Is Lu Chen busy?

Busy fart!

This is just to find a reason to make Jiang Meier unable to refuse.

For Lu Chen, these gold coins are no different from **** and are of no use, but to a girl like Jiang Mei'er who lives in the world, the meaning is different.

Lu Chen would never be stingy with her goodwill, since this girl can take the risk to remind herself, she won't let her suffer.

As the largest casino in Zishui Town, Zishui Casino is definitely not a blow, more than 8 million gold coins, less than half an hour, it is ready!

At this time, all the gamblers in the casino stopped their work.

This is more than eight million gold coins!

Even more than half of Zishui Town is under the market!

Putting so many gold coins in the hands of any ordinary person is enough for them to spend hundreds of lives at will!

In the face of such a wealth of wealth, no one can not be tempted. Everyone focused on the few boxes in the middle of the casino!

This is the world of ordinary people, there is no universe bag, no mustard space, all the gold coins are brightly placed there!

"So much money! If you give it all to me, I..." A young man on the side was so excited that he couldn't even speak.

And there are not many people like him.

Even, many people have already started planning quietly.

Even if Lu Chen hadn't put away those huge boxes, a huge storm had already begun quietly brewing in this entire Zishui Town.

Lu Chen stood in front of those big boxes, expressionless, without any excitement, as if these eight million gold coins were not his at all.

On the side, Sparrow was standing smiling.

More than eight million yuan really hurt Zishui Casino very seriously. This is almost all the reserves of Zishui Casino.

However, Sparrow was not worried at all.

I have already called a lot of Zishuimen disciples to come over, all guarding outside the Zishui Casino! As long as Lu Chen goes out, it is his death date.

Moreover, Sparrow is also very similar to see how this Lu Chen can transport these large boxes of gold coins,

However, Sparrow was doomed to not see Lu Chen's joke, and a small ring appeared in Lu Chen's hand.

This ring is silvery white with a shiny purple spar on it, which looks gorgeous.

Lu Chen smiled and grabbed Li's hand, and put it on Li's hand in Li's surprised eyes.

"This...this is..."

Li covered his mouth.

This gentle and cute, but not good at speech girl, was startled by Lu Chen's sudden "attack", and tears filled her eyes immediately.

"Ahhhhh! No!"

Lu Chen touched Li's head helplessly, messed up her original neat hair, and then said softly: "This is just a spatial ring, don't be so moved!"

Is it just a space ring?

Li suddenly felt disappointed.

Why not the love ring?

Oops! What am I thinking about!

Thinking wildly, there was a mess in his head.

"Alright! Don't you try?" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"But...I can't use it!" Li Xiao blushed.

Although it is still very early to get in touch with Cultivation, she has always explored it on her own. Although Lu Chen directly promoted her strength to the Mahayana stage, she still knew nothing about the world of Cultivation.

Lu Chen smiled, squeezed her hand, and said, "It's actually very simple! As long as you enter a little vitality into this space ring, you can feel a space, and you can also take in any nonsense. Objects of life!"

"It's amazing!" Li exclaimed, then entered a vitality and opened the space ring.

"Wow! There are so many things in there!"

As soon as he opened the ring, Li was startled by the abundant vitality in the ring.

In this space, there are all kinds of spars everywhere, and there is a large bookshelf on the side with all kinds of classics.

"This this……"

Li was surprised and speechless.

She has always longed for cultivation. Although she didn't know much about cultivation, she also knew that the most important things in cultivation were all kinds of crystal stones and classics. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen had already prepared it.

Looking at these things, Li felt warm in my heart.

Brother Lu Chen still cares about himself.

But after a long while, Li took off the ring with some hesitation, and said, "Brother Lu Chen, these are too precious! I can't ask for it!"

"Okay! Here again!"

Lu Chen held his forehead helplessly, and said, "Now you are my woman! Isn't my thing yours? Don't care about it! Besides, I have so many things in you. Those, relative to what I have, are just a drop in the bucket! Take it with ease!"

With that said, Lu Chen couldn't help but put the ring on Li's crystal fingers, and by the way, he also put the boxes in for Li.

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