Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1682: The last hole card!

The only shortcoming is that these sword shadows cannot cause any harm to these corpse kings. They just leave some very small wounds on their bodies. The healing ability of these corpse kings is not bad. In a few seconds, Can be restored as before.

Lu Chen curled his lips, hugged Jiang Mei'er with one hand, stood up with the sword in one hand, and threw the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the sword seemed to have spirituality, and it began to shuttle and dance. Every time he shuttled, it would leave a transparent hole in the body of a corpse king.

Huang Teng looked foolishly on the side. Seeing that I felt like an invincible corpse king, he was abused by Lu Chen like stepping on ants.

This feeling is even more embarrassing than being pressed under the door panel.

"It doesn't matter, fight it..."

Huang Teng was extremely panicked at this time.

Because he knew in his heart that if he kept on like this, waiting for himself would definitely be a dead word.

However, he has no more hole cards. The only hole card is a hole card that hurts others and himself, and it is even possible that he will die with this person.

However, Huang Teng had to use it.

If you use it, there is still a glimmer of life. If you don't use it, then you will never have a glimmer of hope again. Huang Teng couldn't think of any reason why Lu Chen had spared himself.

Thinking about it, Huang Teng took out a vial from his arms.

Inside that small bottle was a drop of khaki liquid.

Huang Teng looked at this vial with a trace of determination in his eyes.

Thinking of the time, when the black-robed man handed this small bottle to himself, he was once very serious and told him not to use it lightly. If it is not used in a truly mortal environment, it will be a disaster.

That black-robed man, no matter what he does, he is calm and calm. When have you seen him with such a serious expression? Therefore, Huang Teng has always attached great importance to this little bottle. He never thought that one day he would be forced to this point.

"Since I can't live, I won't let you live!"

Huang Teng grinned and opened the vial with a miserable look.

Suddenly, the twelve-headed corpse kings seemed to feel something general and roared.

Lu Chen also felt that something was wrong, but before he had time to think about it, he saw a scene that made him a little disgusting.

The twelve-headed corpse kings screamed and trembled violently. The blood vessels on their bodies swelled up, splitting fine lines one after another, some thick black liquid, from their The black liquid flowed out from the body, but their bodies swelled more and more fiercely. In the end, they only heard Peng's sound and turned into pieces of meat.

Lu Chen saw the opportunity early, and quickly opened his defenses, stopping all the pieces of meat.

At this moment, Huang Teng looked at the drop of yellow liquid flying out of the small bottle with a bit of excitement.

The black-robed man once said that this small drop of yellow liquid can instantly dissipate all of his corpse kings into pieces of meat, and then regroup based on this yellow liquid. Then, the strength will increase a hundredfold, but , I will also lose control of him.

At this time, the corpse kings had all collapsed, just waiting for them to regroup.

However, in the next second, Huang Teng was a little horrified to find that a drop of yellow liquid had penetrated his body in an instant.

what happened?

Could it be that this thing has failed?

Huang Teng was horrified. After that drop of yellow liquid entered his body, Huang Teng felt an extremely strong swelling sensation.

As if he was about to explode.

Huang Teng Zhenyuan surged, trying to suppress this feeling. However, Huang Teng seemed to be a step slower. Before his true essence could move, his body exploded into a cloud of blood.

At the moment of the explosion, Huang Teng seemed to understand that he was being tricked.

That drop of yellow liquid medicine, I am afraid that it will not only break up those disappointments and reorganize it, but also envelop itself.

Huang Teng's body exploded, and his Yuan Ying quickly flew out, trying to take this opportunity to escape.

However, Huang Teng was stunned to discover that he couldn't even control his own Yuan Ying, and could only let his Yuan Ying float around in this basement. What frightened Huang Teng the most was that his consciousness seemed Also began to gradually disappear...

Lu Chen only reacted at this time, but what he saw was the black liquid and the **** water from Huang Teng's explosion.

"I wipe it? What's the matter?"

Lu Chen rubbed his head in confusion.

Could it be that Huang Teng had awakened his conscience and felt that he was not fit to live in this world, so he committed suicide?

I wiped it, this is totally unexplainable

Just when Lu Chen was confused, suddenly there were strange sounds.

"Wow...wow..." I heard a sound like water flowing from somewhere.

"What's the matter? Where's the sound of water?" The sudden sound of water made Jiang Mei'er, who was terrified by the horrible scene, even more terrified, and the whole person was lying in Lu Chen's arms. You know, this is in the basement of Zishui Casino, and there are no rivers or streams in the Ziyue Mountains. Where did the sound of such a loud water come from?

"Wow...wow...wow..." The sound of water grew louder and louder.

is blood!

Lu Chen scanned his divine consciousness, and was shocked to find that the strange sound of water was actually the dark liquid and the flesh and blood of Huang Teng who blew himself up.

Whether it's the broken flesh and blood of Huang Teng, or those corpse kings, the dark, dirty liquid in the body, even the minced meat that has been splashed on the roadside house, is surging crazily at this time . These flesh and blood merged into small streams, frantically moving into the air, condensing the past.

That place is where Huang Teng’s Yuan Ying is

"My grass, that Huang Teng is really abnormal enough. What kind of technique is this? After self-destruction and the corpse king, and then merge together, I really don't know what kind of monster will appear in the end!" The blood was slowly forming a human silhouette. Lu Chen became a little disgusted. Then he swung a few sword shadows and slashed towards the large group of surging flesh and blood.

"Puff puff……"

Jian Ying walked through the mass of flesh and blood without any force.

I go!

Lu Chen cursed, pointed his hand, and suddenly, a ball of flame appeared on the ground, enveloping that ball of flesh and blood, and the flame of tens of thousands of degrees high temperature still roasted this disgusting thing.

However, Lu Chen seemed to underestimate the monster that was brought together by the twelve-headed corpse king and Huang Teng.

Rao was scorched by Lu Chen's flames, and the monster still slowly formed.

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