Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1698: Something happened!

I probably felt the breath of the bright white beads clinging to the outside of Feng He's body. The miasma was a bit violent, raging in Feng He's body, the violent miasma, the irritating Feng He was crumbling, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Lu Chen was worried, but he couldn't help.

Fortunately, when Fenghe could hardly support her, her xiongkou suddenly revealed a black air.

This black energy was ethereal and invisible. Lu Chen felt a moment of erraticness after just a glance, but how powerful Lu Chen's consciousness was, he woke up almost instantly, and then stared at the black energy tightly.

After drifting in the air for a circle, this black air rushed straight towards the bright white bead.

When the black air touched the ball, it was tightly attracted by the ball, and the bright white ball instantly turned into a deep pitch black color.

Suddenly, the black air seemed to be feeling something. It started to protrude from the left and right in the ball. Suddenly, the whole ball was trembling/moving, as if it would explode in the next second.

However, how could Lu Chen let the black energy rush out and continue to harm Fenghe? When he stretched out his hand, the golden light suddenly skyrocketed, and layers of golden light instantly enveloped the bright white bead.

Lu Chen stretched out his hand and let the round bead sealed by him fall into his hand.

The Fenghe on the side, although the poison of the miasma gas was discharged, was not lightly injured. At this time, seeing that the black energy was sealed by Lu Chen, he could no longer support it, and he fell straight down.

Lu Chen was shocked and quickly supported Fenghe.

Only in desperation, Lu Chen went around Feng He's back with his left hand, and actually grabbed a towering mountain in Feng He.

But at this time Lu Chen didn't care about this thing anymore. He hurriedly used his true essence to check Feng He's physical condition.

However, Lu Chen felt relieved at first glance.

This wind lotus was only exhausted by the vitality tormented by the miasma, it was a little weak, and it didn't matter.

Lu Chen, who was relieved, realized that there was something wrong with him. It was just that Lu Chen had a ghostly messenger. He actually squeezed it twice before releasing it.

Seeing the courageous blush on Feng He's face and the inadvertent Jiao/huh in his mouth, Lu Chen suddenly became embarrassed, and quickly put Feng He's clothes on her, and then took out some of the best rejuvenating pills for her to take. under.

Fenghe's roots are basically solid. At this moment, after taking the pill, he recovered most of his true essence in less than half an hour. Although his body is still a little weak, it can be restored as long as he rests for two days.

There is no day and night in the Medicine Sect Holy Land, but now outside, it is estimated that the sky is already bright. Lu Chen is afraid that Li and Jiang Meier will not find himself worried when they wake up, while Feng He is anxious to see his two precious apprentices. , Neither of them wanted to stay longer in this holy place, so Feng He opened the Pharmacopoeia, walked along the teleportation array, and left here.

Sure enough, after returning to the outside, Lu Chen saw the sun hovering high. At this moment, it was already close to noon.

The two girls, Li and Jiang Mei'er, saw that they disappeared suddenly in the middle of the night.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen pulled Fenghe into the air at great speed, and after a long while he went outside the slum where Li lived.

Lu Chen had just landed when he saw two people with fearful faces approaching.

These two people Lu Chen recognized that it was one of the group of gangsters who blocked the way when he first came to this slum.

Seeing this guy, Lu Chen frowned and hummed, "What do you want to do again? Looking for a beating?"

"no no……"

The two guys were fat and thin, and they were shocked when they heard Lu Chen's words.

Now in their hearts, do not mention much regret.

This guy can actually fly? Is he the legendary cultivator? Besides, he can fly without magic weapons, he should be a very powerful person, right?

I knew that I didn't follow Da Yutou's **** to provoke him when I was killed. Isn't this tired of life?

Lu Chen saw the two of them hesitating and trembling, and he was suddenly upset. He stared and said, "If you have something to say, just let it go!"

"That one……"

The fatter guy pretended to be bold and took a few steps closer, and said, "Well, I was also ordered by Boss Li to give the uncle a letter..."

"Boss Li? Who?"

Lu Chen frowned.

"That...not Li, it's Li...it's Hu Li, Miss Hu..."

The fat man said carefully.

"Li?" Lu Chen suddenly became serious, and said, "What's the matter with Li?"

"This..." The fat man said vaguely: "We don't know about this, but Boss Li told us to find you. If we find it, let you go to Zishui Town to find her!"


Lu Chen nodded, sent two gangsters away, frowned.

With Li's temperament, if he didn't see him, he would definitely stay at home and wait for him. With this situation, Lu Chen intuitively realized that something must be wrong with Li and Jiang Mei'er.

Seeing Lu Chen frowning, Feng He asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lu Chen shook his head: "I don't know, let's go back to Zishui Town first!"

Entering Zishui Town with Fenghe, Lu Chen suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Because of this Zishui Town, the streets are empty and it's too quiet. Even if there are two pedestrians passing by occasionally, they are walking in a hurry.

It stands to reason that Zishui Town, as the only town in the Ziyue Mountains, has always been extremely lively and bustling both day and night. How could this happen?

Lu Chen was a little confused and walked into an inn.

In broad daylight, this inn, in broad daylight, the two juniors started to close in a hurry.

Lu Chen escorted past Xiao Er, who glanced at Lu Chen impatiently, and then said, "We are closed, we are not going to be hospitality!"

Hearing Xiao Er's words, Lu Chen took out an ingot of gold and put it into Xiao Er's hands.

Suddenly, the impatience Xiao Er just now put on an extremely enthusiastic smile.

"Guest officer, what do you need? To stay or eat?"

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "I just want to know what's going on? How about the people in Zishui Town? Where did they go?"

"You don't know about such a big thing, the guest officer?"

Xiao Er looked surprised.

"Know that I still ask you?" Lu Chen looked impatient.

Xiao Er hurriedly said: "Guest officer, it's amazing these days! It is said that someone opened the Zishui Casino and killed the mayor! Now Zishuimen is furious and is trying its best to arrest the criminals! Many people in this town have already suffered. Now everyone in Zishui Town is in danger and they dare not go out, for fear of being suspected by the people at Zishui Gate!"

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