Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1706: The graceful grace of Fenghe!

In the place of trial, in a wild jungle where no one has been in tens of thousands of years, a group of spirit apes are dangling carefree among the branches.

Suddenly, there was a wave of waves in mid-air, and several figures appeared, and the apes suddenly frightened and fled into the depths of the jungle.

"Hahaha! This is the place of ancient trials? It really is full of aura! It is said that this place has not been opened for thousands of years! There must be countless treasures! Hahaha, it has been posted!"

A young man dressed in a green robe and carrying a big sword laughed unscrupulously.

"Brother Ye! You are proud to have a fart now, we just came in, OK! Don't forget, Tongtian Peak also sent a lot of people in this time. If we meet them, we will be finished!" Beside him, a short female voice in a blue dress said.

"Huh! Huangqi, how do you know that you will raise his morale and destroy your own power? What happened to the Taishangzong? The Taishangzong is so awesome? You will meet you when you encounter them, and they will not know the parents who killed them!" The Qingpao youth drew out the big sword behind his back with some disdain, swiped it twice and said.

"You are stupid, it is said that the young master of Tongtian Peak also came here, and it is said that he also brought the elder escort... I don't know what the lord thinks, but only sent a few young disciples of us. ?"

"You're just looking for death, courageous girl!"

"Hey, why do you two make a quarrel when you meet? Let's be quiet. This trial place is so big, we still need to find the Bishui Palace first!"

The man in white who was talking was very handsome, and with his bright white sword behind him, he definitely belonged to the kind of beautiful man who fascinated thousands of young girls.

The short girl named Huangqi obviously admired this handsome brother. When she heard him talking, her eyes were staring straight, and she said very cooperatively: “That’s right, it’s like Brother Zhao Yue. It’s not like that surname. Ye's, an idiot!"

Ye Ming squinted at Zhao Yue, his eyes were a little disdainful, but he obviously had some scruples about Zhao Yue, only cursing secretly in his heart.

"Take it slowly, it doesn't matter if you can find it or not, you see how beautiful this place is, much more beautiful than in the sect!" A girl in a blue dress looked at the spirit apes in the forest secretly peeping out with joy. Talking sweetly.

This girl looked like she was only fourteen or five years old, but she seemed to stand in the center of the disciples, and when Zhao Yue heard the girl talking, he immediately greeted him with a smile...

Two rays of light glided across the sky and stopped at a seaside.

Feng He turned over the Secret Book of the Medicine Sect, and finally smiled helplessly: "It seems that we are lost! Originally we were going to enter the center of the trial land, but unexpectedly, he flew to the blue sea... …"

"Bi Luohai?" Lu Chen wondered.

"According to the Pharmacopoeia, this blue sea is the most eastern sea area of ​​the trial land. Although this blue sea is small in size, it is not bottomless. According to legend, the blue sea is a million miles deep and reaches the blue water spring. That's how the name Biluohai came from!"

"I'm going? Millions of miles?" Lu Chen looked at the endless blue ocean, millions of miles. If it were so deep, how big would the water pressure be at the bottom of the sea? Even if you use the Heaven Harmony Secret Technique to temporarily reach the Holy Period, you can't hold it, right?

Lu Chen was a little surprised but also a little curious. He couldn't help but have the idea of ​​getting a glimpse of what happened.

Feng He smiled, seeming to see Lu Chen's thoughts, and said: "The secret book records. In the blue sea, there are two secret places, one is the legendary blue water spring... this secret place, It is located in the deepest part of the blue sea, but this secret place has never been reached before, and no one even knows whether it exists or not. There is also the Blue Water Palace. This secret place is unusual, but it should There are also many good things!"

"Then go and see the Bishui Hall!"

Lu Chen smiled. In fact, he even wanted to see the beauty of the blue and yellow springs, but Lu Chen did not have the confidence to be able to go deep into the depths of millions of miles under the sea. Under that kind of water pressure, it is estimated that every drop of water has It weighs tens of thousands of tons, and it is estimated that even the saint can be pressed into meat sauce.

Lu Chen pulled Fenghe, wrapped a layer of true essence on his body, and jumped directly into the sea.

The blue sea water is unique, not only dozens of times heavier than ordinary sea water, but also the water temperature is very low, but it makes people feel a surprisingly comfortable.

Lu Chen rolled in the water two times comfortably, and finally took off his Zhenyuan altogether, took off his coat, and swam freely in the water.

It's been a long time since I experienced this feeling.

Lu Chen's thoughts inexplicably went back to a long time ago, back to the blue planet.

When I was on earth, my life was ordinary, but it was easy and easy.

It seems that it has been a long time since I lived like an ordinary person.

Lu Chen sighed, drilling out from the blue water, and seeing Feng He's somewhat shy look.

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