Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1717: Little Lori Qi Zhuer!


Zi Suming gritted his teeth inwardly, but on the surface it was still shining brightly: "You two alone, you can make it to the sixth floor in Biluo Pagoda. There must be some skills. The **** Red Fire Toad before! It should be yours. Masterpiece, right?"

Lu Chen nodded, it seemed that the cheapness he left behind was really picked up by someone.

But this dude, how unhappy he really looks.

Lu Chen, who didn't miss him very much, took Feng He's hand and prepared to head straight to Gen Palace.

Seeing Lu Chen grasping Fenghe's hand, a trace of haze flashed across Zi Suming's face.

Damn it!

However, Zi Suming did not change his expression. The two of them were able to cut off the legs of the Red Fire Toad without any damage. Presumably they were not so easy to provoke. The most important thing is that the Sihai Sword Sect is still behind him. It's not easy to do it by yourself if you attack on both sides.

Thinking of this, Zi Suming smiled and shouted to Lu Chen: "Well, I don't know your surname? How about going back to the Dragon Palace together? It is said that there are many crises in the Dragon Palace this time. If we are together, there will be a response.! "

"No need!"

Lu Chen responded coldly. He just turned Shisuming's gaze to look at Fenghe. How could Lu Chen not know that Shisuming didn't mean drinking?

Zi Suming touched his nose in embarrassment, a little irritated in his heart, and was so swiftly rejected. This is the first time that, as the young master of Tongtian Peak, when did Zi Suming not respond in a single way? This guy dared to respond to himself, really recklessly!

You are always coming out anyway!

Zi Suming sneered in his heart, already thinking of killing Lu Chen by himself, and then Feng He tactfully under his crotch.

It's just that he didn't know it. It was because he had this idea that he was destined to have this trip to the Blue Tower.

Just as Lu Chen was about to step into the palace, another crisp voice sounded: "Senior, wait a minute!"

Lu Chen was immediately angry.

Nima, I don't know what to do, who do you think you are, dare to beat my wife? It’s not bad to spare you just now, and are you bothering me now? I knew you just hacked to death with a sword!

However, Lu Chen looked back and found that it was not Zi Suming and the others who made the noise, but another pair of people who had just come up from the fifth floor.

This group of people had different costumes, and what surprised Lu Chen the most was the little Lolita in a blue dress standing in the middle of fourteen or five years old.

Although she looks very mature from the perspective of her height and figure, her whole body reveals a pure and lovely breath. Coupled with her bright and lovely face and big Shulingling eyes, she simply came out of the painting.

The crisp voice just now seemed to come from her mouth.

Lu Chen's anger suddenly disappeared, and his voice softened unconsciously, "What's the matter with my little sister?"

This gap is too big, right? Looking at Lu Chen's expression, Zi Suming was obviously very interested in this little loli, and suddenly, his anger rose.

Damn, even if you have a beauty, NND still dare to come and spy on my scheduled little wife? Are you tired of work?

But even though he thought so in his heart, Zi Su Ming did not dare to make any movements. No way, the current situation is not suitable for hands-on. Otherwise, according to Zi Suming's past temperament, he would have Feijian in hand long ago.

Little Lolita in Blue Skirt saw Lu Chen turned her head and smiled sweetly. She took out the Red Fire Pearl and said to Lu Chen: "Senior who cut off the two legs of that big toad before! The Red Fire Orb should belong to Senior!"

Um... Lu Chen touched his head and said, "Well, the Red Fire Orb is useless to me. Moreover, you killed the toad. It's nothing wrong with me! You just take it!"

The Astragalus on the side wanted to stop Little Lori in Blue Skirt from coming, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen would not want it! Is this bead that can condense the five elements of gold and fire, a street commodity?

Little Lori in the blue skirt frowned while holding the red fire bead, and said, "But, senior..."

"Well, I'm not too old, don't call me senior, my surname is Lu Mingchen, you just call me Lu Chen!"

Little Lori immediately changed her words: "Brother Lu Chen!"


Zi Suming frowned. He was half of your fiance. He had known each other for so long. You haven't called my elder brother before, but you called this guy who met in less than a minute?

Zi Su Ming, who was burning with jealousy, hated Lu Chen even more.

After Xiao Lolita changed her words, she continued: "If Senior, oh no, brother Lu Chen doesn't cut off the two legs of the toad, we guess it is not the opponent of the toad at all, and will even die on the toad's body! If this bead doesn't Give it back to the senior, and I will definitely scold me when I go back!"

"Um...that" Lu Chen had nothing to say, he could only take the Scarlet Fire Orb, and then put it back into Little Loli's hand: "You already call me Brother Lu Chen, since I am a brother, I have to Give you a gift! Mum, this Crimson Fire Orb is a gift, now your father won't scold you!"

As Lu Chen said, he always felt that this scarlet fire bead was useless, and it was too shabby for little Lori, so he took out another protective necklace that could block the nine attacks of the gods' peak.

Little Lori opened her mouth wide in shock, she didn't know what to say. The other people were not ignorant, and they were dumbfounded. What exactly is Lu Chen's identity? How about giving such an expensive gift to a girl who just met?

"Oh! By the way!" Lu Chen smiled and said, "I don't know what my sister's name is yet!"

"Qi Zhuer..."

Little Lolita did not refuse this time, she smiled and put on the necklace.

"Very cute name!"

Lu Chen nodded, he still liked this cute girl in his heart.

"Brother Lu Chen is also going to go back to Dragon Palace to explore?" Little Lori Qi Zhuer played with the necklace happily and asked curiously.

"Roughly the same!"

Lu Chen nodded: "Just stop by and take a look!"

Everyone is dizzy.

Passing by? Passing by your sister! This is a trial space that has not been opened for thousands of years, okay? This is the seabed of 500,000 miles, OK? You are so embarrassed to say that you are passing by?

But what they didn't know was that Lu Chen really passed by. If it weren't for the wrong direction, how could he run to the blue sea.

"Then Brother Lu Chen is with us?"

Little Lori raised her head, looking forward to it.

Lu Chen shook his head, and said, "This Jiuzhuan will go back to the Nine Gates of the Nine Palaces of the Dragon Palace. It would be a waste of time to walk together. It's better to go by yourself. If you don't find it, come back!"


Little Lori was a little disappointed. The ten or so members of the Sword Sect of the Four Seas were still too weak. If she could work with Lu Chen, she would be safer.

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