Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 172: Chickensuke or invincible?

"Oh my God! Then tell me what is your role!" Lu Chen was speechless, and the trillions of creatures frightened him. This girl is too absorbable! If there is no one in this space, I will play a fart! So if Lu Chen was still before this dimension, the nightmare was destined to be impossible to have too high a level.

"Let me answer the question from the master first! I want to be promoted to the second level, and it doesn't require much vitality. If there is one tenth that the master has absorbed me just now, it will be fine! But it is better not to be the master just now The ones provided, because all the vitality is unaware, if I absorb it, it may not have any effect." Nightmare replied.

"Then how useful you were just now!" Lu Chen put aside his lips, "Hurry up and tell me what effect you have. If the effect is great, I will help you rise to the second level. If there is no effect, then I'm sorry. I have to be locked in a dark room! I don't need a chicken help!"

"Don't! Master, I don't want it!" Nightmare said in a crying voice, and the sweet cry made Lu Chen tremble. My heart secretly said: "This sound is really good! Forget it, even if this girl is of no use, help him get to the second level first! Just buy an MP3, and put it next to him, listening to her singing is also good! "

"I can absorb vitality now. Without vitality, people can't live! If on the battlefield, I can help people and quickly defeat the enemy!" Nightmare paused, then said: "I... can still control In other people’s dreams, if the master sees a certain beauty, I can help the master to make that beauty fall in love with the master through the dream!”

"Damn! I won't be on the battlefield again, it seems that there is no need to have you!" Lu Chen sighed regretfully, and suddenly said wretchedly, "You can really make the beauty I admire, by controlling the dream, let He and she fall in love with me? Are there any restrictions on cultivation?"

"Of course, Master, now the level is low, the people who can influence will naturally be small, and there is also a distance control!" The nightmare that originally heard Lu Chen's first sentence was very disappointed, but when he heard Lu Chendi With two awkward words, Nightmare gave a very happy laugh.

"Can you tell me something specific?" Lu Chen was also a little curious now, really a "silver swing" guy.

"En! I'm still at the first level. Except for the master, I can only absorb the vitality of the enemy with a radius of ten meters centered on the master. The same is true for controlling dreams, the same is within a radius of ten meters! The cultivation base is at human level six or five. Click!" The nightmare paused for a while, and continued: "After reaching the second level, I can control the specific people that I absorb. The range also increases from ten meters to one hundred meters! The same is true for the dream world! The cultivation base also increases to the ninth level. Click, including nine levels!

As for whether other things will change in the future, I am not very sure, but the range is increased by the square. Perhaps while upgrading, many other skills will be added. In fact, the higher my level, the faster I can upgrade, because the larger the area I can control. After level 5, my range is not increased by the square, but by the cube even higher. As for the level over ten, it can be absorbed directly across the space! "

Although Lu Chen was very excited, he felt that the nightmare should have concealed something. For example, if you want to control a person's dream, it is not only related to that person's cultivation level, but also has a lot to do with spiritual power. Lu Chen doesn't believe that nightmare controls a person's dream, and does not consider that person's mental power.

"Nightmare, are you sure you want to tell me about these things? There is nothing else?" Lu Chen asked.

"Uh! This..." Nightmare was a little embarrassed and said, "Yes, if I want to control a person's dream, I must also consider that person's mental power. If the mental power is too strong, I can't help it! But this It won't have a big impact. A person's cultivation is generally proportional to his mental strength!"

Sure enough, as Lu Chen had guessed, what Nightmare was hiding was a problem with what he thought.

"Do you rely on your own ability to display your dreams, or do you use me?"

"Of course it's through the master! In fact, apart from being able to absorb vitality for the time being, I can only use it when there are many enemies, except for the starting point, and everything else needs to be displayed by the master!" Nightmare thought about it, and then hesitated. come out.

"Then if my mental power is very powerful, stronger than the dreamed person, will the problem you mentioned arise! Can't the cast succeed?"

"I don't know about this either!" Nightmare became even more embarrassed.

"Why don't you know anything!" Lu Chen was a little speechless, "Then what exactly were you before and how did you make it? Why did I summon you through that spell! You know, my spell is blind Read it! Others have no reaction at all when they read it, so why am I useful!"

Lu Chen's words silenced the nightmare for a long time before he said: "Master, can I...not answer these questions!"

"No!" Lu Chen was firm and serious! If it was someone else, Lu Chen might still allow him not to say it, but Lu Chen would not allow it because of the nightmare, because how do you say this thing! Although he is very weak now, when he becomes stronger, Lu Chen can hardly resist.

He doesn't want a time bomb around him, or that he doesn't want to grow the nightmare stronger, but he wants to leave himself and let the countless efforts he spends is broken like this!

"Okay! I used to be the King of the Abyss!" Nightmare originally thought that the name she said would shock Lu Chen, but Lu Chen was very calm and asked him a very speechless question.

"What is the King of the Abyss?"

"I am not something! Uh! I mean, the King of the Abyss is a...Forget it, just tell you! I used to be the master of the Abyss, but because of an accident, the body was removed and dissipated, but somehow What happened, my soul has become a demon of nightmare, but even more unfortunate is that as soon as I appeared, I met a nightmare hunter who specializes in hunting demon of nightmare.

Perhaps because I was the Lord of Sin, I couldn't be killed by that nightmare hunter, so he sealed me in a place I didn't know. In addition to reciting the right spell accidentally, it also needs sufficient vitality. The most important reason is that this person must have the power of the devil! "

"Where is the land of the abyss? What is the power of the devil?" Lu Chen couldn't wait to ask when the nightmare stopped.

"The land of the abyss is in the deepest part of the heavens. The power of the devil is your kind of middle power. Only the Lord of the abyss can have the power. That is, me, only by becoming my past existence can have this power. So I I would say that this is the most important condition. But it feels like this is on the mortal world continent. I am very curious about how you can possess the power of the devil! Generally speaking, this is impossible!"

Nightmare is very curious!

"After completing the ritual of communicating with the beasts and gods, I discovered that these powers appeared in my mind. I have always been curious about what this is, it turned out to be the power of the devil! Do you know how this power should be increased! Every time he increases, it is inexplicable!" Lu Chen asked.

"Communication with the Beast God Ceremony?" Nightmare murmured suspiciously, and there was no sound. This made Lu Chen very annoyed. He hadn't answered his question yet. Why didn't there be no sound? This is so **** fucking? !

"I see! It turns out that's the case!" Suddenly, Nightmare's joyous voice came to Lu Chen's mind. "Master, I see, is there a figure that appeared when you communicated with the Beast God ceremony? , Not Dragon Shadow. If it’s a human figure, that’s right!"

"Shadow? How did you know?" Lu Chen was very surprised. This matter had happened to him, and only Nalan Rongxue knew.

"Because my demon power was given to me by that person! As for how it should be increased, I don't know! After he gave me the demon power, it disappeared! To be precise, after he gave this power, I don't know what the name is, so I married a demon power name!" Nightmare said with a smile.

"By the way, Master, you should be his heir! He once told me that when I meet someone with demon power again, I am lucky. This matter, I just thought Get up, it seems that the person is right. If it weren't for the master, I would still be sealed now!"

"Didn't I mean that I am a new generation of beast gods? Why have I become the heir of that person again? Who is that person!" Lu Chen was very speechless, why he had an extra master inexplicably!

"That person has indeed been a beast **** for a period of time, so it is not bad to say that you are a new generation of beast god! As for how you became his heir, shouldn't he teach you the power of the devil and shouldn't be your master? Is it?" Nightmare said in a natural tone.

"Yes!" Lu Chen nodded, and then asked: "Let me ask you the last question, are you a man or a woman? Why do you have a voice like a little girl, but the tone of your speech feels like a Where's the man?"

"Then master, do you think I am a man or a woman!" Nightmare chuckled, then asked.

"That doesn't matter! It doesn't matter whether it is a male or a female!" Lu Chen still hoped that Nightmare was a woman very much. After all, he has such a nice girl's childlike voice. If he tells Lu Chen that he is a man, he would probably Very depressed!

"Haha! Master, I am neither a man nor a woman, I..."

"What, so to speak, you are a ladyboy?" Lu Chen's mouth opened in surprise.

"Hate, Master!" If the nightmare has a body, it must be pacing and pouting with a small mouth. "Master, please listen to me and say it well! Actually, there is no way to know your gender for the time being, only It will slowly manifest after reaching the second level."

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