Lu Chen rushed all the way, and soon returned to the bush where Zhou Yuanyuan had been beautiful before.

The guard around this seems to be closer than before.

Lu Chen half-bended over, hiding himself among the trees and grass, and the Dimensional Law came to his body, quietly concealing his breath.

The people of the big family who came out of Biluo City should still be ahead.

Keep going.

Finally, when the trees gradually disappeared and the terrain in front of him turned into a small plain, Lu Chen finally saw the brigade.

Hidden on the edge of the woods, Lu Chen looked out and saw a small piece of barren terrain. Above the terrain of several kilometers, there was nothing but a stone mountain tens of meters high, and Wang Biyingying’s Lake water.

On the small piece of land between the rocky mountain and the lake, several teams of men and horses are lined up in their respective shapes, facing each other.

In fact, there are not many people here. The total number of people in the six parties is less than a hundred people. Most of the people and attendants in the family who came out of the caravan are not qualified to stand here, and they are all sent to the periphery. I went to patrol, which is why there will be so many people patrolling in the forest.

It might be because the distance was too far. Although Lu Chen could vaguely see those vague figures, he couldn't hear any sound. Lu Chen couldn't know what they were doing.

However, seeing this only six teams of people, Lu Chen also knew that it would definitely not be something remarkable, and it seemed that although the news was rumored in the blue city, there was no news from outside, so, It is also impossible to encounter Fenghe by this.

Lu Chen felt a little painful, and even wanted to leave.

However, he came and came back empty-handed, not in Lu Chen's style. Lu Chen was going to get closer. After listening to some news, he looked at the situation before deciding whether to take action or leave.

In front is a plain of Pingchuan, hiding is a troublesome thing.

However, this is not very troublesome for Lu Chen, just a little bit of the law of dimension has been restored, which is enough to hide himself.

The power of the law was wrapped around him, and Lu Chen's body became vague as if it didn't exist. This is because the power of the dimensional law is limited by that rule, and can only be used for one ten-thousandth. If the state is full, Lu Chen can hide in the void without anyone noticing it.

The figure approached quietly, and the conversation of those people gradually passed into Lu Chen's ears.

"Lao Liu! What you said is wrong. This ancient tomb was discovered by the Yun family first. You are not kind enough to bring people and horses here!" A middle-aged man in purple clothes riding a strange beast, Said solemnly.

"Really!" The fifty or sixty-year-old man called Lao Liu said with a sneer with his beard: "Yun Tianqi, don't open your eyes and tell lies, this ancient tomb, my disciple from the Liu family, It was discovered two years ago. When did it become your Yun family?"

"Two years ago? Hahaha!" Yun Tianqi, as if he had heard something funny, laughed loudly: "If it was your Liu family discovered two years ago, you would lose it with your iron **** character. No matter here for two years?"

"Humph!" Old man Liu immediately waved his hand and said, "This ancient tomb was indeed discovered by our Liu family disciples two years ago. It was just too dangerous. At that time, I had sent more than a dozen disciples to investigate, but it was a pity. All of them were damaged, and no further investigations were made. I didn't expect that it was only two years, and this ancient tomb would become your Yun family's!"

"I don't want to argue with you!" Yun Tianqi long-sleeved for a while, said: "Who knows what can be in this big tomb? Several of us in power have been here for so long, everyone. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Shame! It's not ashamed of me!" Old man Liu sneered, and confronted that Yun Tianqi.

"It's good for everyone!" Yun Tianqi suddenly said: "Let's enter this ancient tomb together. No matter what treasures are in this ancient tomb, we will all be divided equally! How?"

"Equally?" Old man Liu jumped out again: "Our Liu family, two years ago, we lost more than a dozen disciples in it, and evenly divided? For me, it's too bad 1"

People from the other families seem to be just here to make soy sauce. Not only are there no masters, but they are all younger generations, and few people even speak up.

In fact, this is just a dispute between the Yun family and the Liu family.

Lu Chen just watched from the side. It feels good for a while.

"I knew I shouldn't have come!" Lu Chen was a little regretful, but he still decided to follow them down to the tomb to have a look.

However, although Lu Chen regretted this trip, it also gave Lu Chen a plan in his heart.

A plan to find wind and lotus.

This plan may be simple or difficult. As long as oneself can make a big enough time in this ancient world, enough to make a lot of noise, and expose his name, then Fenghe will definitely notice.

With Fenghe's ability, he will definitely find himself.

Now, there is a lack of opportunity.

An opportunity to shift the focus of the world to a certain place.

Lu Chen thought hard, but also knew that this kind of thing depends not only on strength, but also on luck.

Can only take it slowly.

Just as Lu Chen was thinking about how this plan should be implemented, the people of the brigade finally made a move.

At the beginning, it was the Yun family and the Liu family, but the younger generation of the other four families just silently followed.

Lu Chen looked at the endless plain, wondering where the ancient tomb would be.

Immediately, Lu Chen suddenly realized the place where the large group of people were walking.

The whole stone mountain is actually fake. It's just a very delicately carved rockery. I saw Yun Tianqi and Old Man Liu, not knowing what they knew in those places, and suddenly a door opened on the rockery.

The door was dark, and it looked like it was going down, and there was no light in it.

"Prepare to light a torch!"

Yun Tianqi gave an order, and immediately the entourage behind him erected a bunch of torches.

Yun Tianqi took two torches and threw them down, only to see the fire light rolling down the dark hole, and the fire light along the way lit up the tomb road.

"Let's go!" Yun Tianqi gave an order, and immediately, nearly a hundred people slowly entered the tomb path...

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