Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1769: Win in danger!

The cold wind came behind him, and dozens of Yin spirits dodged the sword light in front of him, and suddenly rushed towards him without their lives, and Lu Chen suddenly fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

The feeling of clearly having power, but not being able to use it, really made Lu Chen awkward, but there was no way, the rule power of the ancient world was too powerful.

"How to do……"

At this critical moment, Lu Chen could not rely on the powerful strength of the past, but could only rely on his own physical strength to turn the tide.

"Ill!" Lu Chen's sword danced, a golden light enveloped him.

The power of the Hongmeng Sacred Sword was suddenly increased by more than ten times by Lu Chen. The violent sword aura began to surge everywhere, and the four-to-five-meter-wide corridor was filled with golden sword light everywhere.

Suddenly, black energy and golden light collided. ,

Dozens of yin spirits were the first to bear the brunt. They were directly affected by the dense sword aura, irritated and riddled with holes, and finally twisted into black smoke and disappeared into the air.

And the attack behind Lu Chen was also at this moment.

However, something surprising happened. The hundreds of sword auras in front of Lu Chen returned in an instant, rushing towards Lu Chen like lightning.

The golden light in the sky covered the light from the strange gems on the corridor.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

Those hundreds of sword lights flashed past Lu Chen's side one after another, and most of them even flashed past Lu Chen's side. Then, the three Yin spirits that launched a surprise attack behind Lu Chen were instantly caught Those golden lights pierced through, and they turned into a sieve before they had time to struggle, turning into black mist and disappearing into the black mist.

After Lu Chen got rid of the three Yin spirits, he squeezed his fists hard, and a strange color poured out of his face.

One's own true essence, divine consciousness, and even most of the power have been restored somehow.

In the meridians that had no movement or static in the body, the true essence began to flow slowly, but under the suppression of the rules, the flow was not very fast, but it was enough. There was enough Lu Chen's imperial flying sword.

The divine consciousness has also recovered a bit. Lu Chen is gratified to find that he can already use divine consciousness to cover a range of nearly 100 meters around his body, and the movements of those yin spirits are also within his control.

With a sword in his hand, killing a Yin Ling, Lu Chen began to feel the condition of his body carefully.

The dozens of remaining Yin Ling saw Lu Chen standing there motionless suddenly, and they immediately moved out, turning into black shadows, and attacking Lu Chen.

"Go to hell, side dish!"

Although Lu Chen closed his eyes at this time, everything outside of his body was scanned by his divine sense. Suddenly, he recovered a part of Lu Chen's strength. His combat power can be said to have skyrocketed a hundred times in an instant. With just a wave of his hand, a lilac thunder light rushed out, and the yin spirits, in front of this almost masculine power, instantly turned into powder.

"Sky Thunder Pearl can also be used!" Lu Chen looked happy. Although his true essence has recovered a bit now, he is extremely poor. Using a sacred artifact such as the sacred sword of the sacred sacred sword is also very laborious. However, the sky thunder orb is different. This magic weapon has no need for the true essence. It's just an amplifier. How much real yuan is input, how powerful it can excite the thunder.

In addition, Lu Chen found that his strength had recovered to about one percent overall. Although it was still very weak, it was a hundred times stronger than before when he could not use his true essence.

In addition, Lu Chen also discovered that Hongmeng Zhu had also begun to emit a faint light.

After entering the ancient world, Lu Chen also tried to contact Xiao Ling. However, Hongmeng Zhu seemed to be sealed, and Xiaolan could not be found. Now there was a trace of Hongmeng Zhu, Lu Chen was relieved, as long as he After recovering some of his power, Xiao Ling should be able to come out.

Humming a little song, Lu Chen stepped into the small door.

In that door, the light was so bright, when Lu Chen entered, his eyes were still blurred.

When Lu Chen opened his eyes, he was suddenly stunned to discover that behind this stone gate, there was actually a huge underground world.

Below the stone gate, there is a passageway slanting down for more than a hundred meters, and under that passage is a huge square. Above the square, the black shadow is faintly filled, and Lu Chen can't see the distance.

And above the dome of this huge square, there is a huge semi-circular canopy in amazement. This canopy is extremely magnificent, spanning the entire square, and the dazzling light is from the top of the canopy, densely inlaid From above something like a night pearl.

"Unexpectedly, such an inconspicuous ancient tomb hides such a magnificent underground world..." Although I can't see what the underground with a faint black mist is rising up, this scene is already magnificent enough.

As soon as the door is opened, there are such a number of ghosts. This underground world must not be easy, so be careful.

Lu Chen thought so, slowly walking down the ramp

However, what puzzled Lu Chen was that this underground tomb is so powerful, what happened to the Yun family and Liu family? Could it be that the strength of the people in this ancient world has reached a realm far beyond the Yin Ling?

Lu Chen didn't bother with this problem, and walked into the faint mist in a few steps.

Under the shining of the powerful light bulb-like night pearl, the black yin air seemed a little transparent, and Lu Chen could even see the dark shadows in the distance vaguely.

As he got closer, the vague outlines gradually became clear. Only then did Lu Chen realize that these vague outlines had slowly turned into human forms.

Rows, rows, rows, extending in the infinite distance, as if there were countless people on this square.

"What the **** is going on?"

Lu Chen was startled at first, and then walked closer with a stride before he could see clearly.

Although he was mentally prepared, the scene in front of him still surprised Lu Chen.

Those vague figures were actually terracotta warriors in armor.

It is actually not appropriate to say that they are terracotta warriors. These figures are obviously more like puppets, because they, um, armors are all made of metal, and the joints are very detailed, as if they were real! Moreover, in these puppets, Lu Chen also vaguely felt a fierce aura, this kind of aura can only be possessed by people who have experienced killing! These puppets will actually have this kind of temperament! !

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