Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1776: Lin Baihe's counterattack!

How could Lin Baihe fail to see that Lu Chen pretended to be so clumsy. However, no matter how Lin Baihe gritted his teeth at Lu Chen and pretended to look pitiful at Lin Yingmei, it was useless. In the end, Lin Baihe was still aggrieved and shouted to Lu Chen: "Lu Brother..."

In fact, this time the voice was quite loud. However, Lu Chen didn't have any sympathy for this rival of his own. He still grinned and pulled his ears, and the voice in his mouth became even louder: " What is it? Hiccup? What is it? My ears are not good, I can't hear you!"

In this case, the fool knew that he was playing with Lin Baihe.

Naturally, Lin Yingmei was also very clear, but she was also very happy to show up someone who could cure this mad sister, and at the moment she continued to pinch Lin Baihe's ear.

"You two...partnership to bully me!"

Lin Baihe was very wronged, her big eyes were watery, and I looked so pitiful, as if she had made a mistake in selling cute kittens.

However, Lu Chen and Lin Yingmei would not be fooled.

With the cooperation of the two people, Lin Baihe, the crazy girl, finally compromised. In the end he shouted, "Big Brother Lu!"

It can indeed be described by the word howling. Lin Baihe's voice was exceptionally loud this time, not so loud, spreading far away in this empty underground world.

"Have you heard this now!" Lin Baihe was wronged.

"Yeen..." Lu Chen nodded and said with a smack, "I have heard it now, but I don't hear it very clearly..."

Seeing Lu Chen's shameless appearance, Lin Baihe gritted his teeth even more.

"Brother Lu, come here!" Lin Baihe waved.

"What do you want?" Lu Chen questioned.

"What can I do! I'm a weak woman..." Lin Baihe said as a soft and weak woman, "I just want to call Big Brother Lu well so that Big Brother Lu can listen carefully!"

"Really?" Lu Chen questioned with a look of disbelief.

"Of course it's true! Is it still cooked!" Lin Baihe said with her arms akimbo. After a while, she felt that her movements seemed a little stubborn, and she quickly put it down, blinking her big watery eyes, and said: "People are absolutely sincere. That's it!"

"I don't believe it! There must be fraud!" Lu Chen shook his head.

"Damn!" Lin Baihe couldn't help it at last: "You can't come, I'll go ahead!"

Lin Baihe strode over, and Lu Chen suddenly looked alert.

Lin Baihe became even more angry: "I said you are a big man, so! I won't eat you again!"

"Then what are you doing?" Lu Chen said depressed.

"Just stand still!" Lin Baihe's face showed a slightly sinister smile.

"Um..." Lu Chen was speechless,

Lin Baihe walked in and walked to a distance of less than five centimeters from Lu Chen. The tip of her nose almost touched Lu Chen's body.

She seemed to feel like this, she seemed a little too intimacy, Lin Baihe's face flushed, and she stepped back a little before she stood still.

"You bend down!" Lin Baihe had enough, but she felt that she was a little farther away from Lu Chen. There was no way she could not climb Lu Chen because of her height.

"Aren't you trying to force me to kiss me?" Lu Chen looked scared.

"You go to die!" Lin Baihe was not angry. Grabbing Lu Chen's collar, he pulled him and bent over.

Lin Baihe squinted and smiled, and shouted loudly, extremely loudly, and very loudly to Lu Chen's ears: "Brother Lu............!!!"

This sound was much bigger than just now. Lin Baihe roared out almost desperately. After the roar, her throat became a little dumb.

After the earth-shattering roar, Lin Baihe grinned suddenly, expecting to see Lu Chen covering his ears.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen looked confused and said, "What did you just say, I didn't hear clearly..."

"Ah..." Lin Baihe was dumbfounded!

Isn't his own sound enough to deaf his ears? Is there really something wrong with Lu Chen's ears? But when he saw Lu Chen's faint smile, he immediately understood that his voice was completely invalid.

Damn, I forgot, how could someone like Lu Chen fear his own voice?

Thinking of this, Lin Baihe was very depressed, and felt that her behavior just now was even more foolish. Looking back, her sister Yingmei also looked at herself playing treasures with a smile on her face.


This is adapted from the legendary anti-wolf technique, super invincible kicking the egg technique.

The moment she kicked it out, Lin Baihe was stunned.

Hey, call you, play me, tell you to grab my sister Yuanyuan! Call you……

However, when Lin Baihe's knee was mentioned on Lu Chen's "Dandan", Lin Baihe immediately held her knee in tears and cried out in pain.

Looking at Lu Chen again, he still looked blank.

Ahhhhh! Lin Baihe is speechless, is this man's **** beaten by iron?

"Don't you hurt?" Lin Baihe rubbed her knees and looked at Lu Chen speechlessly.

"It hurts? Why do I hurt?" Lu Chen pretended to be inexplicable.

Suddenly, Lin Baihe became even more angry. ,

I'm going, don't you guys know how to apologize to a girl? Also, Dandan is so hard...Could it be that this man is secretly wearing hardened underwear and pants"?

"Okay! Lily, stop making trouble!" Lin Yingmei blushed when she saw Lin Baihe's actions, but she also felt that Lin Baihe seemed a bit too much, and hurried over to pull Lin Baihe and said: "This is still underground. In the tomb! You can be safe for a while!"

Lin Baihe snorted: "Who let him offend me!"

"I'll go!" Lu Chen rolled his eyes: "It seems you were the one who provoke me first! Come to molest my woman!"

"Who! Who molested your woman! When did Sister Yuanyuan be your woman!" Lin Baihe blushed and her neck was thick.

"When is she not my woman?" Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Forget it, don't talk to you crazy girl! I still have things to do!"


Lin Baihe wanted to go crazy again, but was pulled by Lin Yingmei.

Lin Yingmei’s sister is still very prestigious. Although she occasionally takes advantage of Lin Baihe’s lily girl, she can still hold the place at critical moments. After she grabbed Lin Baihe’s ear, this crazy girl, She was completely quiet, but she still looked at Lu Chen with a murderous look, as if this look could kill Lu Chen.

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