Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1810: Go to the banquet!


Seeing Lu Chen suddenly jumped up, Lin Baihe was astonished. She looked at Lu Chen stupidly, the small scissors in her hand still stretched out.

"I go!"

Lu Chen grabbed the small scissors and said, "I said Lily, what did you do early in the morning! Do you want me to become an eunuch?" Lu Chen waved the scissors.

"Eunuch? What stuff?"

Lin Baihe blinked, looking confused.

"It's... hey, don't change the subject!" Lu Chen saw the sly in Lin Baihe's eyes in time, and immediately reacted.

"Hey, it's nothing, just curious..." Lin Baihe didn't expect Lu Chen to be pretending to be asleep, and said wilfully.


Lu Chen couldn't laugh or cry: "Curious about what are you doing with the scissors? Besides, what's so curious about that place?"

"I haven't seen it!"

Lin Baihe was stubborn and blunt: "Who makes you so heavy? I can't take off my pants. Of course, I can only cut them badly with scissors..."

Hearing Lin Baihe's explanation, Lu Chen rolled his eyes.

I ran over early in the morning to spy on myself, but I can't take off my pants and still use a weapon like scissors?

I rub, why is this girl so weird?

"Okay, okay!" Lu Chen threw the scissors away, and said, "Stop making trouble, get up and help your sister. She must be busy now. There will be a Yun family party at noon..."

Before you know it, it's noon.

The four of Lu Chen took the invitation and went straight to the Yun Family Mansion.

"Ouuuu, elder sister, when the conditions were raised, you should have brought the Yun family's mansion over. Look, this mansion is more gorgeous than the city lord's mansion. It is a waste to live for them!"

Seeing the courtyard wall of the Yun family from a distance, Lin Baihe pouted and complained.

As soon as he walked to the door of the Yun family, Lu Chen saw that the person greeted at the door was actually the elder of the Yun family.

Ordinarily, with the identity of the great elder in Yun's house, and even Biluocheng, he should stay at the banquet and wait. Now he would actually appear at the door of Yun's house, welcoming his own crowd, without knowing whether it was true or false.

"Miss Lin! Miss Lin Er! Your Excellency Lu Chen, there is this young lady..." The elder greeted him warmly. When it was Zhou Yuanyuan's turn, he was embarrassed, and he still didn't know what the girl was called.

"My last name is Zhou!"

Zhou Yuanyuan stood next to Lu Chen, somewhat unaccustomed to this kind of enthusiasm, and responded coldly.

"It turned out to be Miss Zhou... everyone please come in! The banquet is ready!"

The elder warmly entertained him.

It was said that it was a banquet, but there was only Yun Tiangang, the head of the Yun family.

Seeing Lu Chen and the four walking in, Yun Tiangang greeted him with enthusiasm on his face. However, it is clear that this Yun Tiangang has no experience of welcoming others. Maybe someone else greeted him before, so he laughed and his expression was stiff, as if someone was dead at home.

The banquet was in the largest restaurant of the Yun family. The restaurant of hundreds of square meters is brightly lit, and behind the most central screen is a long dining table.

Yun Tiangang invited Lin Yingmei to the chief, but Lu Chen didn't mind where he was sitting. After all, this was the Lin family's business. He was just an outsider, so he chose a spot to sit down.

Yun Tiangang, the Great Elder only took his seat after the four of Lu Chen had sat down.


Yuntiangang ordered.

"No need to!"

Lin Yingmei frowned and said, "Patriarch Yun has something to say, and it's about eating, so wait!"

Lin Yingmei was also a little depressed.

Originally, looking at the meaning of the invitation, this Yun family seemed to be holding a banquet, but in the end it turned into a private dinner. Lin Jiayun’s family has always had old grudges, and Lin Yingmei doesn’t want to sit with this guy. eat.

"Ha ha……"

Yun Tiangang was a little embarrassed and knew Lin Yingmei’s psychology, so he stopped insisting and said with a smile: “Actually, I invited you all over today, just want to negotiate about the distribution of Yun family assets...”

Hearing Yun Tiangang's words, Lin Yingmei frowned, and said, "What? The Yun Patriarch wants to go back? I'm already ready to accept half of the Yun family's store business!"

"no no!"

Yun Tiangang waved his hand again and again and said, "Without a word, it is difficult to chase the horse. Since the Yun family has said it, then we will definitely do it. Ms. Lin will send someone to all the shops of my Yun family and let you choose from the Lin family!"

Yun Tiangang’s politeness exceeded Lu Chen’s expectations.

According to Lu Chen's idea, even if Yun Tiangang didn't take action to keep the four of them in Yunfu, at least he would have to get in touch with the Lin family and renegotiate the distribution of benefits. In other words, he would have to recover some losses, but he didn't expect Yun Tiangang to actually. Will say if you choose to do so.

Will Yunjia be willing to give away his own industry like this? Or does the Yun family have other plans brewing?

Lu Chen frowned and became a little uncertain, but, no matter what, Lu Chen knew that no one would give away their benefits. The Yun Family is not an idiot. Therefore, in any case, the ultimate goal of Yun Tiangang is still to destroy the Lin Family. .

"Let me choose?"

Lin Yingmei raised her brows when she heard Yun Tiangang's words.

"Hehe, of course, I still hope Miss Lin will show mercy!" Yun Tiangang laughed: "The previous thing, I think how offended my Yun family, I really don't know about the ancient tomb, let alone a few palms. What happened, because of the ancient tomb, I would go to find the Lin family's troubles. I have already punished those few things. I hope Miss Lin will not be surprised!"

Lin Yingmei shook her head and said, "The incident has already happened, and your Yun family has also cede half of the property to apologize. I don't want to care about anything. If there is nothing else, we will leave!"

Lin Yingmei was still cold, seeing Yun Tiangang's delay in revealing her true meaning, Lin Yingmei simply wanted to leave.

"Hey, Miss Lin stayed!"

Yun Tiangang stood up and clapped his hands. Suddenly, a maid behind the screen came over with a wooden tray.

"The thing about the ancient tomb is our Yun family's fault. It caused such a huge loss to the Lin family's shop and martial arts hall. It only compensates for a few properties. I really feel sorry for Yun Tiangang!" Yun Tiangang said, took it. The wooden plate waited until the maid left, and said: "The eldest lady is risking. In the ancient tomb, risking to walk back and forth, I must be very interested in the ancient tomb ruins and the like?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Yingmei raised an eyebrow.

"I have a treasure map here, which is extremely precious. It's just that my Yun family has no virtue and incompetence. I am also powerless to this treasure. It is better to give you the beauty of adulthood to Miss Yun!"


Lin Yingmei looked at the wooden plate and became interested.

Lu Chen, Lin Baihe, and Zhou Yuanyuan were obviously interested, especially Lin Baihe. She still remembers her previous visit to the ancient tomb.

"This is a real treasure!"

Yun Tiangang spoke, picked up a roll of antique scrolls from the wooden plate, and sighed.

"Presumably, you still remember a few ancient rumors?" Yun Tiangang took the scroll and stroked it back and forth a few times, with a look of reluctance. After a long time, he said quietly.

"Ancient legend...?"

All the people here have brows.

"You mean... the legendary ancient ruins?" Lin Yingmei frowned.


Yun Tiangang said with a serious expression: "This scroll is the Canglan dossier depicting one of the ancient ruins, the Canglan ruins!"

"Canglan dossier?!!?"

Yun Tiangang's words seemed like a bolt from the blue sky, shocking everyone. Uh, except for Lu Chen, because he didn't even know that Canglan Ruins was a magical horse thing.

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