Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1842: The treasure book is really good!

Lu Chen stepped into the chaos.

The heavens and the earth were not opened, the five elements were chaotic, and the chaotic aura washed through Lu Chen's body, and was then wiped out by Lu Chen's true essence.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth.

The further forward, the chaotic atmosphere of the Five Elements becomes stronger.

The breath of the five elements that swept over seemed to have turned into a tornado, and Lu Chen tried his best to avoid it, so as not to be caught in it. In this chaos, everything must be careful. One mistake, you may be caught by this chaotic atmosphere. Swallow.

I don't know how long it took.

The surrounding scenery changed. The endless chaos aura and the five elements of the atmosphere suddenly disappeared and turned into a simple and primitive hall. This hall is exceptionally magnificent. It covers a hundred acres and has two hundred steps. The two ends are densely packed with countless stone pillars. On the upper side, there are densely packed runes carved. The runes are extremely small and you can't be careful. However, on top of that rune, the flow of the five elements is so pure.

In the center of the huge hall, there was a high platform. On the high platform, Lu Chen saw a dazzling ball of light floating in the air. The ball of light exuded a dazzling brilliance and couldn't distinguish what was in it. The endless aura of the five elements, from the ball of light, continuously poured out, golden, green, blue, red, and yellow five-color aura, in this large hall, flowing wantonly, covering the entire ground. .

Faintly, an extremely ancient aura exuded in this sphere of light, making Lu Chen as if he was in a wild world.

So magnificent, so majestic.

That breath filled the whole hundred-acre hall, and Lu Chen suddenly felt that he was extremely small.

What is this?

Lu Chen was frightened, maybe even if it was a holy artifact, it was nothing more than that, right?

Strolling into the five-color aura that flows freely, the five-element aura, which breaks away at the touch of a touch, as if there is life, revolving and flowing around Lu Chen, and even Lu Chen can feel the air of these five elements. The kind of cheerful breath that came out, that kind of breath, was extremely real, and even made Lu Chen feel that these breaths were alive.

Approaching the stone platform, Lu Chen squinted his eyes, avoiding the dazzling light emitted by the ball of light, and reached out into the ball of light.

The sudden change occurred, and the dazzling brilliance suddenly disappeared.

In the ball of light, a heavy book with five colors was revealed.

On the five-color circulating treasure book, the surging five-color atmosphere suddenly turned into a five-color light film, blocking Lu Chen outside. Then, the treasure book opened, and the pages of the book turned wantonly, following the pages of the book. , The five-color aura, flowing more violently, drowning all around, in the mist, a beautiful woman with a graceful posture suddenly turned out of the treasure book.

Lu Chen was startled, raised his head, and looked at the woman who suddenly turned out of the treasure book.

I saw the woman's extremely gorgeous palace costume, five-color silk and satin suave, sword eyebrows, star eyes, vermilion small mouth, rounded nose, wearing five-color flowing, scented phoenix hairpin on her head, and two hanging ears. String of five-color jade beads. A five-color clothes, fluttering with the breath of the five elements, looks extremely moving.

Gorgeous and ethereal, as if it was a flying fairy.

This was the evaluation that Lu Chen had given at that moment in his mind. It's so beautiful, as if it's not a human being.

Uh, not human.

Although it sounds weird, it is true.

"This is... true spirit? Actually, there is such a thing?" Xiao Ling's exclamation suddenly came from Lu Chen's mind.

"True spirit? What is that? Is it the instrument spirit?" Lu Chen blinked, thinking in his heart that this misty woman was the instrument spirit of the treasure book exuding the atmosphere of the five elements.


Xiao Ling replied: "Qi Ling is born with a device and resides in a magic weapon. It is regarded as a kind of extreme of a magic weapon, but the true spirit is the aura in the magic weapon, which has evolved to the extreme. It can be said that, This true spirit is this magic weapon, ordinary magic weapon, even if it is born with a spirit, it is only advanced and greatly increased in power. However, once the true spirit emerges, it will immediately emerge from the mortal dust and reach the holy state! And, Yun The magical tool that produces the true spirit is conscious, that is, the true spirit is the magical tool. Even if the true spirit is used, the magical tool cannot be taken forcibly. It's just gone!"

"So complicated?" Lu Chen was dizzy. But I probably understand that this so-called true spirit is actually a kind of life born from the ego of the magical artifacts.

The true spirit is the magical instrument, and the two are inseparable.

"Unexpectedly, I can actually see the real spirit weapon!" Little Inspiration sighed: "If you can accept this true spirit book, it will be of great benefit. You can also cultivate a true spirit incarnation and double your combat power. It won't be a problem! "

"So sturdy?" Lu Chen was also slightly frightened, but seeing the indifferent combat power and the faintly colored breath of the woman who avoided him from a distance, he was suddenly a little depressed: "Since this is a real treasure book, you can't What should I do if I force it to subdue?"

"Hit her!" Xiao Ling smiled and said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lu Chen was taken aback.

"The easiest way to subdue the true spirit magic weapon is to defeat her!" Xiao Ling explained.

"Isn't it?" Lu Chen rolled his eyes. This True Spirit Book was so strong that he couldn't even compare to when he was at his peak. With his current state, how could he be defeated.

Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, Xiao Ling smiled and said, "That's no way. This is the only way for Wuzhu's true spirit artifact to conquer!"

"Wipe!" Lu Chen gritted his teeth and said, "NND, hit it, hit it, this kind of baby, if you don't get it in your hand, you can't sleep at night!"

In fact, Xiao Ling felt that what Lu Chen coveted was not the true spirit book, but the true spirit.

This kind of misty woman, this kind of clean and dust-free temperament, can only be possessed by the true spirit.

Baoshu Zhenling, in the middle of the air, the body is wrapped in endless five-color aura, misty and immortal. Looking at Lu Chen's gaze, Zhenling seems to feel the coveted thoughts in Lu Chen's heart. Suddenly, a misty voice It sounded: "The Book of the Five Elements Emperor, born with the Five Elements, but in fact you can enjoy it for a mortal like you? Dreaming!"

A word from Baoshu Zhenling immediately made Lu Chen blush.

Wipe, can this true spirit read mind? It’s just a little thought for yourself, you guessed it.

However, guess what, I just want to subdue you.

Heheheh, no matter what your true spirit is not true, my brother will take you into the harem like me!

Lu Chen said shamelessly.


Baoshu Zhenling seemed to feel Lu Chen's thoughts and suddenly let out a cold snort.

The cold voice, as if it were ice, not only sounded moving, but also had great power and power. The cold tone aroused thousands of five-color mysterious light and endless aura, which washed away with the cold snort of this body.

Looking at the ten thousand five elements of energy, Lu Chen was shocked. He drew away in embarrassment and complained in his heart. This is really too ridiculous. Just hit it whenever you want. Is there any girl's family? Conserve!

Xiao Ling chuckled, as if he felt what Lu Chen was thinking, and suddenly said a little slyly: "Master, this true spirit is the aura of heaven and earth. It is born full of enthusiasm, regardless of male or female!"

"I wipe!" Lu Chen rolled his eyes, "Don't cheat! She is obviously a female body, and she looks so beautiful. Don't tell me that this girl's daughter is a ladyboy, right?" Lu Chen said so, and yet Can't help but think about the appearance of this true spirit monster... Suddenly a chill!

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