Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1889: A sensation in the North!

After staying in the underground tunnel for a long time, Lu Chen could not find a clue.

In desperation, Lu Chen could only follow the way he came and return to the hot spring valley of the Zilan Sword Sect. This time his visit to the Canglan Ruins was so aborted. Lu Chen sighed inwardly, surrounding this Canglan dossier, so many things happened, and in the end, it became Nan Ke Yimeng.

But it's not a loss, at least, because the Canglan dossier has acquired so many magical powers and the Five Elements Emperor Book, if there is no Canglan dossier, I guess I'm still struggling to fight against the rules of the ancient world! Lu Chen got his head out of the tunnel and returned to the warm hot spring water, comforting himself in his heart.

However, when Lu Chen got his head out of the hot spring, he was taken aback.

In the sky above the valley of the Purple Lan Sword Sect, colorful clouds are constantly surging, covering this sky, this cloud, stretching for thousands of miles, seems to have no end in sight .

It can be said that this is the most magnificent cloud that Lu Chen has seen in this life.

Moreover, what made Lu Chen even more surprised was that among the layers of clouds, a corner of a magnificent building was faintly exposed.

Although it was only a corner, Lu Chen was shocked in his heart.

In that corner of the building, he actually felt a trace of what kind of power he had only felt in the Canglan dossier.

"Could it be...this is the Canglan Ruins!? However, shouldn't the Canglan Ruins be underground!? How come they are above the sky!?" Lu Chen said in amazement.

"Idiot!" Qing You rolled her eyes and said, "Who told you that this Canglan relic must be underground!? In my opinion, the rune bracket in the corridor of the hot spring is only used to open it. , The key to the Canglan Ruins, you use the Canglan dossier to trigger the Canglan Ruins, but that does not mean that the ruins must appear where you are!"

"I go……"

Lu Chen touched his head speechlessly, and said, "But, this is too cheating, right? Looking at the posture of Yun Lan Qianli, in this way, the birth of the Canglan Ruins, wouldn't all the Northern Regions know it! At that time, it must be another killing!"

After hearing Lu Chen's words, Qing You sighed: "This is also a normal thing. The person who built this ruin probably didn't want to do this. Let the things in this ruin be unique to one person!"

While exchanging ideas with Qing You, Lu Chen flew above that Yun Lan.

However, when Lu Chen met Yun Lan, he discovered that there always seemed to be a faint force in Yun Lan that was repelling himself, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward.

"There is actually a ban!?" Lu Chen suddenly became even more depressed. Originally, he still had the idea of ​​grabbing an opportunity. When most of the cultivators in the Northern Territory hadn't reacted, he first entered the ruins. , Swept away the most precious things.

However, it seems that the person who designed this ruin seems to have thought of this a long time ago. It is estimated that this prohibition will take a while, and will not be activated until most of the monks have discovered this vision and gathered.

In this way, Lu Chen seemed to be purely doing dowry for others!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen felt aggrieved like never before. However, it was not too decadent. I thought that even if this Canglan Relic was attracted to this Northern Territory, everyone’s attention should be in the hands of the powerful in the Northern Territory. Big piece of fat, let’s bite out a big piece.

Anyway, with Lu Chen's current strength, it was enough to subvert this ancient world.

Moreover, at this time, Lu Chen also had a heartbeat, thinking of something. I have never had any channels to find where Feng He is. Therefore, I have always thought about how to attract Feng He’s idea. Before, I relied on the Canglan dossier, but there was no information at all. I found it, and now that the Canglan relic is opened, the sight of Yunlan thousands of miles is enough to cause a sensation in the entire northern region. At that time, Fenghe makes no sense and will not notice it.

Unknowingly, his plan to search for Fenghe seemed to have started by himself... Lu Chen smiled. In this way, he was still very smooth in this ancient world.

Back in the Purple Lan Sword Sect, Lu Chen was stunned to find that this Purple Lan Sword Sect, among them, was suddenly extremely silent, and even the two female cultivators guarding the hot spring valley did not know where they had gone.

Lu Chen was puzzled, and there were still some faint worries. The Yunlan in the sky and the faintly exposed building in the Yunlan all appeared from the Zilan Sword Sect. In this way, Zi The Lan Jianzong suddenly became the focus of the entire Northern Territory, and even the Zi Lan Jianzong would be ruthlessly destroyed by these greedy monks.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's footsteps couldn't help but move faster. At this moment, a female disciple from a distance rushed over, and from a distance, she said to Lu Chen: "Your Excellency Lu Chen, where are you going? Now, I’ve had a hard time looking for you! Now the Sect Master and the disciples of Elder Yiying are in the Chamber. If you can, can you go there!?"

After listening to the female disciple’s words, Lu Chen probably also knew that things would really develop as he thought, and his heart became anxious, the law of dimensionality came into play, and his figure instantly crossed a distance of nearly ten miles and came directly. In front of the chamber.

Pushing the small door of the wooden house, Lu Chen stepped in.

Inside the room, the atmosphere was very serious. Whether it was Sikonglan, the elder, or the female disciples, the expressions on their faces were unsmiling, their faces tightly taut.

"What's the matter!?" Lu Chen frowned, seeing the trace of sadness between Sikonglan's brows, and he couldn't help feeling a little distressed. Walked over, sat beside Sikonglan, and asked.

"The Canglan Ruins, opened above the Purple Lan Sword Sect, our Zi Lan Sword Sect will inevitably become the center of the entire Northern Territory storm. The Purple Lan Sword Sect is already in decline. Under such a storm, I don’t know. How long can it last..." Sikong Lan sighed slightly: "Furthermore, the Celestial Sword Sect, the Hundred-legged Worm is dead but not stiff. When it falls, he will definitely use the momentum to instigate the monks in the entire Northern Territory and target us. The Purple Lan Sword Sect is in danger..."

Hearing what Sikonglan said, Lu Chen couldn't help but stunned, and said: "You are talking about the splendor in the sky, a thousand miles of clouds!? How do you know that it is the remains of Canglan!?"

Lu Chen was indeed puzzled. Even though he was the person who opened the Canglan Ruins, he didn't react at the very beginning. It wasn't until he felt the familiar breath that he suddenly knew, but Sikonglan said directly. This is the origin of Yun Lan.

"Yunlan Qianli...this kind of aura, apart from the ruins of Canglan mentioned in ancient books, what else can it be!?" Sikonglan sighed: "It is estimated that all those who have seen this cloudland at this moment Monks, you already know it, and, I guess they are rushing here with all their strength!"

Sikong Lan said with a sigh.

Lu Chen was a little surprised at once, this Canglan Ruins, what started, unexpectedly, the entire Northern Territory knows...If this is the case, the competition for this Canglan Ruins will be very fierce. .

Thinking of this, in Lu Chen's heart, he couldn't help but ignited a battle.

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