Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1924: The real treasure!

"Master! Wait a minute!"

Seeing that Lu Chen seemed to mean to leave, Cang Lan hurriedly shouted.

"what happened!?"

Lu Chen is indeed very anxious now. In Lu Chen's sea of ​​knowledge, there are two seeds of Hei Xuan's supernatural powers waiting to be refined. Moreover, this Canglan rod can be completely liberated, and he is imprisoned by rules. body.

Seeing that his strength was about to recover, or even greatly increased, Lu Chen was naturally excited. This kind of thing, naturally, the sooner the better.

"Master, why are you in such a hurry!" Cang Lan said with a curled lips.

"I just want to regain my strength soon!" Lu Chen touched his head and asked, "Canglan, what's the matter!?"

"Of course I am fine, but master, you have something!" Cang Lan's crisp voice sounded.

"Me!? What can I do!?"

Lu Chen looked inexplicable.

"Could it be that the master forgot where this is!?" Canglan smiled sweetly: "You know, this is the remains of Canglan!"

"Canglan Ruins!? So what!?" Lu Chen asked Canglan, somewhat inexplicably, confused.

"Relics! Relics! The so-called relics! Naturally, there are treasures! The master is so anxious to go back! Could it be that you don't want those treasures anymore!?"

Canglan’s words made Lu Chen stunned for a while: "Treasures!? Where are the treasures!!? Don't those treasures and things all belong to the hall above there!? The things in those boxes...hey, me The search has already been done almost, the monk behind, the entire Canglan ruins, have been turned over, hehe, I believe them, they can't find anything!"

Hearing Lu Chen's cunning words, Cang Lan couldn't help but doubled his eyes and said, "Silly Master! That's just a blindfold!? Who would design the ruins like that!? Actually, it seems that the hall above seems to be big. There is no edge, but in fact, it is only the effect of the formation. It is impossible for ordinary people to walk for a lifetime. It is impossible to find it! Moreover, the treasure chests in the ruins are nothing more than It's all about blindfolds! No one is true at all! No matter how stupid it is, it won't be, somebody, all the treasures are all placed in such a conspicuous place!"

Canglan's series of words made Lu Chen stunned: "Okay, okay...Where is the treasure, just take me there!"


There was a smirk on Canglan's face that did not belong to her age: "Actually, the treasure is hidden in another space! Without my help, this treasure would be impossible anyway. Open it! You know, among them, Canglan Rod is forbidden!"


Lu Chen was speechless for a while. It turned out that a real baby, hiding in such a place, who and so, is really cunning enough to build such a large ruin. As a result, he has set up so many traps, if it is his own strength. It's worse, I guess, I've long been trapped in this layer of traps.

"Then take me there!"

Lu Chen smiled.

Since there is a treasure, it must be collected. Lu Chen never felt that his treasure was too much. The moment he stuffed it into the ring was definitely the best time.

"Master, don't worry!"

Cang Lan blinked, and then gently stretched out her tender little hands slightly in the air.

Although Canglan is not the tool spirit of Canglan Rod, a remnant soul of Canglan has lived in Canglan Rod for so long. It has almost been integrated with Canglan Rod for so long. , Is no different from Qi Ling, and can also use most of the power of Canglan Rod.

Cang Lan, lightly tapped in the air, and immediately ripples appeared in the space. These ripples spread out ten meters away, like a ripple of water, slowly spreading.

Wait until the ripples disappear.

In the void, out of nowhere, a circular hole appeared.

"Go in, Master!"

Cang Lan turned his head, blinked at Lu Chen, and then took the lead to dive into the circular hole.

"I wipe! You are playing tricks on me!" Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

There is no reason. This little girl uses the power of the void to open the passage. However, the passage is only more than half a meter high. Canglan is only four or five years old now and can easily get through it. However, Lu Chen, Even if he is squatting, or even lying on his stomach, wanting to get in, he has to panic.

Seeing that Canglan's little figure had disappeared at the end of the passage, Lu Chen had no choice but to take out the Canglan stick and support himself.

Among the Canglan Staff, the power of the void is endless, and with Lu Chen's current power of divine consciousness, he can also control it. I saw that Lu Chen was holding the Canglan Staff in the round hole half a meter high in front of him. On top, slightly.

Suddenly, another ripple spread away.

Under the ripples, the opening of the cave, which was only more than half a meter high, began to slowly expand until it reached more than three meters high before it stopped.

Lu Chen walked straight in.

Seeing Canglan, Lu Chen deliberately looked angry. When Canglan saw Lu Chen, he suddenly smiled and said, "I just want the master to get familiar with the common use of Canglan stick! Master, don't be angry!"

Looking at Canglan's strange look, Lu Chen couldn't help but laughed.

"Hey. Master see, this is the treasure of Canglan, but it is all ancient treasures, although the number is not very large, but each one is very, very, very precious! "

Cang Lan pointed to the front. It was a door that was completely composed of energy and emitted a faint silver luster.

"I really want to know what the treasures that have been found with such painstaking efforts are!"

"Hehe, Master, I promise you will definitely be satisfied!" Cang Lan smiled.

Lu Chen walked over and gently pressed his hand on the silver-white door.

From above the gate, Lu Chen could clearly feel the vacant power fluctuating layer by layer. Speaking of it, it seemed inappropriate to call this thing a gate, because it was not a gate at all, but a very It's nothing more than a void barrier like a door. If it is, without the power of the void, there is absolutely no way to break it.

However, for Lu Chen, this was not a problem at all.

The power of the same attribute on this door rushed in.

Suddenly, an invisible ripple spread out, and this silver-white door, like this, fell apart and turned into fragments of energy in the sky.

"Master, is it self-taught without a teacher! I thought I needed some guidance!" Cang Lan grinned and moved in from behind.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes: "I am not an idiot!"

"Let's go, look at the treasure you said, what is hidden in it!" Lu Chen said, and walked inside.

This is a piece of room constructed entirely by the force of the void. The general shape is similar to that of a villa, except that the house condensed entirely by the force of the void has no patterns, colors, or color differences. It looks , Extremely crude.


Cang Lan smiled and said, "This is the first treasure room! Get ready to open your eyes!"

The two opened the first door and walked in.

However, Cang Lan didn't see Lu Chen's surprised look in his own imagination. There is no other reason, but because, in this first treasure room, there are rows of flying swords! Lu Chen has the sacred sword of Hongmeng, even if these flying swords are good, Lu Chen will not look down upon them!

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