Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1953: Push down! Push down! Push down!

Lu Chen looked at Sikonglan’s shy and shy look, on the contrary, she felt that she was even more attractive. Seeing her red cheeks soaked in hot spring water, couldn’t help it, it was on her face. A bite.

The voice was very crisp and loud, which shocked Sikonglan. She was a little embarrassed. She secretly probed to see the performance of Feng He and Su Ying. Seeing the two of them, they still seemed to be squinting, which relieved her heart. .

Lu Chen also held back for a long time.

After soaking in the hot spring for a short while, his hands hidden under the water quietly opened the very little cloth.

Under the water, the tender and smooth hand feels even more.

And Si Konglan was sitting opposite Su Ying and Feng He, the feeling that she might be exposed at any time, also made her feel a little stimulating.


Sikonglan bit her lip and couldn't help but twisted her small waist.

"While they are about to fall asleep...not as good as us..." Lu Chen had an ambiguous expression on his face.

The explicit lines directly made Si Konglan's blushing cheeks become even hotter.

"I'm not!" Sikonglan shook his head, but did not dare to struggle hard. For fear, he made a noise, and immediately quarreled the two women. Then, if they saw themselves, they would be'bullyed' by Lu Chen. In this way, I am not ashamed to death! ?

Lu Chen couldn't help but said, simply and neatly, so he pulled Sikonglan's bikini a little bit away.

Suddenly, Sikonglan's hidden place was directly exposed to the hot spring water.

"Yeah!" Sikonglan couldn't help whispering, and turned to glance at Lu Chen. Water dripped from her charming face.

Under the water, Lu Chen was also dexterous, took off his only equipment, and prepared to drive straight in.


Sikonglan exclaimed.

That's it, in the hot spring valley of the Purple Lan Jianzong, the two, once again, merged into one.

Moreover, this time, compared to the last time, it was even more exaggerated. Last time, the two of them were still on the flat ground. This time, they went directly into the water.

The battle in the water is fine, besides, there are two lovely beauties on the opposite side, soaking in the water together.

Sikonglan, while enjoying the bitter taste of ecstasy, cautiously, not far from the observer, Su Ying and Fenghe's movements.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen actually said that that's that...no time for others to prepare at all! and……

Behind him, Lu Chen was another violent shock, which aroused a splash of water. Sikonglan's worried head just now went blank, and all that was left was an endless pleasure.

To say, in the hot spring pool, the water is shaking, splashing so high, will Feng He and Su Ying feel no?

To say no feeling! is it possible! ? Let's talk about Fenghe, and how to say it is also a master of the gods level! Are you even aware of this?

In fact, these two girls had already found out when Lu Chen approached Sikonglan.

At the beginning, they were still very interested, ready to see what they were going to do.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen was so outrageous and started to work so quickly.

The two girls were dumbfounded.

Seeing Lu Chen and Sikonglan, tossing in the water, arousing the appearance of splashing in the sky, the two girls are extremely ashamed, but besides being ashamed, they also have a hint of curiosity in their hearts.

It was this little curiosity that made them, reluctant to get up, kept squinting their eyes, secretly looking at the two of them through the spray.

Seeing Lu Chen's bravery, Su Ying couldn't help but thought about Lu Chen's crackling and spanking his **** that day, and thinking of the physical punishment that is not much worse than kneading, Su Ying suddenly Feeling, a numb and itchy sensation rushed from under her body to her heart, making her whole body crisp.


Sikonglan's body stiffened, and then he softened again.

The constant shock made her almost fainted.

This is the fourth time. Compared to the last time, Lu Chen seems to have become more brave. However, the last time it was because of the power of the peach blossom and the earth fire in Sikonglan's body, but this time, Sikonglan But it was really unbearable, and his body was soft. If it weren't for Lu Chen's support, it would have been softened into the water long ago.

Lu Chen looked at Sikonglan's soft appearance, a little bit miserable.

Wipe it off, you're cool... but I'm still not up.


Lu Chen rolled his eyes and saw Su Ying and Feng He who were flushed. Suddenly, a smirk flashed across the corner of his mouth.

Turning around, Si Konglan, who was already soft and resembling a pool of water, helped her to the edge of the pool and let her lean against the edge of the pool and in the water.

But Lu Chen walked into Su Ying with a smile.

Why choose Su Ying? Because Lu Chen had already seen Su Ying's trembling eyelashes, this girl, who has been peeking for so long, should have paid some interest, right?

Seeing Lu Chen walk in, Su Ying panicked in her heart. There was a mess in my heart, thinking of the way Sikonglan had been conquered by Lu Chen before, I couldn’t help it, twisted his legs, and immediately stopped moving, closed his eyes tighter, and continued to pretend to be asleep. Up.

Lu Chen walked to Su Ying's side, lightly patted Su Ying's hip.


Even under water, the sound is still so crisp and bright.

Su Ying pretended to open her eyes in a daze, as if she had just woke up, and said, "What are you doing!?"

Seeing Su Ying pretending to be crazy and stupid, Lu Chen had a clever plan in his heart, pretending to be a little anxious, and said to Su Ying: "Go and take a look, your sister Lanlan seems a little uncomfortable!"


Su Ying subconsciously said: "You didn't harm you yet, who made you..."

At this point, Su Ying suddenly froze, as if it was, suddenly thought of something.

"I've been peeking for so long, and still pretend to be garlic!?" Lu Chen smiled ambiguously.

"I...I..." Su Ying was stunned for a few words, and finally, simply turned around and wanted to escape.

How could Lu Chen give her a chance, so he grabbed her back and hugged her in his arms.

"What are you doing!"

Su Ying's small face flushed, and he twisted hard, but it was even more exciting to Lu Chen. Lu Chen hadn't vented at all for so long before he fell to the phoenix. Now, feeling Su Ying's stimulation, the swelling is even more severe.

"Hey! You always have to pay me some interest after peeking for so long!?" Lu Chen smirked, and put his hand into Su Ying's pale yellow bikini.

When Lu Chen held his hips in his hands, Su Ying became completely stiff, and his twisting body stopped, closing his eyes and leaning on Lu Chen's shoulder, seeming to let Lu Chen do it.

Lu Chen's hand was wiped in Su Ying's tun gap, but he felt a trace of it. It was completely different from the hot spring water, with a slight viscous liquid.

Lu Chen immediately stretched out his hand and raised the gleaming hand in front of Su Ying's eyes, and said with a smirk: "Yingying is not good, tell me...what is this!?"

"You... you... are necrotic!" Su Ying replied embarrassedly, leaning on Lu Chen's shoulder, and stopped talking.

Lu Chen was even more proud, and started to move his hands. After a while, he had already touched Su Ying's top, bottom, front and back thoroughly.

After this caressing, Su Ying was also completely emotional, her body became hot, her expression blurred, and her mouth gasped as if there was nothing. She who had resisted slightly before, now she has completely lost her resistance and completely softened.

Lu Chen held back for so long, no longer tolerate, stretched out his hand, and pushed aside, that thin layer of cloth...

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