Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1986: Meet Bai Feng again!

Lu Chen's cold words made the monks tremble all over.

They knew that Lu Chen's words would never be a joke, they would know by looking at the dead bodies of the demon cultivators.

However, it is absolutely impossible for them to hand over Bai Feng.

Bai Feng, at this time, is the most important part of the rise of the Bai family and its foothold. Without Bai Feng, the Bai family would have no meaning for existence.

Lu Chen sneered: "It seems that you want to choose the second plan? No problem, I don't care..."

Although the tone was indifferent, the murderous aura in it made the demon cultivators of the Bai family tremble.

Lu Chen slowly stretched out his fingers, a little if there is no space power, condensed on the tips of Lu Chen's fingers, with Lu Chen's realm, confronted these demon cultivators, and took out one ten thousandth, no, hundreds of millions. One of the strengths is enough to kill them in seconds.

Seeing that the power of the space between Lu Chen was about to kill this group of demon cultivators, a light curtain suddenly stood in front of that group of demon cultivators.

The light curtain, like a hazy mist, envelops them, and when you look from outside the light curtain, the hazy part of it seems real and illusory, as if everything in it is not clear. .

The broken supernatural powers of Lu Chen's fingertips lightly bombarded that layer of light.

Like rays of light scattered, that layer of plausible and illusory light screen trembled twice suddenly, and the figure in it was even more unclear.

However, Lu Chen's broken supernatural power disappeared inexplicably amidst the tremors.

Lu Chen grinned, as if he had expected something a long time ago, he raised his head and looked up.


Not far away, a vague white shadow stood in the sky.

That figure is not someone else, it is Bai Feng.

"I don't know if you are looking for me, what's wrong?" Bai Feng looked a lot lighter than what Lu Chen had encountered before. As if he had no weight, he fell straight down from the air and stood there. Before the public white demon repaired.

The first monk of the Bai family saw Bai Feng appear, his expression was very surprised, and he shouted in a flustered manner: "Master, you should go quickly. This person's strength is unfathomable. He hasn't refined that treasure yet. Before, it’s better not to be against him! Here, we are enough!"

Bai Feng smiled and shook his head, and said, "Elder, don't worry, even though I haven't refined that treasure yet...but I think it's enough to deal with this person!"

"Really..." Seeing Bai Feng's confident face, Lu Chen smiled and said: "You are so sure of the power of your strange treasure? I am really curious about what kind of ancient strange treasure it is that can give Your confidence..."

"You'll know later..."

Bai Feng snorted coldly and said, "However, your excellency, you killed so many people in my Bai family, didn't you plan to give an explanation?"

"Explain?" Lu Chen smiled and said, "Kill you kill, what do you want to explain? Besides, if you are in Huangquancheng's rules, I am not in the mood to come over and find your fault!"

"What do you mean?" After hearing Lu Chen's words, Bai Feng frowned, "Looks like my Bai family, but didn't you provoke you? The only conflict we had was that battle in the canyon, right? You? It seems that there is no loss, but the Golden Tiger was killed..."

"I never took that matter to my heart!" Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, and said, "However, you Huangquancheng, intercepting and killing our caravan of the Lin family, this is a big deal, the Lin family , And other families in Biluo City, because of this incident, it can be said that it has suffered heavy losses! Besides, Huangquan City and Biluo City have been incompatible since ancient times. If you destroy you, it is considered a threat to be eliminated!"

"If you want to add a crime, why don't you have any trouble?" Bai Feng coldly snorted: "The Bai family has been practicing cultivation for a period of time, and has never provoked any contradictions outside! Not to mention, to intercept Biluocheng. The caravan is now! Although I don’t know if anyone in Huangquan City has done anything to the people of Biluo City! But, I can assure you of this, our Bai family has never taken any action against Biluo City!"

"Then I'm curious... In Biluo City, your Bai family is absolutely covering the sky with one hand. Is it because your Bai family doesn't know anything about such a big thing? Or are you just pretending to be with me?" Lu Chenming With eyes closed, he said coldly.

In fact, if I said it, Lu Chen would have no patience long ago. If this Bai Feng was swaying, Lu Chen would definitely not hesitate. No matter what it is, I will destroy the Huangquan City first. .

Anyway, considering the contradiction between Biluo City and Huangquan City for so many years, a great war in the future is inevitable, so simply let Huangquan City disappear from this world.

Bai Feng obviously saw the killing intent in Lu Chen's eyes, and said helplessly: "Since you don't believe it, then I can't do it... If you want to fight, I will be with you!"

Lu Chen grinned. He just wanted to talk, but suddenly his heart moved, and a crisp voice rang.

"Master! Master!"

When Lu Chen heard this voice, he knew that it was Little Lolita Canglan calling herself!

Lu Chen separated some thoughts and responded, "Canglan! What's wrong? Is it a spatial channel, is it erected?" Thinking about it, Canglan should have nothing else to say except this.

However, what puzzled Lu Chen was that Little Lolita Canglan shook her head gently and said, "Master, no. I found one thing... So, remind Master!"

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

"It's about that Bai Feng..." Canglan's voice also revealed some inaccurate flavors: "I feel that the breath of Bai Feng's body is somewhat familiar... how to put it, it's the same It’s the same at the time of Tianyao, that kind of strange feeling..."

"You mean..." Lu Chen interrupted Cang Lan's words, and said in an interface: "What you mean is that there might be a third strange treasure on Bai Feng's body?"

Canglan’s little melon seeds nodded and said, “I’m just guessing, the breath of Bai Feng’s body is really familiar again, and Ying Ai can’t be wrong with that kind of feeling. It's..."

Lu Chen thought about it for a while, considering the possibility that Bai Feng had that third strange treasure.

Come to think of it, whether it is a rumors or what Bai Feng said personally, the reason why his strength can skyrocket, and that he can break through the restrictions of the rules and reach a higher level is relying on a strange treasure.

At that time, Lu Chen didn't care about this information, but thought that this strange treasure was a magic weapon left over from ancient times. Lu Chen did not know how much of this kind of thing Lu Chen gained from the Canglan Ruins. In Lu Chen's view, even if he had obtained an awesome ancient relic, the highest level was as high as an ordinary monk in the Southern Territory, which was not justified.

However, if what Bai Feng obtained was suitable for what little Lolita Canglan said, and was one of the three ancient treasures, then the situation would be different.

After all, anyway, this is also a regular structure, powerful and even beyond the magic weapon of the sacred weapon. With this thing, it is almost inevitable that the strength will advance by leaps and bounds.

At the beginning, when Lu Chen's strength hadn't fully recovered, a sky star was such a trouble. Now if Bai Feng really owns the last of the three strange treasures, then Lu Chen must be more careful.

However, with the strength of Lu Chen's godly respect, Bai Feng had no chance of winning at all.

Lu Chen is ready to accept this third treasure!

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