Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2004: Jump into the fire pit!

Because of the sense of crisis that the Hongmeng Sacred Sword passed to Lu Chen, the two of them walked a bit slower, slowing down to almost the same speed as ordinary people walking.

I don't know if it's an illusion. The more you move forward, the more you can faintly smell a faint **** smell. This smell seems a little different from the normal **** smell.

Over the years, Lu Chen has experienced many battles, big and small, and he is naturally familiar with the smell of blood, but now the smell that rushes to the front of his nose is similar to the normal smell of blood. , It's different at all, the faint fishy smell, with a little sour, rancid smell, gives people a very disgusting feeling.

Soon, Feng He also smelled this obedient smell.

The two men resisted the nausea.

However, although the smell was unpleasant, Lu Chen did not shut off his sense of smell, because in this situation, the sense of smell can be said to be the best tool to detect the source of the crisis.

"Woo..." "Wow..." "Wow..."

Lu Chen's ears twitched. Keenly noticed these rustling sounds.

"There is something wrong in the front..." Lu Chen was suppressed to the extreme, and he could only explore the spiritual sense within a range of more than 100 meters, and he actually explored the end of this passage.

Yes, it is the end.

On the other side of the passage, he suddenly became cheerful, and the entrance of the cave was suddenly enlarged. I don’t know how many times. But, what is behind that, Lu Chen doesn’t know, because the divine consciousness has already expanded to its limit. No, more things inside.

"Be careful..." Lu Chen waved his hand and pulled Fenghe behind him, and then sacrificed the Hongmeng Holy Sword, floating in front of him.

In addition, Lu Chen used the power of the heavenly stars to release a gray-white shield, which can be said to be quite complete.

The two people moved slowly and completely, and the world behind the passage was gradually revealed before their eyes.

In fact, this area is not as large as imagined. It is estimated that the area is about the same size as the area covered by the **** giant tree on the ground. However, this area is about 300 meters in radius. But it's very deep, like a huge trap.

The two of them walked to the end of the passage and looked at the underground. The dark area swept down with their spiritual consciousness. However, the depth of this pit was much wider than the scope of their spiritual consciousness. Now, Lu Chen's divine sense only explored the rough stone wall of this big pit.

Although I can’t see anything, Lu Chen and Fenghe are still very clear when they reach the edge of this deep pit, and they smell it. Under the deep pit, there is a faint fishy smell that is pungent. The smell of sour, and the smell of rottenness.

In addition, the various sounds that had been faintly heard before have now become clearer. The sound of hissing, rushing, and whirring is endless, giving people a feeling of creeps.

"Go on?" Lu Chen looked back at Feng He, only to see this girl, her eyebrows faintly frowned, and a scared expression appeared in the corner of her eyes.

It was also a weird sound, and a smell of stench and rottenness. These things were originally the things girls feared the most. Even if Fenghe is a holy land, these things are unavoidable.

However, it is still necessary to go down. After wasting so much time and diving to such a deep ground, if he returned without success, Lu Chen would definitely feel very aggrieved.

Although the following situation is still unknown, being afraid is never Lu Chen's character.

"Or, just wait for me here..." Lu Chen hesitated and said, his voice was very gentle, not wanting Feng He to be embarrassed. At the same time, Lu Chen still applied a shield of Tian Yaoxing on Feng He's body. In this way, with Feng He's own strength, safety and security would be safe.

Lu Chen said, turning around to jump into the pit.

However, when Lu Chen walked into the edge of the deep pit, he felt a wave of resistance.

Looking back, Feng He was grabbing his hem and looking at himself.

Lu Chen was taken aback. Just when he wanted to speak, Feng He already stretched out his little hand and gently put it on his mouth.

"Stop telling me, go by yourself, you have said this sentence many times today, right? I am not a vase!"

Feng He smiled faintly: "Furthermore, how can I say it is also an earth saint, the strength is not much worse than you, you don't have to worry about me..."

Feng He's expression was very determined, although he was still a little afraid of the things in the pit.

Lu Chen looked at Feng He, smiled softly, and then grabbed Feng He's little hand and walked to the edge of the pit.

A smell of fishy smell came out, and the smell was already strong enough to choke the nose. The two of them simply shut off their sense of smell, and then jumped straight down.

Knowing that they were about to land, the two slowed down abruptly, and then fell gently to the ground.

There was no light source underneath, so it was naturally dark. The two people swept their spiritual consciousness around, and suddenly they both took a breath.

I saw that the two people were densely packed with rotting bones.

These bones, speaking of it, were not simply decayed, but rather like being eaten by something, with bite marks on them. Most of the bones were bitten and only a bunch of skeletons were left. , Above the skeleton, the drooping minced meat looks particularly dazzling.

Lu Chen carefully identified it. Most of the bones were certain beasts. Lu Chen had never been to the Origins of God Forest. Naturally, he was not very clear about the beasts in it. The bones, most of the skeletons, are still relatively small, but many of them are very large, but these large-sized skeletons are even more miserable, and they are scattered around in tatters.

Lu Chen took a look at it, feeling in his heart, there are a few leg bones in it, which are forty to fifty meters long! Even the leg bones are so long, presumably, the original size is definitely more than 100 meters, right? If compared with this dead behemoth, the forest giant would be willing to bow down, right?

After searching, Lu Chen also saw that among them, there were actually two human monk bones, which were also stained with blood. Only a pair of bald bones remained. Through the gloss and gloss of the white bones. Intensity, Lu Chen guessed that the cultivation bases of these two human cultivators would never be lower than that of the gods. It is estimated that they are also the cultivation bases of the earth sage. Think about it, too, in the Forest of Origin God, apart from a few cases, how many people are below the holy level?

Looking at the miserable sights around him, Lu Chen understood that he had jumped into a fire pit.

So many fierce beasts, and those two monks with good strength, all fell here, and I didn't know whether he could resist it.

Feng He is not stupid either. Looking at the surrounding scenes, he knows the general situation of the two people = at this time.

But Fenghe didn't regret it, not at all.

On the contrary, there is a little bit of fortune in Feng He's heart. Fortunately, I insisted on following it down, otherwise, in this situation, Lu Chen would have to face it, the terrifying crisis that he still doesn't know where he is!

Now, if two people are together, even if they die, they can die together, right? Feng He sighed in his heart.

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