Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2006: The upcoming battle!

One hind leg was nailed to the ground by the sacred sword of the Great Mengmeng. Suddenly, this weird creature began to struggle constantly, but all this was just a futile effort!

Originally, this strange creature was somewhat paralyzed by the lightning from the sky, but now the Hongmeng Sacred Sword completely passed through his hind legs and nailed it to the ground, how could it be able to move?

"Is it just so?" Lu Chen showed a smile on his face. Originally, seeing the exoskeleton of this weird creature was able to block the blow of the Hongmeng Sacred Sword, which shocked Lu Chen, but It now appears that no matter how strong the defense is, there are always shortcomings. This strange creature's immunity to thunder and lightning is really poor.

At this time, the thunder light condensed by the Sky Thunder Bead in Lu Chen's hand had almost reached its limit.

Lines of electric lights have almost condensed into entities, constantly beating above the sky thunder bead, Lu Chen only then remembered that he has been pouring the heavenly thunder bead with the power of the cosmos since just now. After so long, Lu Chen had already instilled one-tenth of his true essence.

With such a large amount of true yuan, the power is naturally terrifying.

Lu Chen looked at the weird creature that was still struggling, curled the corner of his mouth, and hit the thunder light above the sky thunder bead.


The thunder light made a popping sound and blasted on the head of the strange creature.

It is probably because the power of thunder and lightning is too dense. When it hit the head of that strange creature, it actually lit up a layer of blazing white thunder. This thunder is arguably the most masculine thing. After being on the head of that strange creature, it began to burn continuously.

The lightning spread continuously, and soon this weird creature has turned into a huge white fireball. The extremely high temperature of the lightning burned his exoskeleton and melted and deformed. In the flames, the weird behemoth began to roar constantly, with an extremely stern voice.


Before Lu Chen had time to be happy, the voices one after another began to ring one after another.

At this time, Lu Chen remembered his current situation. He seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed.

A little annoyed, Lu Chen patted his head, and Lu Chen ignored the weird creature that was struggling and rolling in the flames. He pulled Fenghe and he was far away from this place.

Presumably, the sound of this weird creature's dying struggling shocked the other creatures living here. Thinking of this, Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded. Just now he was so proud to appreciate that disgusting thing. The scene of struggling in the middle of the world, instead of riding on the weird creature to be on the verge of death, it was solved with a sword, and now it has become more troublesome!

"What should we do now?" Feng He was a little worried, pinching Lu Chen's hand and asked. At this moment, the creepy sound faintly sounded in all directions, and the **** smell from the nose seemed to be also Unconsciously, it became more intense.

"Hey! Soldiers are coming to block, water is coming to cover! What else can I do! I can only try to get out!" When Lu Chen said this, he already had some desires, instead of continuing to explore, he followed the same path. Thoughts back again.

Lu Chen looked up subconsciously, the sky was pitch black, there seemed to be nothing.

However, when Lu Chen's ears moved, he felt a faint of wind. After capturing this faint of wind into his ears, the bitter smile on Lu Chen's face became even stronger.

Well, I didn't expect that among these monsters, there are still flying.

Presumably, this is the main reason why the two human monks with good examples were unable to escape from it, right? Otherwise, even if the weird creatures in it are powerful, they won't be able to leave both holy people, even if the weird creatures just come to a hundred, as long as the two monks want to escape, It is absolutely possible to escape.

But now, going back the same way doesn't seem to work.

Other plans are still open for discussion. After all, who knows, what kind of strange creatures are there?

In the current situation, it is necessary to fight, at least, to find out everything about the enemy! In this way, even if you want to escape, you can have a perfect plan. If you want to fly without your head, maybe you just hit and die.

"Get ready to fight!" Lu Chen let go of Feng He's hand, holding the Hongmeng Holy Sword in one hand and the Sky Thunder Pearl in the other.

Feng He stood behind Lu Chen, his back and Lu Chen's back pressed closely together. It also sacrificed the magic weapon of the pharmacopoeia.

The two were back to back, preparing for the upcoming battle.

Gradually, the weird creature not far away finally turned into ashes under the continuous burning of the lightning, and as it dissipated, the lightning also gradually disappeared into the air.

The blazing white thunder flames dissipated, and this deep underground pit returned to that kind of complete darkness again.

Lu Chen looked around and suddenly frowned deeply.

As the blazing white thunder flame dissipated, all around Lu Chen, the scarlet, floating light began to light up little by little.

Both Lu Chen and Feng He had a clear mentality. These dots of light that seemed to be the same as the light of fireflies, every two dots meant a powerful and strange creature.

It is even possible that it is more terrifying than that strange creature!

Lu Chen was wary, and at the same time, he was a little worried about Feng He. Although Feng He is indeed an Earth Sage level cultivation base, as a descendant of the Medicine Sect, she is not as good at fighting as ordinary monks. .

Lu Chen took his elbow and gently stabbed Feng He's back. With a stroke, he handed the Five Elements Emperor Book to Feng He, and said, "Be careful yourself. I don't need these Five Elements Emperor Book now. Come on, you can take self-defense, and if you can't support it, start the Secret Art of Heaven! Don't have any worries, I'm still here!"

At this time, Lu Chen didn't dare to take over all the battle missions! Even if Lu Chen could resist by himself, the pressure would undoubtedly be very, very great. When the time comes, the wind and lotus will not be taken into consideration. It is better to use their own strength to fight together.

The most aggressive magic weapons in Lu Chen's body are undoubtedly the Hongmeng Sacred Sword, the Book of the Five Elements, the Canglan Rod, the Sky Star, and the Yaoguang Mirror. Among them, the Hongmeng Sacred Sword, Canglan Rod, and Yaoguang Mirror. , And Tian Yaoxing and Feng He are not usable, but there are no obstacles in the Five Elements Emperor Book, and Lu Chen has already negotiated with Qing You. Qing You will try his best to help Feng He. , Fenghe should be fine.

On Lu Chen's side, the attack power of the Hongmeng Sacred Sword and Canglan Rod is not to be mentioned. It can be said that it is invincible. The sharpness of the Hongmeng Sacred Sword and the breaking void power of the Canglan Rod can almost all Things are ruined, and Tianyao Xing, this magic weapon carved from diamonds from all directions, has a powerful and abnormal defensive power.

There is also a Yaoguang mirror. This side can create a magical illusion, convert anything unfavorable to oneself into a dream, and then convert everything that is good for oneself into a magic weapon of reality, which can also be called invincible.

Coupled with the cultivation base of the two people, and the secret technique of Heavenly Harmony that can make the cultivation base skyrocket at a critical time!

This kind of background, presumably, is completely possible, and it can survive the battle, right?

Lu Chen tensed his nerves, looked ahead closely, and encouraged himself.

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