Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2015: Mutant Guardian Beast!

Under Lu Chen’s subtle manipulation, the Dimension Destroyer, who was surrounded by countless channels of magma and blocked all the retreats, suddenly turned over, just avoiding the one from directly below. A huge attack of magma.

But how much magma is pouring from all directions at this time? Although it avoided one, it was trapped in more magma.

Seeing that the Dimensional Destroyer will shun it, annihilated in the magma, even Fenghe has already exclaimed.

Lu Chen watched this scene, but he didn't panic, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, his consciousness moved, the Dimensional Destroyer, his body flashed, and he disappeared into the air, and the countless magma went into the air. When they hit each other, they stirred up magma rain.

Nearly a hundred meters above the magma lake, directly above the Earth Fiend Fire Lotus, the shape of the Dimensional Destroyer suddenly appeared again, and when he moved, he directly rushed towards the Earth Fiend Fire Lotus.

It is the law of dimensionality. This time the Meta Destroyer was originally the creation of the law of dimensionality, and he used the power of the law of dimensionality very smoothly. Teleportation with the power of space was nothing but a trifle to him.

The Dimensional Destroyer's speed is extremely fast, almost in an instant, it has already approached the Earth Fiery Lotus.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. It seemed that this place was not so difficult to pick up. He sent the Dimension Destroyer so cautiously to try the situation, but he didn't expect it to be so simple? It seems that you don't need to do it yourself, as long as the Dimension Destroyer can easily handle it.

The smile at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth had not yet dissipated, and an abnormal situation suddenly occurred.

In the lake, the magma suddenly exploded, and in the scattered magma rain, a huge hand without peng came out suddenly.

That hand, just the palm of the hand, is more than ten meters in size, and that arm is almost the same as a stone pillar. Moreover, the speed of this hand is extremely fast, almost in an instant, it has been close to the dimensional destroyer is approaching. The body of the earth evil fire lotus.

Before Lu Chen had time to react and manipulate the Dimension Destroyer to avoid him, that big hand had already slammed the Dimension Destroyer's bright silver body in his palm.


A very harsh sound reached Lu Chen's ears.

Lu Chen's expression changed.

Feng He also covered his mouth, looking at the big hand that stretched out of the magma, and the big hand that was still dripping magma, exclaimed: "This...what is this?"

"Sure enough, there is a guardian beast... and, it seems, it's not easy..." Lu Chen muttered, staring closely at the movement of the big hand.


That big hand, holding the Dimension Destroyer, squeezed it twice before releasing it.

The dimensional destroyer who had been squeezed out of shape, with a bang, fell directly into the magma, only a small splash of water splashed.


A dull sound rose from the magma, and the magma fluctuated unreasonably.

Immediately, the big hand moved slightly and slammed against the rocky shore of the lake.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the stone bank was directly crushed by a large area, and at this moment, another big hand dripping with magma also stretched out from the magma lake and pressed it against the stone bank. On the other side.


Accompanied by such a voice, the creature under the magma, supporting the magma, slowly appeared in front of Lu Chen's eyes.

The first to leave the magma lake was a huge head.

Above the grayish-white color, magma kept rolling down.

Lu Chen saw this creature, but his pupils shrank.

Immediately, the whole body of this creature was exposed from the magma. What surprised Feng He was that the creature that emerged from the magma was not what he had imagined, it was a giant or something, but An upper body is a giant, but the lower half of life is like a scorpion-like creature.

In addition, the creature actually has six hands.

When the creature completely appeared on the surface of the magma lake, Feng He was so startled that he couldn't close his mouth.

What kind of creature is this? Feng He is sure, this is definitely the biggest and strangest thing I have ever seen! Feng He was not so surprised when he saw the giant of Senling.

No matter how huge the forest giant is, he is also a humanoid race, but this creature completely subverted Feng He's thoughts.

A huge head, six huge hands like huge stone pillars, a gray-white body like a rock, and the gray-black lower body that looks like a scorpion from the waist down. The most terrifying thing is his tail, which stands up high, and the stinger on it is also a terrifying volume.

"This...is this the guardian beast of the Fire Lotus? This...what kind of creature is this?"

Lu Chen frowned.

Lu Chen knew about this similar creature. The Fire Scorpion, like this monster, was half-human and half-scorpion, but it didn’t have the same size as this creature, and it showed a whole body. A fiery red color, good at toxins and flame attacks.

And this creature was either a new creature, or it was a variant of that scorpion.

However, Lu Chen felt that the possibility that this thing was a variant of the Fire Scorpion would be greater. After all, under the influence of the terrifying ears of the Fire Lotus, almost any creature could happen. Variation, such a huge variation, is not too exaggerated.

"The Fire Scorpion... is still such a big head... Ha ha, this Fire Lotus is really rare..." Lu Chen said as he imagined the Holy Sword of Hongmeng.

Facing such a mutated version of Earth Fire Scorpion, Lu Chen wouldn't take it lightly.

The Fire Scorpion that hadn't mutated, the combat power was already abnormal enough to kill ordinary godly powerful people, let alone a mutated one.

Under the influence of Earth Fiend Fire Lotus, it was normal to increase his strength four or five times, or even more. If Lu Chen had any intent to look down on, it would be a big loss.

Seeing Lu Chen's cautious look when he was facing the enemy, Feng He immediately sacrificed the secret of the Medicine Sect.


The mutated version of the Fire Scorpion lowered his head and glanced at the Dimensional Destroyer, who had been gradually annihilated in the magma. Then, he raised his head and focused his gaze on Lu Chen, Feng He's body and the scarlet eyes. In, full of fury. A fierce shot of the magma lake, while splashing the sky full of magma rain, rushed towards Lu Chen.

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