Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2036: Wonderful beard!

Look around, the gate of this gorgeous city is empty. Presumably, this small city doesn’t have a large population, either. After all, this Forest of Origin God is the place where the saints stay. If it’s really bustling everywhere. It is really strange if they are all human.

Although it was said that there was a formation blocking it, it was impossible for Lu Chen to really dare not enter because of such a breaking formation.

Lu Chen just hesitated for a moment, and stepped directly on that formation and walked towards the small city.

really. As Lu Chen expected, when Lu Chen's foot just stepped into the formation, the forty-eight spars floating above the formation suddenly exploded. The bright purple-blue brilliance, and began to revolve around a track continuously.

Immediately, this brilliance became stronger and stronger, and in the end it directly soared into the sky and turned into an extremely gorgeous beam of light. Rendering.

This is probably an alarm.

Lu Chen thought for a while, instead of directly breaking through the magic circle at the gate and entering the gate, he took a step back, stood at the gate, and waited for a while.

Just a few seconds later, there was a man with a serious face and a huge body, covered in a dark blue armor, came over, that man, with a huge sword behind him, looked like It's like a violent orc warrior.

Lu Chen’s divine sense is very keenly aware that this person’s cultivation base is not yet in the holy period. Although it is said that he is no different from a saint in his cultivation base, it is due to the power of rules. Comprehension can only be regarded as a false saint.

The man strode to the city gate and stood behind the circle.

When he walked in, Lu Chen noticed that this person's face was of that very delicate type. The height of more than two meters and the huge body covered in dark blue armor, compared with such a face like a little white face, is really a kind of person. Very awkward feeling.

Moreover, this beautiful face with the appearance of a little white face was unexpectedly tight, and it seemed that everyone owed him two to eighty thousand yuan, which made Lu Chen feel extremely unhappy.

After the man stood in the magic circle, he glanced over the forty-eight spars that were still spinning and gleaming with purple-blue brilliance. A trace of astonishment flashed across his tight face: "Early Saint? Two?"

Shaking his head, it seemed that he was a little uncertain. The man took a closer look again, but the color of the forty-eight spars remained unchanged.

The man's already tense face seemed to relax a little, and he took out a white spar, crushed it in his palm, and sprinkled it on Lu Chen and Fenghe.

Lu Chen just frowned and didn't say anything.

After all, the purpose of coming here is to find the branch of the Saint League here, but I don't want to have any conflicts with the people in this small town.

The white light powder immediately became invisible after touching Lu Chen and Feng He's body.

"Come with me!" The man said lightly, and walked inside the city gate, taking care of himself.

Lu Chen and Feng He raised their heels, probably because of the white light powder. There was no change in the magic circle this time. Even the purple-blue brilliance that lit up on the spar was gradually The ground disappeared.

After entering the city, it gradually became lively.

On both sides of the luxurious street, you can see various shops and industries.

Although the city is extremely luxurious, most of the shops here are rather shabby. Go out to the few big pharmacies, resource exchanges and other places, and the rest are just small ones similar to grocery stores. local. Each of these small shops is not big, and the things in it are very few and complicated. When Lu Chen walks outside, he can basically see clearly. Basically, the goods on display range from medicinal materials to Ore, spar, and even some weird things are everything, but they are not very precious.

What disappointed Lu Chen was that Lu Chen didn't even see a few of the sages along the way. The passers-by he saw along the way were basically sages, the so-called false sages.

That's right, even if this is the Forest of Origin God, masters above the Earth Sage level, it is estimated that it is not so easy to encounter, after all, the rules are not so easy to completely master.

After all, this is a small city in a remote place. Although gorgeous, the actual area is not that big. After a while, the armored man took the two of them to an extremely gorgeous building in the center of the city.

If Lu Chen guessed correctly, this should be a place similar to the City Lord's Mansion.

However, the man in armor did not take the two of them to the luxurious building, but walked into a small house against the wall of the building.

The room is not big, there is only a tattered counter, a middle-aged man with a sage, a shaggy beard, snoring, sleeping on the counter.

"Beard! Get up!"

The armored man, a little uncomfortable, glanced at the bearded man, slammed on the counter, kicked the counter that was already crumbling, and almost collapsed.

"Damn! What bitch! Excuse Grandpa's dreams!"

That big beard, obviously a hot-tempered lord, after being awakened, before his eyes opened, he fucked, picked up a hammer leaning on the counter, and threw it forward.


With a crisp sound, the broken hammer hit the armored man's body, and the armor bullet flew out without hitting a mark.

At this time, the big beard wiped his eyes and sat up, yawned, glanced at the front, and said lazily: "Little Dezi, how come you **** come to me today? Are you okay? Don't patrol?"

Known as Xiao Dezi, the expressionless face of the armored man twitched twice, and his hand reached his shoulders, pressing on the hilt of the big sword behind him.

Seeing "Little Dezi" making this action, the beard was shocked immediately, and he quickly said with a smile: "Hey hey...just kidding, just kidding...don't get angry, don't get angry! This counter, I only yesterday It was just repaired, but don't break it..."

The big beard, looking at "Little Dezi"'s hand, still pressed on the hilt, and his face was a bit bitter. At this time, he noticed. The two standing behind the armored man quickly moved away. Talking about the topic, referring to Lu Chen and the two said, "Are they two? Are they here to register?"

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