Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2049: Meet Jiang Xinxin again!

After waiting for two days, there was news from the "Little Dezi" side that the Saint League branch in Ziye City finally opened up this month's assessment.

Lu Chen couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

During the two days of waiting, Lu Chen also heard a lot of wind. Some people said that because there were too few people in Ziye City, this Saint League branch sometimes opened the door once in half a year, and Lu Chen was also worried about this issue. He also planned that if the Holy League in Ziye City still did not open the door for these two days, he would leave as soon as possible and go to another big city.

Although it is in a small city like Ziye City, this branch of the Saint League is not shabby at all. The location is on the third floor of the most prosperous and lively resource exchange in the city.

Under the leadership of "Xiao Dezi", Lu Chen went directly to the third floor.

Along the way, Xiao Dezi also gave Lu Chen a detailed introduction to Shengmeng's assessment criteria.

Although the Saint League is a big power, in fact, the threshold for entry is extremely low. Generally, there are few level monks. It is a very simple thing to enter the Saint League. It’s just that due to the management system of the Holy League, unless the strength is extremely strong, otherwise you will never enjoy any good treatment in the Holy League. Basically, it is almost the same as the name in the Holy League, but even so, Countless monks are still eager for it, because joining the Holy League, there is always a guarantee.

Walking into the Shengmeng branch, Lu Chen was a little surprised to see a slender figure with his back facing him, leaning over the table and wondering what he was doing. He immediately felt a familiar feeling.


When Feng He turned his head, he saw Lu Chen's eyeballs that seemed to stare out. Following his gaze, a plump buttocks came into view. Suddenly, Feng He was out of anger and pinched Lu Chen. .

Lu Chen had a thick skin, and naturally he didn't feel anything at this moment, but walked towards that figure with a smile.

Feng He rolled his eyes silently, and said sourly: "I can't walk when I see that! What a pervert, I despise you!"

"I saw you again, what a fate..." Lu Chen walked to the back of the beautiful girl and patted the girl's shoulder twice.

Feng He has been staring at Lu Chen. Hearing Lu Chen's unskilled accost, and that frivolity, is even more speechless. Is your level of accord too far behind? It's strange that people care about you! Best, just turn around and slap you to death!

However, what surprised Feng He was that the girl who had been lying on the table, as if she was writing something, actually got up, turned her head with a smile, and gently gathered her hanging hair. Smiled at Lu Chen.

"I...I'll go! Is this a love saint? This...this is okay?" Feng He was dumbfounded.

However, the next two people's dialogue made Feng He suddenly realize.

"Lu Chen? Why are you here?"

"Me? I want to join the Saint League? Isn't this the Ziye City branch of the Saint League? I'm here..."

After listening to the conversation between the two, Feng He realized that Lu Chen and the girl had known each other a long time ago. No wonder Lu Chen dared to slap the shoulder so frivolously when he saw the beauty...

It’s just that Feng He’s weird thing is that it’s not long before Lu Chen and himself came from the God Forest, how come there are any girls they know?

Lu Chen pulled Feng He over and introduced each other.

"This is Fenghe!"

"This is Jiang Xinxin!"

The two chatted for a while, and Feng He knew how Feng He and Jiang Xinxin met, and Lu Chen was also surprised to know that Jiang Xinxin was actually the head of the Ziye City branch!

I am dizzy! It's really fate!

However, since it is an acquaintance, wouldn't it be better? There are many troublesome things that can be completely eliminated.

Originally, if you wanted to join the Saint League, you had to pass at least two assessments. In addition to hunting down a designated Saint Beast, there was also an extremely troublesome strength assessment.

However, with the help of Jiang Xinxin, the two assessments were immediately eliminated.

If it is an ordinary person, Jiang Xinxin is absolutely unable to do this, but Lu Chen and Fenghe's strength, Jiang Xinxin can also see that they are much stronger than themselves, so these two assessments are for both of them. , It is completely unnecessary.

After receiving two red badges from Jiang Xinxin, Lu Chen and Fenghe were already members of the Saint League.

This badge is the identity of Shengmeng, and it is also a protective treasure. Although the rank is not high, it can also form a protective shield that is not weak, but this function is in the eyes of Lu Chen Dispensable.


After Lu Chen put the badge away, he asked: "Xinxin! Do you know the specific matters concerning the assessment of the inner door of the Saint League?"

"Inner door assessment?"

Hearing the term spoken by Lu Chen, Jiang Xinxin's expression changed a bit: "Why are you asking this? Don't tell me, you want to participate in the dispute between the inner disciples of the Saint League!?"

Seeing Lu Chen nodded, Jiang Xinxin took a breath.

"Are you crazy? Saint League's inner door assessment?" Jiang Xinxin stared at Lu Chen, and said: "Do you know how many saints are buried in this assessment every year? This assessment is once every ten years! Now! It has almost become a nightmare in the Forest of Origin God! Every ten years of assessments are accompanied by **** killings! For so many years, I don’t know how many monks have been buried in them! And they can really be found. How many tokens are there? Lu Chen, you should be sober, but don’t, you are tempted by the resources and benefits of the so-called inner door!"

"I'm very clear!" Lu Chen shook his head and said, "Regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, I have a reason why I have to go! This time the inner door qualification, in any case, there must be two places for me and Fenghe..."

"It's not crazy..." Jiang Xinxin shook his head helplessly, and said: "Although I can't see the strength of you two, from the aura of your body, you must have just entered the Earth Saint level. Right? This kind of strength is very strong! However, in such a **** wind, it is still difficult to protect yourself! Think about it, how many disciples participate in the inner door assessment every ten years? But those who really get the qualifications How many more?"

Jiang Xinxin kept persuading Lu Chen.

Lu Chen also knew that Jiang Xinxin was doing it for his own good, but if he didn't join the inner door, how could he go back? No matter how difficult this assessment is, it is easier than going against the entire Saint League, right?

Seeing Lu Chen's stubborn look, Jiang Xinxin was completely helpless. She leaned against the table and said angrily: "Anyway, I won't let you go! About how to participate in the assessment! I won't tell you. !"

PS: Two days ago, I was in the hospital because of uncomfortable health. I was off for two days. I am sorry here. Now that I am in good health, I will try my best to make up the chapters I owe one by one!

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