Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2056: Helping hand

When Lu Chen found Fenghe and Shi Shishi, he was stunned to find that the two were playing Zhenghuan, nothing happened, and the guy around him did not see Du Ziteng.

what 's wrong?

Lu Chen was immediately confused? Since Du Ziteng didn't come back to ask for trouble, what was going on with the murderous breath that he had just felt?

Pulled out of the crowd by Lu Chen, Shishishi and Fenghe who hadn't played enough, both pouted, not very happy, and asked in unison: "Lu Chen, what are you doing!"

The delicate voice immediately made everyone around him look at him.

Lu Chen gave a wry smile, took the hands of the two of them, walked to a place with few people, and asked, "Did you see Du Ziteng just now?"

"Du Ziteng? No? Did you see him?" Shi Shishi exclaimed, "Could that guy come back and ask for trouble?"

"do not know……"

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "Actually, I didn't see Du Ziteng... It's just that since the conflict with Du Ziteng, I have been paying attention to the surrounding situation... Just now I felt a strange and murderous atmosphere! I thought It's Du Ziteng... It just looks at the situation now, it doesn't seem to be that guy, I really don't know what's going on..."

"Hey? What's the matter? It's not that you feel wrong, right?" Shi Shishi bit her finger. Just after she finished speaking, she felt a sudden violent vibration on the floor, and she staggered and fell to Lu Chen. In his arms.

Fortunately, Shi Shishi was still biting her fingers just now, and her arms were naturally blocked in front of her. Otherwise, the two pairs of not-so-small murder weapons on her chest would have been in full contact with Lu Chen.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen didn't want to take advantage of Shi Shishi at this time. He pulled Shi Shishi to make her stand still, frowning and looking around.

At this time, there was already a commotion on the third floor, which seemed extremely chaotic, but Lu Chen was still very clear, seeing the cracks on the floor.

There is no doubt that it must be the second floor, or the first floor. There was a battle and it spread to the third floor!

Even so far, the floor is still trembling, and the cracks are constantly magnifying. If the fighting continues, it is very likely that the entire Tianquan Casino will be turned into ruins.

"Let's go down and take a look!"

Lu Chen took Feng He and Shi Shishi's hand and walked downstairs.

What makes Lu Chen a little strange is that Shi Shishi, who has always been long-winded, talking non-stop, is surprisingly quiet now, and Lu Chen can feel that Shi Shishi's palm is wet and full of sweat. , As if nervous or something, besides that, her footsteps were much faster than the two.

Following Shi Shishi's hurried footsteps, the two quickly reached the second floor.

At this time, the second floor was empty and there was no one. It seemed that the fighting location was not here. It should be the first floor. However, looking at the countless cracks and gravel on the second floor floor, you also know how fierce the battle is. Up.

Indeed, the war is in full swing on the first floor at this time.

The entire Tianquan Casino has been cleared at this time. A dozen people on the first floor are in a melee at this time. It seems that they are also very convergent with each other, and they have not used extremely powerful spells or moves. Otherwise, it is estimated that one move is enough to make the entire Tianquan Casino It was ruined.

Lu Chen, Feng He, Shi Shishi stood at the top of the stairs, watching the scuffled crowd.

Lu Chen didn't mean to intervene. These people didn't know him, and it didn't matter who died. With this effort, it's better to go home and sleep earlier.

Compared to the calmness of Lu Chen and Feng He, Shi Shishi's complexion changed suddenly. She looked at one of the people in the field and shouted, "Uncle Shi! What is going on!?"

With the crisp sound, a handsome middle-aged man in the field turned his head. After seeing Shi Shishi, his face that was still calm, he suddenly tightened, and said to Shi Shishi, "You come here. What's going on here? Go back quickly!!"

Taking advantage of his time to speak, a man in black who was fighting with him showed a cold smile on his face. Speeding up is a rapid attack. Taking advantage of Shishu's anxious distractions, he suddenly lost Shishu's momentum. Suppressed completely.

Shi Shishi was also anxious when he reminded him that he was being suppressed by others. Without a word, he rushed towards the man opposite Shi Shi.

"do not come!"

Uncle Shi's face changed and he roared anxiously.

However, it was too late, as if it had been expected long ago, when Shi Shishi's movements, the flash of lightning, a person suddenly emerged from the field, and a palm slashed towards Shi Shishi's chest.

Time seemed to stagnate.

At this time, Uncle Shi was completely suppressed, and even when he saw Shi Shishi had an undistracted opportunity, the man in front of him had already burst out in an instant, putting him in a more dangerous situation, and Shi Shishi was also Focusing on the man in front of Uncle Shi, he didn't even notice that someone would intercept him.

Seeing that Shi Shishi was about to be knocked into the air by this palm, the eyes of Uncle Shi also showed a look of despair.


There was a dull sound of physical impact.

Shi Shishi, who closed his eyes and waited to be knocked off, opened his eyes in amazement. What he saw was the twisted and deformed body of the beating, and he looked like a man who was dying and attacking him.

Shi Shi Shi, who had reacted, immediately raised his eyes to look at Shi Shu, who had just been in danger.

What surprised her was that Feng He was standing not far from Shi's uncle at this time, and his opponent at that time was still on the ground.

Shi Shishi's head couldn't turn around.

what 's wrong?

"Is it all right?" a concerned voice came.

Shi Shishi looked back and saw Lu Chen's smiling face, and suddenly understood everything.

"You just saved me?" Shi Shishi asked stupidly, pointing to her nose.

"What do you think!?"

Lu Chen smiled.

"This..." Shi Shishi noticed that not only herself, but also Shi Shi, at this time, the whole battle was over.

Those monks dressed in black who didn’t know who Shi Shi Shi was, were all lying on the ground, knowing their life or death. The worst was the person who attacked Shi Shi and was not taken lightly by Lu Chen. After a heavy slap and slap, the entire spine was severed, and the body was twisted into an incredible angle.

And the other characters are not much better.

These people were obviously not very powerful. Lu Chen didn't even use any magical powers. He just relied on the physical power to kill them one by one, without any effort at all.

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