Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2060: Mental shadow

Under the guidance of the map, Lu Chen and Feng He quickly walked along a hole at the edge of the poisonous spider's nest and entered the ground-the real poisonous spider's nest.

Originally, the environment of the Gloom Forest was extremely gloomy and dark. After entering the poisonous spider lair, this gloom and darkness immediately increased by a few points. It can almost be said that it is out of sight, but the muddy underground The air is also full of all kinds of strange toxins and extremely corrosive mist.

Although there are many valuable things hidden in the poisonous spider lair, such as some rare mineral deposits, but for so many years, few people have come to explore, one of the reasons is because of this. The underground poisonous spider nest is really complicated enough. The intricate passages excavated by the poisonous spider rock spiders are almost an unsolvable labyrinth. Let’s put it this way, in the underground poisonous spider nest, walk out a hundred meters, You will be able to see dozens of openings where branches go out... all the way, even a saint-level character will be completely lost in it.

Since Lu Chen had the heart to find the Saint League token, he was naturally prepared.

But of course, based on Lu Chen's familiarity with the Origin God Forest, coupled with the short time he came to Origin God Forest, it is basically useless to say that finding a solution is basically useless. All this depends on Jiang Xinxin For help, Lu Chen also sighed when he thought of this. If he hadn't accidentally met Jiang Xinxin, he would have spent a lot of thought to find this Holy League token by himself.

When leaving Ziye City, Jiang Xinxin not only gave herself the purple spar with the data and map, but also gave Lu Chen some of her mobile phone.

Among them, there is a spider stone.

This spider stone does not actually have much value, but it has a very unique function, that is, it can sense the breath of nearby spider creatures, and the stronger the spider, the clearer it can be felt.

This may be of no use to people who come to this poisonous spider lair to find resource treasures, but for Lu Chen, it is of great use, because the most powerful in this poisonous spider lair is naturally It is the mother spider, and the most dangerous place, the place where the Holy League token is most likely to hide, is naturally the place where the mother spider is! With this spider stone, Lu Chen could easily find the mother spider.

The twists and turns of the poisonous spider's nest really exceeded Lu Chen's expectations.

Despite the guidance of the spider stone, Lu Chen and Feng He were still walking in circles.

But anyway, judging from the flickering breath above the spider stone, several people are still constantly approaching the place where the mother spider is. This is also good news.

Turning a corner, the environment in front suddenly became clear, and it seemed that it was no longer the distorted passage before.

However, the keen Lu Chen heard a rustling sound instantly.

It seems that this underground space not far away should contain a lot of poisonous spiders, or suffer, there are some poisonous spiders living here, otherwise, it makes no sense that this place will be opened up so much. .

"Stab! Stab!"

With a few harsh sounds of rubbing stones, behind a large stone not far in front, a gray shadow slowly revealed his figure.

It is a spider. ,

However, the size of this spider is a bit scary. If you add his leg length, he is nearly ten meters tall! Moreover, the body of this spider is not covered with bristles, but has an extremely glorious appearance, as if it were made of rock.

From his appearance, linked to the information Jiang Xinxin gave him, this large spider must be a rock spider. According to Jiang Xinxin, an adult rock spider can reach a maximum size of 20 to 30 meters. The rock spider, which is nearly ten meters away, is obviously not yet fully mature.

Turning the corner, Yan Spider's gaze immediately locked on the two invaders Lu Chen and Feng He.

Immediately, the rock spider straightened its body, and its eight long legs like a sickle even plunged directly into the rock beneath its feet because of the tremendous pressure.

In the next moment, this rock spider suddenly bounced off its tight body and directly collapsed into the air, almost almost hitting the ceiling.

And for that short moment in the air, its eight hook-like legs moved slightly, and the sharp points pointed directly at Lu Chen and Feng He.

Lu Chen pulled Feng He into the air, his body moved away, and he moved directly into the air. On the side of the rock spider, when the rock spider was completely unable to change positions, he kicked the rock spider directly with a kick. Get out. ,

This foot directly dented the shell of the rock spider, and his body directly left a deep dent on the rock wall, which shows the power of his foot , How terrible it is.

But this is not over yet.

As the saying goes, Lu Chen will not give this rock spider the slightest chance to breathe while you are sick. The moment the rock spider hits the rock wall, Lu Chen’s body instantly cheated in, a few feet in a row, booming. Past.

These few feet, the underground rock wall that kicked is all rumbling, shaking down countless stones, and looking at the rock spider, the exposed side of the body is almost completely sunken by the kick. It was almost a thick crust constructed from the rock, and it was also cracked, and the thick gray-black juice was constantly flowing in the cracks.

Judging from the miserable look of the rock spider, it is estimated that he is dead.

Lu Chen landed, stood firm, and rewarded the rock spider's head with a sword aura. The rock spider was already weak enough, and his defense was reduced to the lowest level. When this sword aura came down, he would directly destroy it. Half of his head was cut off, and gray-black juice splashed everywhere.

"let's go!"

Lu Chen pulled Fenghe, worried that she would feel nauseous when she saw this nauseating scene.

However, to Lu Chen's surprise, Feng He didn't seem to show any disgusting and fearful behavior towards this scene. Instead, he showed a very happy look with a smile on his face.

"Hey, I thought how terrible the bug Xinxin said! Turns out, it's just that!" Feng He looked at the spider-shaped rock spider that Lu Chen abused, and said with a smile.


Lu Chen rolled his eyes and listened to Feng He’s words. He understood. It is estimated that when Jiang Xinxin told them about the situation inside the poisonous spider lair, he described it as terrifying. Therefore, Feng He created some psychological shadows. But now, seeing the poisonous spider being tortured by Lu Chen, this kind of psychological shadow is naturally solved.

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