Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2062: Fighting intuition

Although the extremely large number of poisonous spiders finally regained their formation, the small corner between Lu Chen and the poisonous spider group has become a great moat, no matter how many poisonous spiders there are There are so many poisonous spiders that can bypass this corner and attack Lu Chen at the same time, at most two or three! Moreover, even if those poisonous spiders have long-range skills such as spider silk and venom, there is absolutely no way to use them against Lu Chen.

Because of this, the hard fight that should have been very anxious has become extremely relaxed.

Lu Chen only needs to stand behind that corner, continuously release his sword energy, and kill the poisonous spiders that circled behind the corner.

"Stab! Stab!"

Every poisonous spider struggled to get out from behind that corner, and within ten seconds, it would be blasted into fragments by the sword aura. Gradually, the fragments of poisonous spider's corpse were piled up. It was blocked by half. As a result, there were fewer poisonous spiders around the corner, and even Lu Chen could have a few seconds of rest every time he killed the poisonous spider.

Within a few minutes, there were at least fifty poisonous spiders, which were turned into fragments under Lu Chen's Holy Sword. The stacked corpses blocked most of the passage in front of him. Now, there can only be one at a time. A poisonous spider appeared.

However, what puzzled Lu Chen was that he only killed less than half of the poisonous spiders. However, the number of poisonous spiders rushing over after the corner was getting fewer and fewer, and it took only half a minute to watch. A poisonous spider appeared.

Lu Chen frowned, and an uneasy feeling arose.

Although these poisonous spiders are not very high in IQ, they are not the kind of creatures that have been slaughtered for a long time without the slightest response. Obviously, they should have thought of other strategies.

Just as Lu Chen frowned and thought, at the corner in front of him, the pile of shattered poisonous spider fragments stained with fishy sap moved again, a poisonous spider with its teeth and claws, from that corner, it was difficult. Squeezed in.

As soon as Lu Chen raised his head, he unconsciously released the Hongmeng Sacred Sword.


With a crisp sound, the sharp sacred sword of the sacred sword, easily tore the shell of the poisonous spider, splashing a series of gray-black juice, it also sent this poisonous spider to Split in half.

At the moment when Lu Chen was about to summon the Hongmeng Sacred Sword back, Lu Chen suddenly felt that his feet moved slightly. Before Lu Chen could turn his eyes to his feet, his body suddenly turned upside down. Immediately, the whole rocky ground under the feet broke apart, and the whole person couldn't prevent it, so he fell down.

Fortunately, because of the feeling just now, Lu Chen was slightly prepared. He stretched out his hand and grasped, stabilizing the figure of Fenghe, who is also unstable, and at the same time the real yuan turned and floated in the air. .

"Rumble, rumbling!"

A series of voices sounded, and about a dozen square meters of rocks under Lu Chen and Feng He's feet were all shattered. From the exposed black hole, Lu Chen vaguely saw a few moving shadows.

Apparently, these poisonous spiders did it. Apparently, these poisonous spiders have quite high IQs. Moreover, they are born with a vicious temperament, and once they become ruthless, they are still very difficult to deal with.

When Lu Chen just wanted to release the spell and kill all the spiders in the big hole under his feet at once, his ears suddenly caught a few strange noises.

Soon, Lu Chen found the source of the weird rubbing noise, right above his head!

Lu Chen didn't hesitate, pulling Feng He was a sudden retreat, hurriedly dart out a distance of ten meters!


Lu Chen's dodge was not untimely.

Just as he stepped out of the space, the top of the passage where he was standing suddenly shattered, and a pile of rubble, and a few poisonous spiders with teeth and claws, fell with a rumbling sound.

Unfortunately, they didn't catch Lu Chen's figure, and as the rock fell, they fell helplessly into the tunnel dug out by them on the ground.

"Good risk, good risk!"

Feng He patted his chest and said, "These poisonous spiders are so insidious! They broke through from the corner together, and they even dig tunnels!"

"We look down on them too much!" Lu Chen smiled: "Don't forget, these intricate spider nests underground are all made by them a little bit! It can be seen that their ability to punch holes is still very good. Strong!"

"Yes! However, where the difference in strength lies, these little tricks are nothing!?" Feng He looked at the two big holes not far in front, although it was sudden, but it was completely against Lu Chen. For Holland, it's not a trouble at all, it's easy to avoid it! "

"Don't underestimate these spiders!" Lu Chen smiled, suddenly facing the empty passage behind him, a phantom and true sword shadow was blasted out.

Feng He turned his head in surprise and looked at the passage behind him. It seemed that there was nothing.

However, when the flying sword passed by, in the empty air, bursts of gray-black liquid were inexplicably splashed on the rocks, corroding a bluish-white smoke.


Feng He was taken aback, and then he saw that in the originally empty passageway, pieces of corpse fragments slowly emerged. Most of these fragments were gray-white in the city, and there were strange little spots on them.

These corpse fragments are very different from those of poisonous spiders. Obviously, they are another species, and they also have the ability to hide and become invisible.

"how did you do it!?"

Feng He looked at Lu Chen in amazement, and said: "This kind of hidden spider has such a strong ability to hide breath, I didn't feel it at all! It stands to reason that in the Forest of Origin God, the sense of God is so suppressed, you His detection ability should be about the same as mine... How do you feel that those spiders are lying behind us and preparing to attack!?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Those spiders’ hiding skills are indeed very powerful! Actually... I didn’t feel the traces of these spiders at all! Speaking of which, the reason why I attacked behind is completely My guess, I guess those spiders can't just use such a simple trick, there must be some tricks later! This little guess, plus a little bit of my intuition, so..."

In fact, Feng He's strength is not much different from Lu Chen to a certain extent, but there is one thing that is not as good as Lu Chen, and that is combat experience. Therefore, Feng He naturally did not have the intuition for fighting like Lu Chen.

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