Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2079: Kneel your sister

Accompanied by Cao Liliang, Lu Chen was finally allowed to enter the real hall after waiting for dozens of minutes.

This hall looks majestic and majestic, standing tightly at the door, you can feel the huge pressure coming from inside.

Lu Chen did not know whether this huge coercion came from the clansmen of Cao Liliang in the hall, or because the hall itself carries this powerful coercion, so that everyone who enters has to be subdued. meaning.

Of course, this did not produce such emotions for Lu Chen.

Although this coercion was indeed quite strong, it was so strong that Feng He, who was standing next to Lu Chen, had a painful look on his face, and his slender legs were constantly trembling, as if he was about to kneel down.

Although it is not clear for the time being what caused Feng He to be like this, there was still a trace of dissatisfaction on Lu Chen's face, a flash of astonishment flashed past Lu Chen's eyes, pulling Feng He's The hand swayed slightly, and the left hand moved quickly, showing invisible afterimages.

After that, Lu Chen quickly pressed his left hand to Feng He's shoulder, and immediately, the painful color on Feng He's face disappeared.

Feng He naturally knew that it was all because of Lu Chen. He turned his head and gave Lu Chen a grateful look.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and held Feng He's right hand tightly. His divine consciousness said: "Don't thank me, what is our relationship!"

Feng He felt a slight itchy sensation in the palm of his hand, and then raised his head to look at Lu Chen's face, and found the weird smile on Lu Chen's face. He immediately understood something. Lu Chen's charming white glance, strong Hold back the strange feeling of being teased by Lu Chen in my heart.

"Ha ha!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and concealed He Fenghe's ambiguous impulse.

The current relationship between the two allows them to be okay at any other time, but now, when they are about to face the patriarch of Mieyan Heishanjia, Lu Chen has to take it seriously.

Of course, it wasn't because Lu Chen was afraid of this Mieyan Hei Shanjia, and wanted to be honest.

Although Lu Chen might not be able to destroy the entire Mieyan Heishanjia clan alone, but if he wanted to kill most of their clansmen and then flee here with Fenghe, Lu Chen was still confident that he could do it.

Another reason is that I have just established a cooperative relationship with Cao Liliang. If now, I am at the gate of their clan’s main hall, doing some small actions with my own woman, and being seen by the people of the Black Mountain Clan of Mieyan, how will they go? Think of yourself.

This is what Lu Chen didn't want to see.

Cao Liliang stood beside Lu Chen. Although he felt some small movements of Lu Chen and Fenghe, he could not really understand some of the human behaviors. He could not understand what Lu Chen was doing. He thought that Lu Chen was doing this. He has a respect for his patriarch.

If Lu Chen knew what Cao Liliang was thinking at this time, he would have laughed and said, "Cao Liliang, grass-you-mother!"

The things caused by the coercion let Lu Chen easily resolve it. After waiting for another two minutes, Cao Liliang led Lu Chen into the hall.

The buildings in the main hall can fully show that Mieyan Heishanjia has imitated human beings.

This hall is like the palace hall in the human world.

Eight gold-colored large pillars with carved dragon patterns stand majestically on both sides of the main hall, and many members of the Mieyan Heishan Clan A are standing next to these eight pillars in turn.

Facing the doorway, there is a trapezoidal pillar. The two stages of the pillar are two steps. In the middle, there is an inclined plane. The inclined plane is also carved with dragon-shaped patterns.

The top of the pillar is naturally a throne.

Of course, the dragon-shaped patterns here are not the Western giants resembling large lizards on the Dragon Soul Continent, but the real Eastern giants.

Speaking of dragons, Lu Chen suddenly remembered that he had previously collected the little blue dragon pet in the Dragon Soul Mainland Academy.

But what made Lu Chen never understand was that this pet didn't know why. Until now, it had fallen asleep in Lu Chen's body, without the slightest intention of waking up. However, Lu Chen clearly felt that the little blue dragon sleeping in his body, his own cultivation level and body, were slowly growing.

It was as if he was not asleep, but as if he had been practicing.

Lu Chen was also curious, when did this little blue dragon wake up, vaguely, deep in Lu Chen's heart, there was a voice telling him that after he found the origin dragon family, it was the little blue dragon who woke up. Time! (Someone mentioned Xiaoqinglong last time, Xiaoyi has already explained it, but some people still ask again, so this time I will explain it again.)

At this time, on the throne of the hall, a middle-aged man in a yellow robe and Confucian shirt was sitting.

But what makes Lu Chen a little puzzled is that if you want to imitate human beings, why the pattern on your yellow robe is not a dragon, but... a black mountain armor of extinguishing flames!

Although you are from the Mieyan Heishanjia clan, but in other words, if you put a dark Mieyan Heishanjia on your clothes, it is... it's so ugly!

"Are you Lu Chen?"

The man in the yellow robe sat on the throne and looked at Lu Chen, but the disdain in his eyes made Lu Chen very upset.

"I am..." Lu Chen replied coldly.

"Bold, the patriarch asked, why don't you kneel!"

Lu Chen suddenly had the urge to spit blood. Or else should he learn it so thoroughly, do he have to learn this thing?


"I'm kneeling your sister!" Lu Chen cursed back without any kind of politeness.

Lu Chen was quite angry at this time. After entering the hall, he already felt that the coercion that he had just felt at the door was not caused by this hall, but the people in the hall obviously deliberately made things difficult. Lu Chen, so he was released on purpose.

If one person does this, Lu Chen still doesn’t care, but everyone is like that. He almost injured Feng He just now, which makes Lu Chen quite uncomfortable. In addition, now, someone makes him kneel down. Lu Chen's resentment broke out in an instant.

When the man drank it, Cao Liliang’s face showed a worried look. Of course, he was not worried about Lu Chen, but his own tribe. He who fought with Lu Chen naturally knew that Lu Chen was powerful. Now he could also feel the anger on Lu Chen, he was afraid that Lu Chen would explode.

At that time, Lu Chen's anger was not something he could stop him. Although they were all masters in his own clan, it really annoyed Lu Chen. He knew that these people of his own clan might really survive. Not many!

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