Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2087: Who said there are only saints (3 bursts)

It's just that what Lu Chen discovered was that after he placed the wind lotus in the Hongmeng Pearl and left the Hongmeng Pearl directly, Xiao Ling's watery eyes revealed traces of sadness.

Yes, speaking of it, Xiao Ling is also Lu Chen’s woman, but for a long time, Lu Chen has forgotten Xiao Ling, and just now, less than half an hour ago, Lu Chen had just been with other women, Doing that kind of thing, let Xiaoling, who is also a Lu Chen woman, think.

But as a spirit that already possesses a body, everything she owns belongs to Lu Chen, so Lu Chen hasn't touched her for so long. Although she was very unwilling and resentful in her heart, she would not blame Lu Chen. What, only complaining about myself, not attracting Lu Chen.

After settling in Fenghe, Lu Chen surreptitiously left the house, and after some sheltering, finally left the city of Mieyan Heishanjia.

After leaving the settlement of Mieyan Heishanjia, Lu Chen no longer tried his best to hide it. After doing two small blindfolds, he flew directly into the air and stared into the distance to determine the location of the source insect colony. , Then hurried away toward the source insect colony.

Lu Chen's unrestrained body, drawn a purple-gray light in the mid-air, making the entire gloomy swamp look a little gorgeous.

Several guards of the Black Mountain Clan of Mieyan, even if they saw this purple-gray light, they did not pay attention to it, because their status as one of the two rulers of the Undergrowth gave them reason to believe that at this time, definitely No one would come to attack them, not to mention that the purple-gray light in the sky was the principle that wiped out the settlement of the Yan Hei Shan Jia family.

But as everyone knows, it is because of their arrogant mentality that they suffered a severe loss in the near future war. If it weren't for Lu Chen's sake, I am afraid that they would almost exterminate the clan. Of course, this is something later. Leave it alone.

In other words, the figure of Lu Chen galloping out, flew over the dark swamp for more than an hour, and still did not see the border of the dark swamp.

If it were changed to the earth, Lu Chen's speed would have circled the earth tens of thousands of times, or even hundreds of millions of times. It can be seen that this dark swamp is huge, no, it should be said that the forest of Origin God is huge. , This dark swamp is just a small place in the forest of Origin God.

After flying for more than ten minutes, in Lu Chen’s spiritual sense, he vaguely felt that a lot of life energy activity appeared not far in front. Lu Chen quickly reduced his speed. If Lu Chen’s flight direction was correct, I'm afraid the front is the settlement of the source insects.

But what makes Lu Chen feel strange is that the fluctuations of the active life energy response are too different.

You know, a kind of life energy fluctuation represents a kind of organism, just like the life energy fluctuation of human beings, and the life energy fluctuation of animals like monkeys are different.

The life energy fluctuations of ordinary people and cultivators are the same, even if cultivators are much stronger than ordinary people, they are essentially human beings.

Therefore, so many life energy fluctuations obviously cannot belong to the same race. Lu Chen only slightly estimated that there are hundreds of life energy fluctuations.

"What's going on? Isn't it possible to distinguish this origin insect family through the life energy fluctuations!"

The reason why Lu Chen dared to come alone is because his spiritual consciousness is special and he can distinguish each kind of life energy fluctuation breath, life energy fluctuation, is a very strange thing, Lu Chen guessed before, even if he originated No matter how powerful the illusion ability of a family is, it will not even be able to illusion this thing!

But now that he used his divine sense to investigate like this, Lu Chen felt a little worried again.

"Master, it's no use worrying about you here. Why don't you amplify your courage and take a look!" Xiao Ling's voice sounded from the bottom of Lu Chen's heart.

"Yeah! I'm worried that there is a fart here, so I might as well just go over and take a look, and then I can understand what's going on!" Lu Chen patted his head and cursed himself for being stupid.

Although he went directly to take a look, Lu Chen still carefully concealed his aura, getting closer to the place his spiritual sense had detected.

He was worried that his guess was wrong, and that the source insects could indeed be transformed into life energy fluctuations.

In that case, he rushed straight over his head, what else could it be if he didn't throw himself into the net.

After a few kilometers, it took Lu Chen a full half an hour to finally arrive.

What appeared in front of Lu Chen's eyes was a huge building, like half an egg on the ground.

Around the building, there is an entrance and exit, and every entrance and exit is crowded with people coming and going, just like a human market.

Lu Chen was a little strange that there were so many creatures approaching the building, but each one, when they reached a position one kilometer away from the building, automatically transformed into a human form, and walked to each entrance and exit step by step, let alone flying. In the past, there was no one who appeared on the mount. ,

The place where Lu Chen stayed at this time was about two kilometers away from the huge building. There were also many people less than five hundred meters in front of him. Everyone was standing in front of him. Little things are like hawkers in a market.

Excluding the creatures entering and leaving the huge building, just here, there are no more than a thousand people, which makes Lu Chen very puzzled, who said that there are not many people in the Yuanshen Forest, it's **** few people? ! Moreover, Lu Chen could clearly feel that the people who appeared here had the lowest cultivation bases, they were all those with the gods' cultivation base!

And when Lu Chen saw these people with the cultivation base of the gods, he couldn't help but yelled: "His brother-in-law was deceived again! Who said that this forest of Origin God only has people with cultivation bases above saints? What's the matter with these gods, gods and emperors in front of his mother?"

At the beginning, Lu Chen felt something was wrong when he knew that there were only people with a cultivation level of Saint or higher in the Forest of Origins.

Because the Origin God Mountain Range also said that only people with a cultivation base above the gods appear? Lu Chen didn't still see many immortal monarchs, immortal emperors, and immortal venerable figures, so it was obviously nonsense to say that in the Forest of Origins God, there were only people with a level of cultivation above a saint.

It’s just that Lu Chen hadn’t seen anyone below the sage level, so although he was suspicious, he didn’t say it, but now it’s different. It’s not just one or two people below the sage that appeared in front of Lu Chen. It is thousands of people who are cultivated below the saint.

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