Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2098: Another settlement

Under Lu Chen's majestic gaze, the great elder of the Primordial Insect clan was a little frightened physically and mentally. He raised his head and glanced at Lu Chen, and he felt a tremor all over his body, and then tremblingly said, "Yes... there are yes, but ..."

The old man hesitated for a long time and didn’t say anything, but Lu Chen naturally knew what the old man was worried about. He cast a blank look at the old man and said, “Don’t worry, I can promise you, as long as I Sure, without the Shengmeng token, I will leave immediately!

Of course, if you are sure, you have the Holy League token in your settlement. After you get the Holy League token, you will leave immediately. I have no interest in your Origin Insect family. However, if someone doesn't understand the rules while I find the Shengmeng token, don't blame me for being rude! "

This is what the old man worried about. Although Lu Chen said it was only for the token of the Saint League, he didn’t know if Lu Chen would really not do anything to their Origin Insect family. If he brought Lu Chen like this, Going to their settlement of the source insect clan, I am afraid that he will become the sinner of the entire source insect clan.

But now, Lu Chen's guarantee has made the old man feel a little settled.

In his opinion, Lu Chen said that just now, which is equivalent to swearing. As for a cultivator, he values ​​the oath very much and will not easily violate it.

But the old man didn't know. For Lu Chen, vows were the most useless thing.

Of course, Lu Chen's purpose was just a token of the Holy League, and he really didn't have any interest in them.

"Okay! I can take you there!" The Great Elder of the Origin Insect clan finally agreed to Lu Chen's request after hesitating for a long time.

Lu Chen’s face was filled with joy. If he guessed right, Cao Liliang didn’t deceive himself, the Holy League token placed in the gloomy swamp, I’m afraid the old man is about to take him there. In another settlement.

Following the old man, leaving the magic city, and flying northeast, there was no time for a long time, a seemingly calm lake, but Lu Chen always felt that there were murderous lakes everywhere, appearing in front of Lu Chen.

The appearance of the lake is very abrupt. There is no water source around it. It is so lonely in the plain area surrounded by countless trees. The area is relatively small, but it is also the size of fifty football fields.

The surface of the water is very calm, not to mention the vibrations caused by the jumping of the swimming fish, or the plankton. The small ripples on the water surface have not appeared once, as if what appeared in front of Lu Chen was not a lake, but a side. It looks like a huge mirror.

"This isn't the place where your source insect clan resides, right!" Lu Chen stopped when he saw the great elder of the source insect clan, so he pointed to the lake in front of him and asked very puzzled.

"Yes, how? It's pretty good! No one thought that this would be the root of our Origin Insect family!" The old man was a little proud at this time, forgetting the scene of Lu Chen abused him just now, and in front of Lu Chen, Sed up.

Lu Chen curled his lips in disdain, and said, "That's right? It's absolutely rubbish. I think as long as you are a fool, you can see what's wrong here. Although you may not be able to guess, this is the settlement of your source insect family, but there are Knowing the situation here, I will definitely find a way to investigate!"

Lu Chen's words made the old man's smile instantly freeze, and his brows wrinkled tightly.

Seeing the old man's actions, Lu Chen was a little inexplicable, but he did not know that at this time, the old man's heart had already turned up a huge wave.

In the beginning, the Primordial Insect family spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in order to establish this protective base, and finally built something similar to the formation.

Therefore, this water shadow illusion became an extremely precious thing for the source insect clan, and in the eyes of all the source insect clan, it was an unrivaled existence.

However, since the establishment of this water shadow illusion, there have been many more people who came to check it out inexplicably. Although they did not pass the protection of the water shadow illusion, they let the members of the Genworm clan guard accidentally and continue to trouble.

For a long time, everyone in the Primordial Insect family didn’t know exactly where the problem occurred. Because of the existence of the water shadow illusion in their hearts, they did not doubt the water shadow illusion at all. They always thought it was something else that appeared. What loopholes.

But now, after hearing Lu Chen's words, the old man finally woke up, what was the reason!

"Hey, old man, what are you doing in a daze, take me in quickly!" Lu Chen said impatiently with his constantly changing expression after looking at the old hair.


The old man's face suddenly became a little lonely.

After Lu Chen’s reminder, he checked the water shadow illusion again and found that it seemed to be a natural protective thing, but in fact there were so many loopholes. No wonder so many people ran after the water shadow illusion appeared. Let's check this stuff, it turns out that it is.

Only their source insect clan is kept in the dark, and I don't know why.

Fortunately, so far, in addition to the members of the source insect clan, there is only one outsider, Lu Chen, who knows that this place is the root of the source insect clan and is their most primitive settlement. Otherwise, I am afraid they It's going to be a big joke.

Because of the water shadow illusion, Lu Chen could not feel the breath of the Saint League token, so he was anxious. Entering inside, Lu Chen didn't want to stay here for too long.

Naturally, Jiang Xinxin told Lu Chen about the special breath of Shengmeng tokens. Lu Chen also used this to judge the specific location of Shengmeng tokens. Unfortunately, Lu Chen had not felt it for a long time.

Fortunately, Jiang Xinxin also exists, otherwise Lu Chen would have to spend more energy to find the Saint League token.

"Yes, when I enter for a while, shouldn't it be discovered by many people?" Lu Chen looked at the will break before him, and suddenly thought of a question, his purpose is only to find the Saint League token. After entering, I felt the Saint League token, and after I got it, I just left. If anything else happened, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

So it is best to go inside without being discovered by others!

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the great elder of the Origin Insect clan hesitated again.

Because he couldn't beat Lu Chen, he was worried. After he brought Lu Chen in, if Lu Chen killed him and there were no other members of the Origin Insect clan around him, wouldn't Lu Chen do what he wanted in it?

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