Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2101: You let me figure it out

"You... how did you know?"

Suddenly, the old man looked at Lu Chen with surprise and panic as if he had seen a ghost. He opened his mouth for a long time before he suffocated such a sentence.

"Guess! Okay, don't pull it, even if it is the ancestral hall of your source insect clan, but I can't go in! The big deal is that I don't let people find out, you know, the Holy League token can be Just inside, if I can't get the Saint League token, I won't leave!" Lu Chen was like an angry child, dumbfounded.

"But... but that place, you really can't go in!" The old man already has a very high level of cultivation, but seeing Lu Chen's appearance, he can't help but feel sweaty, and he will work for a while. Beads of sweat were already on his forehead.

"Isn't it the ancestral hall of your Origin Insect clan! It's no big deal! I will definitely not let people find out. As soon as I get the Saint League token, I will leave directly!" Lu Chen said in a quiet voice, once again comforted.

"It's not that, but... that place is not just the ancestral hall of our Origin Insect clan. It is also a place where the past patriarchs and elders practiced quietly. There are many guards hidden around them. Once you pass, you will I was found out!" The old man had a headache and had to tell the truth.

Lu Chen's eyes widened suddenly. After a long time, his face showed a completely enlightened look, and his mouth whispered: "So that's it, I said that when I got here, I couldn't find the breath of the Saint League token. There was a feeling of emotion. Don't have a cave!"

Hearing the old man's words, Lu Chen had already guessed that this seemingly short-answered little grass house must be nothing more than a hole-like existence, and there must be more precise places inside.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Now his situation is like playing a game. He originally found a copy. After he opened it, he took it in the copy, and found another copy. Then after he opened the copy, he found another copy. A copy was found.

I also received red envelopes with other pranks. Originally a big red envelope, I was extremely excited, but when I opened it, it was another red envelope. So until the end, it turned out that among the huge red envelope, there was There is only one dollar coin.

Lu Chen's current situation, although this is not the case, but in the end he can only get the Saint League token, which makes Lu Chen feel a little unworthy.

In this regard, Lu Chen couldn't help slandering Xiaolan in his heart: Didn't you say that as long as the energy points are enough, you can exchange everything? Now I have a lot of energy points, but if you ask you to directly exchange for a Saint League token, why can't you? Still talking so big!

And Xiaolan naturally understood Lu Chen's thoughts, and said aggrieved: "Master, you can't blame me! Although there are indeed Saint League tokens in the system that can be exchanged, but... but you don't know, which A Shengmeng token is what you really need, how can I exchange it for you!

And, more importantly, in your current situation, obviously every Holy League token is unique. Even if I can really exchange a Holy League token for you, it is impossible to exchange that unique breath. Come out, when you go to the Saint League, you will not be discovered by others!

If that were the case, wouldn’t it be even worse if you were blaming me, Xiaolan! "Xiao Lan's explanation was that when it was so sharp that Lu Chen had no room to reply for a long time, he smiled awkwardly, then ignored Xiao Lan, turned his head and looked at the elder of the Origin Insect family.

Lu Chen naturally knew that Xiaolan's words made sense, but when Lu Chen thought that he had something that could be exchanged for everything, but found that when he really wanted to use it, it didn't work at all, he felt aggrieved, but Fortunately, for Xiaolan, Lu Chen really wouldn't use much for the time being.

"Then what do you want to do!" Lu Chen simply played the rogue directly, with an expression of "If you don't figure out a way for me, I'll just rush in", looking at the old man.

The old man is very helpless. If he is replaced by someone else, he might be eager to let that person break in directly. In that case, it is estimated that he can be directly destroyed by the hidden guard without doing it himself. After all, he can hide in this small The guards around the thatched house are all first-class soldiers from the source insect clan.

But Lu Chen is different. For Lu Chen, the old man is quite a taboo, especially Lu Chen's rule of releasing purple-gray light, which makes the old man worried. He knows that facing such a rule, he will When the clan goes together, there is probably no way to resist.

After thinking about it for a long time, the old man didn't think of a good way to let Lu Chen get the Holy League token and leave directly without being discovered by his own people.

Of course, it's not that the old man can't do it himself.

You know, the old man, as the current great elder of the Origin Insect clan, of course, he can enter this little grass house at any time.

But the problem is that the old man’s task is to guard the fantasy city. According to the regulations, there is no clan order and it is not allowed to return to the clan. Even if there is a major crisis, this is also a way for the source insects to protect their settlements. Therefore, if the old man is A direct appearance will definitely attract the attention of the Origin Insect family in the first time.

And the second one is that the old man doesn’t even know what the Shengmeng token looks like. Even if the old man enters the little grassy house, he can’t find the existence of the Shengmeng token, not to mention, the clansmen don’t know. In the case of, he got the Holy League token, otherwise, wouldn't he have taken the Holy League token and joined the Holy League long ago?

With these two factors in mind, Lu Chen could only work hard, wrinkling a smile that was more ugly than crying, blocking Lu Chen's idea of ​​rushing over and getting the Saint League token, he didn't want it. After Lu Chen was discovered by his tribe, he fought a battle with his tribe in this settlement.

In that case, let alone one's own tribe, even the entire settlement would be destroyed.

And at this moment, Lu Chen suddenly felt the aura of the Saint League token in that little straw house again.

This time, the aura of the Saint League token was not as weak as it was at the beginning, it seemed very strong, and there was a trace of panic in the strong aura, just like a person who flees for his life, the breath will be revealed, making Lu Chen feel When he was very surprised, Lu Chen was also a little worried in his heart.

Could it be said that the existence of the Saint League token has been discovered by the people in that small house?

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