Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2106: Give me an elixir

Hearing the words of the great elder of the Origin Insect family, the elders of the Origin Insect family who rushed towards Lu Chen rushed towards Lu Chen's figure and stopped abruptly, a little surprised to follow that made them feel. Seeing the familiar voice, he immediately noticed the existence of the old man, and his face suddenly showed shock.

Then, some elders showed delighted expressions on their faces, and they quickly opened their mouths and shouted: "Elder, you are back! This kid is too arrogant? He snatched the Holy League token belonging to our Origin Insect family, and also The second elder is killed, the second elder is your brother!"

After the man finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Chen complacently, as if he was saying, hum, now our elders are here, you kid, wanting to escape is nothing short of a fantasy, let's see how we tortured you to death.

However, this person’s smug expression didn’t last long before he heard the old man’s words that shocked him: “Naughty, this gentleman is a noble guest of our Origin Insect family, and the Holy League token is not our Origin Insect. It’s a family of things, let alone, this gentleman, the idea of ​​stealing the Holy League token!"

In fact, not only this person, but also the others, looked at the great elder in shock, not understanding why the great elder said such words.

Suddenly, they thought of a question, shouldn't the great elder guard in the fantasy city? How could he appear in the clan at this time?

Those who can cultivate to the level of saints are not fools. After taking a look at Lu Chen and the phrase "This is the noble guest of their origin insect clan" in the words of the great elder, they immediately understood. Obviously, the stranger who appeared inexplicably was them. Dear Great Elder, brought it here.

"Elder, what are you doing! Do you know that the distinguished guest in your mouth is simply a evil star!" Some elders couldn't help but look at the elder with a regretful look.

At this moment, Lu Chen smiled and said, "Well, I just said I killed the guy who was lying on the ground. Don't talk nonsense. Be careful when I sue you for slander. When did I kill someone, look for yourself, that guy, Are you still alive! Humph, how can a dignified saint die so easily!"

Lu Chen’s words made everyone feel a little bit wrong. Let alone these people present, they are the great elders of the Origin Insect clan. At first I saw the yellow-robed man lying motionless on the ground with no breath at all. , I also thought that the man in the yellow robe was killed by Lu Chen.

Now that I heard what Lu Chen said, it was right to think about it, a dignified saint, wherever it is possible, it would be so easy to die.

So I didn't dare to think too much, and hurriedly rushed towards his yellow-robed man, and began to explore the body of the yellow-robed man.

After a long time, the great elder of the Yuan Clan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, just like what Lu Chen said, although the man in the yellow robe didn't breathe at all now, as if he was dead, in fact, the man in the yellow robe did not die, but the injury was a bit serious. The reason for the serious injury was not Lu Chen's fault, but his own reason.

The cultivation base of the yellow-robed man has now reached the cultivation base of the Heavenly Sage, but in fact, it has just been achieved.

In other words, he just understood his second rule, and he couldn't even beat the conditions for combining his two rules. Just now, the man in the yellow robe, in order to destroy Lu Chen with one move, he directly forced the two The rules were combined and used, and as a result, they did not encounter Lu Chen at all.

After colliding with Lu Chen's Hongmeng rules, the yellow-robed man was naturally subjected to the backlash effect of the two rules, which forced the fusion.

Lu Chen’s original plan just now was to just let the yellow-robed man faint, and he was supposed to teach this guy a lesson. After all, he promised the great elder of the source insect clan and would not harm any member of the source insect clan, so Lu Chen did not Don't prepare, let any member of the source insect clan suffer too much damage.

But who knows, this yellow-robed man wanted to kill him, causing him to die, forcing the law of fusion, the power of the law is not what ordinary people can imagine, the power of backlash is naturally very powerful, and he is directly affected. Caused a very serious injury.

Then it directly caused him to pass out.

After the elder of the Primordial Clan breathed a sigh of relief, he stood up and glared at his clan, then looked at Lu Chen apologetically, and said, "Brother, I'm so sorry, this guy is my brother, he has a bad temper. , Embarrass you!"

"It's okay, I haven't received any harm anyway, it's him!" Lu Chen shrugged and said carelessly.

Of course, if someone wanted to kill him at other times, Lu Chen would never let him go so easily, but now, after all, he had robbed something that should belong to them, so Lu Chen thought about the source insect The family is still a little guilty.

After all, Lu Chen also knew that the status of the Saint League token in the Forest of Origin God was also very important to a race.

Maybe, after the source insects have this token, coupled with the unity of the source insects, with the help of the resources of the Holy League, I am afraid that the source insects can enter a higher world, not one or two people, but There are dozens of people, in that case, the Origin Clan will definitely become stronger.

But now, their appearance has crushed their opportunity abruptly. Not to mention them, even if I replaced myself, I'm afraid I would want to kill that person and let him die.

"Nuo, eat it for him!" After thinking about it, Lu Chen still took out a pill from his ring and threw it to the great elder of the Origin Insect family.

Looking at the pill in his hand, the great elder of the Origin Insect clan was a little puzzled. He didn't understand the use of the pill that Lu Chen gave him.

"Give it to him, and his injury will heal!" Lu Chen said, covering his forehead.

The pill that Lu Chen gave to the great elder of the Origin Insect clan is also very good in Lu Chen's hands. It can instantly repair any injury of the holy monarch's cultivation level. As long as there is a breath of breath, it will take one second The clock time can be restored instantly.

Of course, it is said that it is below the sage, but in fact, people who have cultivated between the sage and the sage, not including the sage, can take it. Because the energy contained in this pill is really too large, lower than the cultivation level of a saint, after taking this pill, the powerful energy may directly burst the body, even if it is a god. Level characters will have the same fate.

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