Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2117: ask for it

"Go!" Jiang Xinxin said again.

"Yeah!" Lu Chen nodded his head, looked at Jiang Xinxin with tender eyes, put his hand on Jiang Xinxin's long hair, touched it, and then turned directly to look at the black mountain armor who had become the demon. The patriarch of a clan.

The icy breath shot from Lu Chen's gaze to the patriarch of the Mieyan Heishanjia clan.

And the patriarch of the Mieyan Heishanjia clan, at this time, has reached the final moment of enchantment, with a cruel smile on his face, bright red eyes, staring at Lu Chen, his tongue kept licking his lips, as if to Lu Chen is bloodthirsty and eats meat.

Now he doesn’t know what fear is. Although the Hongmeng Sacred Sword in Lu Chen's hand exudes an aura of fear, it does not seem to affect him at all. His eyes only know that he is staring at his enemy, and he will not notice at all. , What is in the hands of his enemy.


Suddenly, he entered the mouth of the patriarch of Mieyan Heishanjia clan, and he let out a screaming cry, his body began to swell continuously, and the clothes on his body, directly under the influence of the swelling body, shattered...Finally, He directly became the real body of Mieyan Black Mountain Armor.


After another scream, the transformed patriarch of Mieyan Black Mountain A rushed towards Lu Chen, covered in sharp and shiny scale armor, which was more handsome than the scale armor after Cao Liliang's transformation. There are many, and just by looking at it, you know that the power is also much greater.


The sharp and sharp tail of the Clan Chief of Mieyan Heishan A directly flicked towards Lu Chen. That sharp movement directly cut the space with a big opening. The strong sharpness came from the cut space, and everything around could move. All things quickly got into this hole.



Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and shook his hand, and the Hongmeng Sacred Sword directly faced the sharp and pointed tail of Mieyan Heishan Patriarch A.

The same movement, the two directly touched each other, the Hongmeng Sacred Sword did not have the slightest sluggish movement, and directly cut the tail of the Clan Mieyan Black Mountain A in half, and the broken tail was also directly broken by the space. Inhale it directly.

Lu Chen’s Hongmeng Sacred Sword collided with the large opening in the cracked space, colliding with the energy flowing out of it, making a huge explosion.

And this explosion seemed to be a fuse, causing a series of explosions, and the sound of "bumping and bumping" continued to sound around the Patriarch Mieyan Heishan.

This explosion happened too suddenly. Lu Chen had no power to prevent him. Affected by some explosions, his whole body was directly lifted out by the fluctuations of the explosion, and he fell to the ground fiercely, his face turned pale. A trace of blood also appeared at the corner of his mouth.

However, Lu Chen didn't care about his injury. He stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He spit out the blood mixed with blood, squinting his eyes and looking at the Mieyan Heishanjia clan in the center of the explosion. Patriarch.

Jiang Xinxin, who was worried because of Lu Chen's hand, saw that Lu Chen quickly got up from the ground. It didn't seem to be a major problem. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, but she couldn't help but worry. Looking at Lu Chen's back, she did not ask Lu Chen's voice, and she didn't want Lu Chen to be distracted by herself at this time.

The explosion finally stopped, and the patriarch of the Mieyan Heishanjia clan at the center of the explosion finally escaped from the endless explosion. But at this time, his appearance was too miserable, and he was in a lot of embarrassment compared to Lu Chen's immediate injury.

The gloomy and shiny scale armor showed too many damaged places, and black blood continuously flowed out from the cracks. The tail that was cut by Lu Chen with the Hongmeng Sacred Sword was even more smashed. It was indescribably miserable and not covered by the scale armor. There were several big holes in the belly that kept bleeding.

And the black hole that was opened by his own tail disappeared without knowing whether it was due to the impact of the explosion or some other reason.

Lu Chen hadn't figured out why this series of explosions occurred until now. However, if he didn't figure it out, he didn't figure it out. Anyway, this explosion helped him.


Lu Chen yelled, and the Hongmeng Sacred Sword flickered again. He swished his whole body and disappeared in place. Then he heard a "ding", and saw that Lu Chen had already waved the Hongmeng Sacred Sword and it was cut to death. Behind the patriarch of Yanhei Shanjia clan.

However, the patriarch of the Mieyan Heishanjia clan, the scales on his back are indeed quite sharp, and also quite hard, the Hongmeng holy sword that easily cuts off his tail, did not cut a point into the scales on his back, but The huge force produced still caused the Patriarch Mieyan Black Mountain A to soften his four legs and fell to the ground.


A few mouthfuls of blood protruded from Mieyan Heishan Clan Chief's mouth, and his breath became a little weaker.

He was lying on the ground, looking up at Lu Chen, the blood-red eyeball, the hatred, more intense.

Suddenly, he sprinted on the ground and took a few steps forward. Although the distance of advancement was not very far, it was enough for him to attack Lu Chen who was standing in front of him.

Lu Chen didn't expect this guy to become like this and still attack him. The Hongmeng Sacred Sword stood in front of him, and the blade directly faced the Patriarch Mieyan Black Mountain A who rushed forward.

I saw Patriarch Mieyan Heishan's body, his body skewed, but he was still chopped off half of his chin by the powerful Holy Sword.

Suddenly, a terrifying scream came from the head of Clan A of Mieyan Heishan.

"You asked for this!" Lu Chen squinted, looking at the chin that was cut off from Patriarch Mieyan Heishan on the ground, and said with a smile.

To be honest, Lu Chen himself did not expect such a scene to happen. He just saw this guy rushing towards him and subconsciously blocked the Hongmeng Sacred Sword in front of him, but how did he know that this guy was so stupid? Seeing the Hongmeng Holy Sword, he rushed over directly.

The Patriarch Mieyan Black Mountain A who has no self-awareness can't understand what Lu Chen is talking about. The pain on his jaw makes him scream. He only knows that he must kill the one in front of him and make himself miserable. The person, he must not make him feel better.

After a few more screams of "Ohhhhhh", this guy kept beating on the ground regardless of the bleeding wounds on his body, with that weird appearance, just like a clown in a circus.

Seeing this guy's behavior, Lu Chen really couldn't help but feel a little urge to laugh, but he was also secretly vigilant, knowing this guy in front of him, I'm afraid there is another big trick to let go!

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