Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2145: The ending is funny

"Let's start?" Lu Chen suddenly laughed when he heard Zhang Qiyang's three words. After the laughter stopped, he said in a bad tone, what to start, and to compete with me? You deserve it too?

Lu Chen is not a villain, of course he is not a gentleman, he is still a man in his own way.

Anyone who offends Lu Chen will never leave his hatred overnight.

Everyone in the audience was taken aback again. Although Lu Chen's voice was small, it still spread from a distance. Thousands of people looked at each other and looked at Lu Chen like a monster.

"What the **** is this kid?" Jiang Heng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Boy, you're looking for death." Zhang Qiyang yelled, his momentum soared in an instant, and bursts of flames shot up into the sky.

Lu Chen didn't care about Zhang Qiyang behind him, and walked to Jiang Yanna amidst everyone's surprise.

"Nana, trouble you, return the bag to me." Lu Chen said politely.

"What the **** is this...?" Jiang Yanna asked in confusion.

"You'll know in a while." After Lu Chen finished, he picked up the bag with a loud noise and hit the ring. Everyone was shocked, and even Zhang Qiyang stopped.

Lu Chen stepped onto the stage unhurriedly and came to the bag, ignoring everyone's surprise, and untied the bag.

He directly tore the lord of the mountains and deserts inside, and threw it towards Zhongying in the ring.

"Grass, what the **** is this kid doing? Make someone dead."

"My day, I'm really convinced. I won't play anymore. I'll be a dead man. If the elder troubles him to expel him, he will be disabled."

"It's also a second-hand. What's the use of a dead person in a game?"

The discussion from the crowd hasn't disappeared yet, Jiang Heng trembled, and while shaking, he shouted toward the stage, "The Lord of the Mountain Range, that is the Lord of the Mountain Range..."

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?" Jiang Yanna asked unbelievably as her expression changed.

"Lord of the mountains, I will not admit that the person is the owner of the mountains." Jiang Heng rushed to the stage as he finished speaking, and Jiang Yanna did the same.

"The Lord of the Desolation, is it really the Lord of the Desolation? That kid actually brought the Lord of the Desolation."

"How is it possible? Is this all true? Five-star mission, how is it possible?"

Thousands of people in the audience suddenly became a mess. You must know that most of them are participating in this mission of the Origin God Forest. The mission of capturing the Lord of the Desolation by Five Stars is clearer than anyone else. Lu Chen was carrying a big bag, and the inside of the big bag turned out to be the Lord of the Mountain Range. How could they not be shocked?

Reminiscent of Boyan’s previous knowledge, the expressions of thousands of people on the scene became more difficult to look at. If Boyan surrendered and knew the details, is it true that Lu Chen brought the Lord of the Desolation at this moment?


The sound of swallowing saliva sounded from the audience.

"This is the Lord of the Wilderness. I completed the five-star mission, so you don't deserve to compete with me. Isn't that wrong?" Lu Chen looked at Zhang Qiyang and said disdainfully. At this time, the elder Tai Shang and others were already Rushed forward.

"Impossible. Impossible, absolutely impossible." With a loud shout, Zhang Qiyang's blue vein thug, the whole person seemed to be crazy.

To know this exchange meeting, Zhang Qiyang has absolute certainty to win the championship.

He looked down on Lu Chen before, but he had the capital to look down on.

But now Lu Chen actually brought the Lord of the Mountain Range and completed the so-called five-star mission. In other words, this competition does not have to go on, and the champion of this exchange meeting is Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, what the **** is going on?" Jiang Heng said, pointing to the Lord of the Desolation.

"After taking the task, I also completed the task. It seems that I don't have to explain how I did it?" Lu Chen said lightly.

"It's so, but it's so, but you shocked me too much. It's a genius to capture the Lord of the Wilderness alive." Jiang Heng praised.

"Brother Lu Chen, you are amazing." Jiang Yanna said.

"Roar..." With a loud roar, Zhang Qiyang rushed towards him with a strong wind carrying a strong wind.

"Zhang Qiyang, are you crazy?" Jiang Heng scolded angrily when he saw Zhang Qiyang.

Peng... With a loud noise, the Hongmeng sword in Lu Chen's hand collided with the ice blade in Zhang Qiyang's hand.

Puff...A burst of blood shot out, and Zhang Qiyang flew straight out like a broken kite.

With Lu Chen naturally not having such great abilities, Jiang Heng made a move at the moment the two swords collided.

No one had dared to make trouble in the exchange meeting of the Saint League for a hundred years. Now Lu Chen has brought the Lord of the Mountain Range, and obviously the champion of this session is Lu Chen.

Zhang Qiyang wanted to break the rules, and Jiang Heng, as the Supreme Elder, would naturally not sit idly by.

"Zhang Qiyang, if you are stubborn, I will kill you in front of so many people today." Jiang Heng said angrily.

Zhang Qiyang's face was pale, his body trembling, his eyes fixed on Lu Chen.

I don't know how long I watched, and then I supported the ground with both hands, picked up the broken blade on the ground and walked towards the square with one foot.

Angry and unwilling, Zhang Qiyang completely classified Lu Chen among the enemies.

"Lu Chen really congratulate you. I didn't expect that this exchange meeting would be like this. It really opened my eyes." Jiang Heng shook his head and smiled bitterly again.

But as Jiang Heng said, I don’t know how many sessions of the exchange conference have been held, and which session is not the climax of the battle, and it is difficult to distinguish.

But this year, because of Lu Chen's battle, Boyan came up and automatically conceded defeat.

Now it’s finally changed to Zhang Qiyang. For some special reasons, the elder Taisho allowed him to give the former a chance. As a result, there was no fight, and Lu Chen became the champion of this year for no reason.

Is it too simple, or is it tricky? Jiang Heng didn't know what to describe, anyway, he felt funny at this exchange conference.

"Now I announce that the champion of this exchange conference is..." Lu Chen. Jiang Heng turned to the thousands of people in the audience and announced loudly.

"This... is over?"

"I haven't seen anything."

"This year, what kind of trouble is this?"

The thousands of people in the audience looked at me and I looked at you. The elder Taishang announced the result, but they still couldn't believe their eyes.

"Let's go." Lu Chen said when he came to Jiang Yanna.

"Don't stay longer?" Jiang Yanna asked.

"I don't want to be regarded as a monster by them." Lu Chen said with a blank eye.

"That's what I said." Jiang Yanna finished speaking and took Lu Chen's arm and walked towards the stage. While everyone was shocked, they gave a way to the pair of talented men and beautiful ladies. In Jiang Yanna's heart, she was completely conquered by Lu Chen at this moment. Up.

She did not accept the task but completed the task. As a result, at this critical juncture, she even completed the five-star task. How could this make her unfavorable?

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