Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2149: Pyongyang's best

"After taking this pill three times, your injury is almost healed," the old man said.

"Grandpa, thank you so much. I was injured so badly this time. If it weren't for you, I didn't know when I would get better." Lu Chen said.

"It's all a family, please don't be polite." After the old man said, he turned his gaze to Ru Pingdie and said again, "Pingdie, go back to the town and buy some accessories. As for what to buy, you are all in your heart Do you have a count?"

"I know, grandpa, I will buy them all." Ru Pingdie said happily.

"Well, don't come back too early. Anyway, there is nothing wrong at home. You can take Lu Chen around." The old man coaxed a nursery rhyme from the Garden of Eden and walked up the mountain.

"Why are you so excited?" Lu Chen said curiously, looking at Ru Pingdie.

"I can go to the street to play. There are so many snacks, and there are so many people." Ru Pingdie said, "The last time Grandpa took me half a month ago. When I was alone, Grandpa didn't let me go."

"Why not let you go?" Lu Chen asked in confusion.

"There are so many bad people on the street." Ru Pingdie said mysteriously.

"Oh, if you meet a bad guy today, my brother will help you beat them." Lu Chen said.

"Wow, thank you brother Lu Chen, then let's go quickly." Ru Pingdie said anxiously.

Lu Chen said, "When I came to the Garden of Eden, I was resting all the time. I haven't been out yet. I just happened to accompany you to stroll around today."

"Well, I will take you around today." After Ru Pingdie finished speaking, she took Lu Chen's hand and walked towards the town.

Lu Chen glanced at Ru Pingdie's profile. He was really a beauty embryo, but after thinking about it, he took his hand? Are the girls in the Garden of Eden so open?

The town in Ruping Diekou is called Pyongyang Town. The town is small, with only two streets.

I don't know what day it is, and the streets are crowded with people coming and going.

"Miss Ru, why haven't you come for so long?"

"Miss Ru, the big guys miss you. When will you take us to Muzhen to collect medicine?"

"Miss Ru, is that your boyfriend next to you? So handsome."

Lu Ping Diela Lu Chen had just walked into the town, and passers-by greeted them one after another.

Ru Pingdie blushed and responded one by one.

Lu Chen said with a smile, "I really didn't see it, you little girl is very popular."

"Of course, don't look at who this girl is?" Ru Pingdie joked.

"Yeah, our girl Ru is loved by everyone, and the flowers bloom." Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Who belongs to your house, nonsense." Ru Pingdie's pretty face blushed again, and she pulled Lu Chen towards a place where sugar haws were sold.

"Brother Lu Chen, I invite you to eat this, it's so sweet." Ru Pingdie said.

"It turned out to be Miss Ru, whichever one you want to eat, just take it." The owner of the sugar haws said with a smile.

"Boss Wu, look at what you are talking about, how can we take it casually, it is not easy for you to be a small business." Ru Pingdie finished speaking and said after taking down two candy gourds.

"Last time you saved my little son, our family hasn't repaid you yet. What are the two candied haws?" Boss Wu said with a smile.

"Come and give the money, otherwise, we don't need it." Ru Pingdie handed over two silver coins.

Boss Wu said embarrassingly, "Okay, but next time you come to our house for dinner, you can't give money."

"Ok, boss Wu, let's go to the front and go for a stroll." Ru Pingdie pulled Lu Chen and walked toward the front again.

"That's it." Ru Ping Diela Lu Chen came to a store and said.

"Here?" Lu Chen looked up. The sign read Pyongyang's No. 1 Best, and there were many snacks printed on it.

Although the small shop is not big, it is crowded with customers inside and out. The waiters in the shop are sweaty and the boss seems to be helping the guests with snacks.

"Yes, it's here, the most famous snack in the town. Brother Lu Chen, let's go in." After Ru Pingdie said that Lu Chen wanted to go in, suddenly at this moment, someone behind him shouted, "Pingdie. "

Ru Pingdie took a while, and looked back at the same time as Lu Chen, "Wanhua is you, why are you here today."

"Come here with friends today." Wanhua and Ru Pingdie are about the same age. They met in this town many years ago and are considered good friends.

"These are your good friends. We are going to have some snacks. Are you going?" Ru Pingdie asked.

"We are here to have a snack too, so why don't we have one," Wanhua said.

"Okay, there are so many people," Ru Pingdie said.

"This is? Why don't you introduce it?" Wanhua asked Lu Chen.

"The new member of our family, Brother Lu Chen." Ru Ping Diela Lu Chen introduced.

"Your boyfriend?" Wanhua asked when he got closer.

"Where, it's just a new member of our family." Ru Pingdie said blushing.

"I said no, my face is red, you little Nizi." Wanhua whispered.

"Stop talking, let's go in quickly, we will help Grandpa buy things later," said Ru Pingdie.

"Well then." Wanhua and Ru Pingdie walked toward the back room, and six or seven men followed.

After entering the snack bar, after everyone sat down, the two sides introduced each other again. There were six or seven men who followed Wanhua. One of them was tall and named Lei Yangyu, and the other was named Wang Qian. There is a young man named Shen Yali who has a good cultivation level. The others are of mediocre aptitude. According to Wanhua, these seem to be her hair.

Lu Chen had no intention of making friends with these people. After all, when Ru Pingdie pulled his wrist, two of them were obviously hostile.

If it wasn't his own appearance today, Wanhua would most likely introduce Ru Pingdie to one of them. In this way, the naked rivals would be extremely jealous when they met, and Lu Chen also knew the truth.

After a short while, the boss walked over with the menu and said with a smile, "Miss Ru, I'm so sorry. There are so many guests today, so you have to wait a long time."

"It's okay boss, we just sit here." Ru Pingdie said.

"No, let's see what to eat today. These are all your friends, so we should entertain them." The boss said.

"That's right, this is my brother Lu Chen, the first time you come here, boss, you can recommend some." Ru Pingdie pointed to Lu Chen and said.

"Or let this young man see?" The boss said this and handed the menu to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen glanced around, basically never seen it before, and said with a smile, "Pingdie, or take a look, I haven't seen many of them."

"I'm also the host here, how about I come and see?" Lei Yangyu suddenly interjected.

"Yang Yu knows a lot, let him see it" Wanhua said.

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