Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2159: Auction berserk

"Well, the auction will start normally later, let me explain, so that your pill can be ranked in a good chance to play." The man in black thought about Lu Chen very much, and Lu Chen smiled with satisfaction and nodded. .

Under the leadership of the man in black, he entered the auction unimpededly in advance, and specially arranged an excellent location for Lu Chen. Lu Chen was quite satisfied. With a barrier, he could see the outside situation clearly, but the outside Basically, people can't find out the slightest situation inside, which very well protects the privacy of people participating in the auction.

Of course, there are only ten such places in the huge auction room. I think it should be the VIP seat of Jubao Pavilion. It is not easy for Lu Chen to enjoy this kind of treatment for the first time.

After waiting for a while, people came in one after another. Looking at the various guests, Lu Chen was full of emotions. These people are now far from himself. Although he came to the Garden of Eden not long ago, Lu Chen succeeded through his own efforts. Towards the upper class society.

This is helpful for him to inquire about Shui Yulan and the last two Hongmeng components. When he has the news, everything is easy to say. Lu Chen is not in a hurry for success. In case of trouble, those people will do something unfavorable to Shui Yulan. Lu Chen regretted it.

Before, he was also anxious, like an ant on a hot pot, but after calming down and thinking about it, he realized that being anxious and devastated would not have any effect. It would be better to calmly think about how to rescue Shui Yulan.

Now that I came to the Garden of Eden, I realized that the situation here is complicated and we must fight steadily. It is best to create a strong force of his own. After all, he is truly weak and difficult to survive.

If the power becomes stronger, it would be a different matter. Lu Chen carefully observed the incoming people. He found that some people looked at him as well, and there were only a few VIP seats. Basically, the people who could occupy the garden of Eden were well-known characters. , And there are not a few who bring a few relatives and friends together.

They could only see a dim shadow, and they were enough to judge that there was only one person in the VIP table where Lu Chen was. This was undoubtedly the focus of their discussion.

"Look there, buddy, who the **** is it? It's such a big show. One person occupies a VIP seat. Don't I remember, there is this number in the Garden of Eden." A voice of dissatisfaction sounded from the corner of the auction.

"Yes, a gentleman has seen the same thing, but I also feel unfamiliar. When you say this, I remember it."

"Tsk tusk tusk, let's take a look. If you can enter the VIP seat, you want to have a little status and financial resources. He should appear at the auction later."

Lu Chen just smiled at this one after another and didn't care. When it was necessary, he would take action, and it didn't matter if his identity surfaced.

Lu Chen has always been low-key, and occasionally high-key, lest others forget him, when Lu Chen has this idea, it is destined to cause an uproar in the Garden of Eden due to Lu Chen soon.

After most of the people took their seats, a hearty laughter rang out, "Hehe, thank you all for your busy schedule and taking the time to participate in our once-a-month large-scale auction held by Jubao Pavilion." Before seeing him, let me hear about it. After everyone took a closer look, it was a man with a gentle smile on his face. His handsome temperament can definitely fascinate many young girls. Although he has reached middle age, his handsome face can vaguely Look at his romantic and suave time.

"I am the host of this auction-Confucianism, or the old saying. I produce products by Jubaoge. It must be a fine product." Confucianism chatted and laughed, giving everyone a sense of intimacy. Lu Chen couldn't help but be surprised. People, speak deeply in the hearts of the people.

The others couldn’t help applauding, and Lu Chen followed with two shots. After the applause, Confucian nodded in satisfaction, “Everyone is so enthusiastic, I only have the auction item to reward everyone. First of all, the first treasure is presented. The helmet, which can prevent all kinds of attacks by open spears and dark arrows, was found in the ancient ruins." The Confucianism is very simple, and everyone knows it. Many people have red eyes, which proves that they are very concerned about this. The enthusiasm for armor has made the auction room a lot quieter, waiting for the lowest quotation in Confucianism, which is the starting price.

"The starting price is twenty golds." Confucian said in a hurry, causing an uproar. A small number of people gave up their plans to bid for this steel helmet. After all, they did not come for this, and the starting price was two. Ten gold, will continue to stir up later.

"Twenty gold, I want it." A wealthy male voice resounded through the auction. Most people followed the sound curiously, with a look of contempt on his face. Twenty gold was not too much. The man still pretends, and the twenty gold is so public.

"I'm paying thirty gold." Soon someone interrupted the fat man with a big belly.

"Fifty gold."

"Eighty gold." Lu Chen couldn't help but marvel at the speed of the price increase. He didn't care about this armor because it was of no use to Lu Chen, so Lu Chen just stood by.

"Is there any higher?" Someone handed over the high price of 80 gold, and no one spoke for a long time. Confucianism was obviously anxious, but he was in a good mood and didn't show it.

"Don't you want to have a defensive thing at a critical moment? It may be possible to save a life. Human life is priceless." Confucian said solemnly and participated in the auction. The people also recognized it from the heart.

"That's right, one hundred gold." The price quoted once again refreshed the previous record of 80 gold.

"Oh, sure enough, the people who participated in my Jubao Pavilion auction are rich people. A big spend can make beautiful women admire." Confucian slapped his hands, and before a while, there were a few beautifully dressed and slender women appeared. , Showing a seductive dancing posture, most of the participants in this auction are men. When they see such superb beauties appear, they are naturally beastly.

Just pretending to be a gentleman and admiring them, the beauties looked around, "One hundred and twenty gold." A frivolous voice interrupted everyone's thoughts, turning out to be a young handsome man.

As soon as he finished speaking, those beauties were all posted up. With the bursts of thoughts, the rest cast envy and jealous eyes. Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions. Although there was no detrimental means to make money in the treasure house, But it makes sense to try every means.

But this kind of thing is what you want, and he can't interfere. These women don't know where Jubao Pavilion got them, and I blame the poor. Although Lu Chen is sympathetic, he still depends on the person.

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