"Boy, what is your technique?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly, and treated Lu Chen with caution. This kid cannot be measured by common sense. It seems that there is no threat of a sword. He will only realize it when he really touches it. , I was quite weak in front of Lu Chen.

"This is a secret, so I can tell you." Lu Chen smiled mysteriously. After Zhuge Yu tasted the power, he would not be so arrogant and arrogant.

"Don't think I can't deal with you." Zhuge Yu was furious, and Lu Chen was the first to dare to speak to him like this. Before Zhuge Yu was in the Garden of Eden, it was a unique and top existence, even those old guys, saw He all backed down three points, which was absolutely the supreme glory and glory.

Zhuge Yu's name is also widely circulated in the Garden of Eden, but Lu Chen is just a little-known hairy boy, probably with the help of the magical sword in his hand.

"Haha, come here then." Lu Chen looked up to the sky and screamed, showing unparalleled courage, his triumphant triumph was evident, Zhuge Yu hadn't paid attention to it yet.

"There is a kind of you put down the sword in your hand and fight with my bare hands!" Zhuge Yu actually took the initiative to raise this point. In fact, it is already showing weakness. After all, what identity Zhuge Yu is, he himself is a sword repairer. Under normal circumstances, he is a sword repairman. Others asked him not to use a sword to face each other, but the situation of turning the cart before the horse at this time can also prove that Zhuge Yu has been forced to a certain degree.

Otherwise, with his arrogance, he would never bow his head to a peer.

"Tsk tsk, dignified sword repair Zhuge Yu, and even asked not to use swords, I really know how to joke." Lu Chen lightly said with a smile, not without contempt and cynicism, Zhuge Yu took a deep breath and suppressed his heart as much as possible. Anger.

Because he also understood that once he was dazzled by anger, he would have no hope of defeating Lu Chen. This kid was very strange, I don't know why, Zhuge Yu couldn't see through Lu Chen, and he hadn't paid close attention to Lu Chen before.

"You, you will be quick to speak, and that real ability comes out. Don't think that with a powerful sword, you can be lawless." Zhuge Yu smiled without anger, and Feng Qingyun said calmly, with a disdainful face. color.

"Oh, do you think I'm afraid you won't succeed? Okay, then as you said, you don't need a sword, and you regret it." Lu Chen curled his lips. He didn't rely on the Hongmeng Sword because Lu Chen knew it well. Only by increasing their own strength can they be able to stand in a world where the weak eat the strong and the strong respect the strong.

"Look, who will regret it." Zhuge Yu instantly gathered the iron-cut long sword, and quickly swept it out again, like lightning, forming several phantoms, even though he was a sword repairman, he did not rely on it. Under the premise of the sword, the attack power will be greatly reduced, but there is still no reduction in speed in all aspects.

In this way, it is not that difficult to deal with Lu Chen. As long as he finds the flaws in Lu Chen, and does not believe that Lu Chen can't be killed, he wants to make the kid deeply aware of the serious consequences of offending him.

"Hehe, come, let you fight while standing." Lu Chen shook his head helplessly. Some people felt so good about themselves that they couldn't say anything, so that Lu Chen could only prove it with actual actions. I had to teach Zhuge Yu a hard lesson.

The two of them had similar thoughts. There were no bystanders at first, but because they made so much noise that many people passing by looked at it, most of them looked at the landing with sympathetic eyes. Chen.

Because they didn't know the previous scene, in this way, Lu Chen naturally became the representative of the weak and fought against Zhuge Yu. Isn't that the moth fighting the fire and killing itself.

Most people think that Lu Chen is an overweight performance. No one seems to be optimistic about him. Even though Zhuge Yu's eyes flashed by with surprise, he still blasted out with a fist, with incomparable deterrence. There is a lot of power.

This kid Lu Chen didn't have the help of the strange sword, and it was really impossible to fight him. There was no doubt about this. Zhuge Yu seemed to see Lu Chen being beaten all over the floor looking for teeth.

And Lu Chen stayed still and didn't mean to avoid it. This made Zhuge Yu a little curious. Is this kid sure, or is he pretending to be an expert in the world.

In the next moment, Lu Chen slowly raised his head and hands. With the overwhelming power and the neighing sound of the surrounding air, one can imagine how terrifying Lu Chen's fist was.

It turned out that Lu Chen gained a lot of benefits after he realized the broken book without reading the exercises. Combining his own Hongmeng tactics, he deduce the rest of the incomplete parts.

What he used at this time was the bursting flame fist in the technique, as if the surrounding air emitted a faint scent of burning, and the faint light of Lu Chen's fist was flowing.

Although Zhuge Yue discovered Lu Chen's abnormality, her eyes were filled with horror and horror, but she had no choice but to bite the bullet and punch.

"Bang." A deafening blasting sound, with an earth-shaking aura, fluttered in all directions. It was just the aftermath of the devastating horror aura spreading that made it difficult for many people. Resist, have enough breath.

Zhuge Yu only felt the blood churning in his body, "Pouch." He couldn't bear it, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The blood was so beautiful that everyone was dumbfounded. It was completely different from the scene in imagination. .

Lu Chen's strength has reached the level of despising Zhuge Yu. Although Zhuge Yu did not hold the sword, after everyone whispered one after another, everyone knew that Zhuge Yu did not dare to use the sword against Lu Chen. It is said that Lu Chen also has a sword of good quality, even on Zhuge Yu's long-famous sword.

"Cough cough." Zhuge Yu coughed twice, dripping blood from the corner of his mouth, looking embarrassed. The rest of the people all had that sympathetic look. They did not expect that Zhuge Yu of the first wise would have such a tragedy.

As the saying goes, Huluoping is deceived by dogs, that’s why.

Zhuge Yu's heart was full of shame, but he had nowhere to vent. He was puzzled. How could Lu Chen's punch have such a powerful deterrent, but the facts before him made him depressed.

"Boy, you are cheating!" In front of everyone, Zhuge Yu couldn't swallow this breath, and his anger was pouring out from the crown. A wave of majestic pressure swept towards Lu Chen, it turned out to be Zhuge Yu refused to give up, Lu Chen was a little flabbergasted, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. Zhuge Yu was really funny.

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