Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2178: Huge waves

Let him know what a real powerhouse is. Lu Chen's strength is not enough for Fang Ping to kill casually, but what he imagined is always beautiful. Even if Fang Ping comes oncoming, Lu Chen is indifferent. A smile appeared.

It was obviously contempt and disdain. Lu Chen, the kid who died close to his death, would not admit defeat. He really didn't want to die. There was a coffin not far away, and he didn't cry.

At the moment of the moment, Fang Ping speeded up again, taking advantage of this opportunity to completely obliterate Lu Chen, so as to eliminate his heart.

But Lu Chen's figure suddenly became illusory, and I don't know why. At this moment, Fang Ping couldn't judge the trajectory of Lu Chen's movement at all. It is conceivable that Lu Chen's methods have reached the point where it is unfathomable.

"I'm here." A joking and playful voice sounded from behind Fang Ping, and he was shocked secretly, and it was too late to turn around and resist.

Lu Chen's performance completely surpassed his expectations. Fang Ping took a deep breath and stepped back, but Lu Chen had already locked him in. Even if Fang Ping wanted to be intact, it would be unrealistic.

Fang Ping felt a breath of death enveloped him, and hurriedly turned his head back and saw Lu Chen's smile like a **** of death, making Fang Ping terrified immediately, and an unprecedented sense of fear filled his mind.

"Quick, stop." Fang Ping couldn't help but said, his voice trembling a little, it is conceivable that he realized Lu Chen's fierce methods at this time.

Contempt of Lu Chen before was simply a big joke, Fang Ping regretted it, but in this world, there is no regret medicine to take, Fang Pingrao was so anxious, watching Lu Chen lightly slapped it, the momentum is not so domineering Fierce.

Fang Ping gritted his teeth and seemed to have made some decision. He put all his strength in his hands, and then slammed out a palm of the storm. He could only fight with Lu Chen, even if he suffered a loss. The situation is much better than if he kept begging for mercy and bowing his head. Fang Ping was originally a face-saving person, but this time he couldn’t pretend to be calm in front of Lu Chen. In contrast, Fang Ping’s hand was more powerful. The turbulent flow made Fang Ping's eyebrows happy.

He was a little surprised. On the surface, he couldn't see the depth of Lu Chen. If Lu Chen's strength is stronger than him, he would be a little bit self-deceiving. After all, Lu Chen's control is inferior in any aspect. His, in this way, Fang Ping has the confidence to occupy a slight advantage.

Since this kid Lu Chen had to die, Fang Ping had done him well. At the critical moment, Fang Ping's potential emerged, and the overwhelming pressure was revealed. He wanted to split the victory with Lu Chen.

"Boom Rumble." Just as a few people walked out of the tunnel, they witnessed Lu Chen and Fang Ping's fight. Many of them had seen Lu Chen and Zhuge Yu fight just now. Of course, they were at this time. They all looked at Fang Ping with a strange sympathetic vision, even though Fang Ping was not weak.

But compared to Zhuge Yu, it pales in comparison, nothing counts. Just imagine that Lu Chen and even Zhuge Yu can easily complete the torture, let alone this little Fang Ping, isn't it just for his own sake?

They were very curious, what exactly did Fang Ping think? Could it be that they didn't know the second confrontation and friction between Lu Chen and Zhuge Yu?

Everyone immediately felt that it was very possible. Since Fang Ping was ignorant and ignorant, he would definitely suffer. Moreover, from Lu Chen's powerful means, it was enough to judge that Lu Chen's eyes were sly and cunning. When he dealt with Zhuge Yu, If he didn't go all out, then this Fang Ping was just a clown in his eyes, it really couldn't be a climate.

Lu Chen pondered for a while, and then reduced his strength again, so that Lu Chen's palms did not seem to have any threatening power. Those bystanders were also curious. Lu Chen had this ability. Could it be that the palms were still internal The hidden mystery cannot be achieved, if according to Lu Chen's personality, this is really possible.

Although the palm technique is not very imposing, the two of them collided with their palms in an instant, "huh." Fang Ping snorted, his eyes filled with horror. He felt the strength of Lu Chen's punch, never before. It seems that he has only experienced it in his elders.

"Puff puff." Fang Ping suddenly vomited blood, Lu Chen still smiling, staying motionless, watching Fang Ping's blood stain half of the ground.

Fang Ping only felt as if his internal organs were about to be shattered. The destructive power Lu Chen gave him was unimaginable. A huge wave was set off in his heart. He originally despised Lu Chen, but at this time he no longer had this idea. Up.

It turned out that Lu Chen deliberately pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, yelling in front of him, which made Fang Ping angry, but after measuring his own strength, he chose to converge a little. There is no need to fight Lu Chen for a while. In contrast, this guy is simply a monster, and there is nothing terrifying about it that seems weak.

But when they played against each other, it was completely different. Everyone only felt the blow from the blue sky. Lu Chen, who was originally unknown, suddenly swept through with a blockbuster, which can be said to be the leader of suppressing geniuses. They are somewhat uncomfortable and look at them with envy and jealousy. Sweeping towards Lu Chen.

But no one dared to say anything. Lu Chen’s powerful means shocked each of them. There was no doubt that Lu Chen had once again become the focus of the audience. For a while, the atmosphere in the field changed slightly. Although the rest of the people admired and yearned for the treasures on the high platform, none of them dared to act rashly.

The courage that Lu Chen showed one after another gave them a brand new shock. At this time Yan Dong also came over, with a slight smile on his face, it seemed that he had gained some benefits before.

The crypt actually has a lot of space, but Lu Chen didn’t see it. He chose a main line and walked over directly. Some people walked around outside, exploring and discovering treasures, unlike Lu Chen, who directly Came to this location, so he would be the first to arrive.

Lu Chen walked slowly towards the crystal coffin, and the rest of the people were nervous, for fear that Lu Chen was going to swallow these five treasures by himself. Then they would have nothing to gain from the ruins of the ancient powerhouse. I hope they can't be so overbearing, otherwise they are not. Eat dry rice.

Rao is Lu Chen's unmatched strength, but as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands. They still don't believe that Lu Chen can turn the sky, as long as they unite, Lu Chen is not that terrible. After all, they are also sure to deal with Lu. Chen.

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