Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2185: Ten Grade Life Extension Pill

Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then cautiously walked towards the crystal coffin. This was even more terrifying than the hidden weapon before. He had to be cautious, and it was all to this point. If something went wrong, Lu Chen would fall into a disaster. I'm afraid he will cry without tears.

Simply, there was no change in the coffin this time. Lu Chen was delighted, but did not show. He lifted the upper lid. The lid is still a bit heavy. If you are an ordinary person, at least a few talents can lift it. Get up, fortunately Lu Chen has honed before.

Although he can't be called the kind of person with natural supernatural power, it is not much different. Lu Chen took a deep breath, slowly put the lid on, and then dropped it on the ground. Observing this middle-aged man carefully, he was radiant. Yes, it's not like someone who has been dead for a long time. Lu Chen couldn't help but be surprised. It seems that this crystal coffin is unique. This is beyond doubt. After all, Lu Chen knocked left and touched again, and he couldn't come to any conclusions. .

It is estimated that the materials from ancient times are so scarce. Lu Chen frowned, and the middle-aged man revealed a deep unwilling look between his brows, "Puff." Lu Chen's keen senses actually heard bursts of heartbeat. It's definitely not his, who is it, there is no one else besides him!

Could it be the corpse in front of you? Lu Chen thought of this possibility for the first time. He frowned, cheating on the corpse? What's the joke, how long has it been, and it has been able to come back to life? Isn’t that shocking?

Even if Lu Chen's mentality is good, there is a limit. What happened at this time can be called weird. Lu Chen stared at the middle-aged man's corpse and found that his chest was undulating.

Lu Chen's eyes flashed, "Senior, are you still alive?" Lu Chen respectfully hugged his fists. Even though he is a strong man in the realm of Earth Saint, he dare not hold himself in front of the ancient strong. The experience of these people , I am afraid it is not what he can imagine.

Strangely, no one answered. Lu Chen was suspicious. He lifted the body of the middle-aged man. As expected, there was a lot of articles below. Lu Chen took a deep breath. It turned out to be a crystal clear red pill, but this The pill, exuding unique and majestic and powerful vitality.

"This is the tenth-grade life-continuation pill?" Lu Chen felt a little familiar, and immediately confirmed that he had also refined the life-continuation pill before, but the quality was far from that abnormal.

The effect of the Ten-Rank Sustained Life Pill was so terrifying that Lu Chen could not imagine, but there was a huge wave in his heart. Why didn't this ancient power take this pill before he died? It stands to reason that as long as there is a breath, even if it is severely poisoned or seriously injured, it is not a problem after taking the ten-pin renewed life pill.

Lu Chen knew this very well. He was puzzled. He thought there was something wrong with the ancient powerhouse’s head, but that was obviously impossible. Lu Chen thought of what he had obtained not long ago. A scroll of bamboo slips, what information should the ancient strongmen keep.

Lu Chen took out the bamboo slips and said, "My life will not be long, and I have spent my entire life traveling around the world. I have seen countless things, but the wicked are watching and using his extremely poisonous curse technique, causing my lifespan to diminish, and I have been unable to break through in cultivation. I thought that Hongmeng Dan could appear in the Yangming Crypt, but I hurriedly came, but I made a mistake in my judgment. I was framed by someone in a different place on my head. Later, people can study the pattern. Hongmeng Dan is heaven and earth. The origin of everything."

The words on the bamboo slips made Lu Chen dumbfounded, because of the inconspicuous three words-Hongmengdan. Didn't he come to the Garden of Eden for Hongmengdan and to rescue Shui Yulan? Now he has no clue, Lu Chen was a little impatient. He knew well that as long as he could find the Hongmeng Pill, his strength would definitely be able to go to the next level. Even the legendary Heavenly Sage, who stood above the emptiness, could not be reached.

Under the bamboo slip, he drew a scribbled map. From several locations, Lu Chen could vaguely see a rough shape, but Lu Chen was already satisfied. As long as he had a drawing, he could basically take his time. Looking for clues.

It seemed that Hongmeng Dan should be in the Garden of Eden. After all, this ancient powerhouse didn't have to fool Lu Chen. Lu Chen didn't think much about it.

I put away the bamboo slips, took the tenth-grade life continuation pill with the sheep hand in hand, no wonder the person who fell just now can have such a clear and incomparable heartbeat. It turns out that this pill is the ghost of the tenth-grade pill. Such a miraculous effect, wouldn't the Hongmeng Pill he has been pursuing so much more powerful.

Lu Chen couldn't help but look forward to it, a surprise flashed in his eyes. He probably looked around and found that there was nothing special in the crystal coffin except for a tenth-grade life renewal pill.

Lu Chen was a little regretful, but he also understood that to be a man, he had to know how to be happy with his feet. The little Ten-Rank Life Renewal Pill was absolutely invaluable. Lu Chen believed in this.

I'm afraid that the current Garden of Eden doesn't necessarily have such a treasure. Lu Chen is going to keep this medicine pill for later.

He strode toward the exit, his mouth filled with a confident smile.

The rest of the geniuses saw Lu Chen in awe. It is conceivable that Lu Chen's performance in the cave was deeply shocking, so Lu Chen came out unimpeded.

Even they rushed to make way for Lu Chen, and they weren't suitable to engage in evil with Lu Chen before they saw the high level of their power.

"En." Lu Chen nodded lightly. He was still satisfied with the performance of these people. When he came out, the old man who had been waiting outside for a long time couldn't help but shine.

Although the crypt was isolated from the outside, they also felt some of the aura that penetrated from the crypt. They had originally wanted to go in and explore, but they were worried that they had ghosts in their hearts, so they had to be patient.

Lu Chen looked calm and light, and walked to the old man. Although the old man was curious, he did not ask his doubts. He waited for the people behind Lu Chen to appear, but unfortunately, only a few people came out and stopped. Dishes.

The seniors of those forces did not see their talented leaders come out, and looked nervously, but the time for a stick of incense passed, and some seniors couldn't bear it.

They asked the genius leaders they knew one after another. They were all in a dilemma, and they didn't dare to say anything. After all, Lu Chen's deterrent power had not dissipated.

"Damn, did he fall inside?" Some seniors also began to guess, and the atmosphere became awkwardly embarrassed for a while, only a few people looked indifferent.

Of course, after surreptitious discussions, sleep gradually emerged. Those elders are not vegetarians, and their analytical power and ability are beyond doubt.

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