Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2188: Open your eyes

From the emotions of the people, it is sufficient to see that this wine lees should be considered a master in the entire Garden of Eden, but this is the case, Lu Chen can easily fight the wine lees with 30 to 40% strength.

Who can have this kind of courage in the Garden of Eden? Lu Chen was crept at first. It seems that he should be brave enough? A little bit, but he can't be too high-profile until he finds out the specific news about Shui Yulan, otherwise he will be threatened by others. It is not impossible.

Although the distiller's lees suppressed his shock as much as possible, Lu Chen found it easily. The old guy thought he had no waves in the ancient well, but in fact Lu Chen had all his eyes.

"Boy, how sacred are you? That old guy shouldn't be able to receive such a powerful apprentice as you." The lees made an analysis, and the old man had some complacency. Lu Chen is indeed his apprentice, even though he is just a master. Nothing but basically nothing.

But it can be said to be indispensable. At least he brought Lu Chen in. It was just this, and it also benefited Lu Chen a lot. The old man blushed, but he couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes. Lu Chen had nothing to do. thing.

Still fighting hard with the distiller’s lees, this made the old man more glamorous. Lu Chen was also energized. With a punch, he set off a fierce and domineering deterrent and smashed the distiller’s lees. The old guy was slightly stunned. It was a precaution, but sadly, Lu Chen's speed was faster than him.

That palm came out a bit slowly. Lu Chen seemed to have tens of thousands of kilograms of force rushing to the liquor lees. The latter flew out, but he took out his short sword and made a comeback.

Lu Chen frowned slightly. Isn't this the Hongmeng sword that forced him to take out, but there are many people here, and there are some old guys with some qualifications, in case they recognize the origin of the Hongmeng sword, There is no benefit to Lu Chen.

He thought for a while, and his mind moved. The gem he got from the crypt-the thousand-year geocentric tortoise appeared in the sight of everyone, causing an uproar. A thousand-year-old tortoise is still rare, let alone the earth. Xin Lao Tortoise has very few qualities.

Of course, those talented leaders who understand the inside story and enter the crypt with Lu Chen are naturally well aware of the treasures on the five high platforms. They are the treasures of the earth system.

I have to say that Lu Chen was a sensible choice. After all, the old man of distiller's lees had a very strong offensive, and there was no need to compete with him. As the so-called enemy is strong and we are weak, he uses a gesture of showing weakness to confuse the distiller's lees.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Chen's Millennium Geocentric Tortoise appeared, even the senior staff of Jubao Pavilion were a bit shocked. There were many treasures they came into contact with.

The variety Lu Chen held in his hand was still extremely rare. He couldn't help but be surprised. Fortunately, he was relieved to learn that Yan Dong had also obtained two treasures. This was enough to prove that Lu Chen liked Jubao Pavilion. , All the major forces in the Garden of Eden, except for his treasure-gathering pavilion, no one has got the best treasures.

Using this to resist is more than enough in Lu Chen's opinion. Even though the old man with lees is a bit capable, he is 50% of his strength, and he has a certain amount of energy from the five elements. Although he has not mastered it for a long time, he is far better than ordinary people with Lu Chen. The comprehension power has not reached the superb energy of controlling the five elements, and the initial use is not a problem.

In fact, Lu Chen was also curious as to what effect would the use of the Five Elements Qi achieve, whether he could find a breakthrough based on defense.

When the time comes, turning defense to offense is the kingly way. This old lees feels good about himself, so let Lu Chen give him a heavy blow. That is definitely the best way.

"Bang Bang." The iron-shaved short sword kept hitting Lu Chen's millennia-centred tortoise shell, making a piercing sound of gold and iron, and there were flashes of electric light, and the strong aftermath flew away. When they opened, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath. They didn't expect that Lu Chen would have achieved such a mighty momentum in the fight against the lees. It is conceivable that Lu Chen's strength is no different than that of the lees.

The aggressive confrontation between the two brought about a surging aftermath. Lu Chen flashed a faint earthy yellow light all over his body. Although it looked very ordinary, there is no doubt that Lu Chen's Millennium Geocentric Tortoise Shield played a peculiar way. The effect of not only resisted the attack of the distiller's grains, but also subtly rebounded a part of its power, passing along the dagger to the body of the distiller's grains.

That kind of strong impact made the sake lees arm numb, and there was an uproar in his heart. What method did Lu Chen use and why this force is so familiar? It was clearly his own.

That thousand-year-old tortoise shell is not only invincible in defense, but also invincible. There is no doubt about this. He has a headache for a while, and there seems to be no way to stop Lu Chen.

"Huh." As he tentatively attacked, he found that the rebound component was getting bigger and bigger. He couldn't bear it, and he couldn't help but snorted. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the soles of his feet pushed back, back and forth, and competed head-on with Lu Chen. , And there is no benefit.

Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't quite understand his thoughts. After all, they didn't know the situation of the distiller's grains. The old man couldn't help but smiled. It's because the distiller's grains suddenly figured it out and he was not ready to deal with Lu Chen.

He won’t even dream of selling him a face. It’s because of Lu Chen’s horrible tactics. “Boy, you stop” the wine lees actively showed weakness. His speech has undergone a subtle change, and smart people can hear it. , Is the lees begging for mercy? They are at a loss.

"Haha, you bullied me just now, and now it's my turn to fight back." Lu Chen took in the tortoise shell for thousands of years without thinking, and then put on a pair of white gloves, full of power. He didn't want to do this. The battle is about to end, this lees can barely be used as a sandbag for his hand training.

This white glove was also obtained in the crypt. Lu Chen wanted to see what the peculiar effect of the crypt owner’s collection had a peculiar effect. Lu Chen felt that his whole body was lighter. It should be because of the white color. Because of the gloves, Lu Chen was triumphant in his heart, but he didn't show it.

"Boy, don't go too far. The old man gives you a little bit of face, not for you to get a three-point color to see the dyeing workshop." The wine lees was depressed, and Lu Chen wanted to teach him. Isn't that ridiculous?

"Haha, you really guessed it right, I didn't want to care about you, but you bullied me, don't blame Xiaoye for teaching you." Lu Chen said arrogantly, and everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. In a sigh of relief, Lu Chen meant clearly that people will not offend me and that I will not offend others. The situation in front of them is simply an eye-opener for them.

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