Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2200: Hire murder

He couldn't help but triumphant. The old man's shocked expression had already revealed everything. At this time, the old man's face twitched slightly, "Ten-Rank Life Supplement Pill, how could it be so perfect!!"

As an alchemist, he was unable to keep calm when he encountered the perfect ten-grade life-renewing pills. He knew well that the ten-product life-renewing pills was a concept. Pills, there is hope to live a few more years.

What a heaven-defying effect. Of course, the ten-grade life-renewing pill has basically been lost, and it hasn't come out for hundreds of years. It is said that the last time it appeared was to save a famous and famous person, and this person is not from the Garden of Eden. It was a person from outside the country. Of course, this was just hearsay. Because of the rareness and preciousness of a ten-grade life renewal pill, it caused a sensation in several areas.

The field in which the Garden of Eden is located, called the City of Eden, has a vast frontier territory, but it does not have many advantages compared to other fields. Because of the distance, there has been no mutual infringement between fields for a long time. For one thing, it's definitely a big fight, and it's better to wear it in your own field.

"Well, grandpa, you have good eyesight!" Lu Chen gave a thumbs up, his eyes filled with triumph. The old man's expression could fully see his shock.

"You, where did you come from!" The old man was speechless with excitement, hesitating.

Immediately before his eyes lit up, "Did you get it in the crypt?" It is said that there are five treasures in the crypt. Lu Chen got three, one is a thousand-year-old tortoise shell, and the other is the best ice. He didn't know the last piece of silk gloves that hadn't surfaced yet.

So he was very curious. Now that Lu Chen took it out, he breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Chen nodded without thinking. This is also the truth, because this tenth-grade life extension pill was found from the body of an ancient strong man. .

At that time, Lu Chen also posed towards the corpse. After all, he moved the position of the house, which was somewhat wicked, so that Lu Chen could feel at ease.

The old man couldn't calm down for a long time. After a while, he asked curiously, "You haven't heard the secret of this pill, right?"

Lu Chen nodded again, and the old man sighed a little bit of relief. Sure enough, Lu Chen was quite considerate of things, which the old man admired very much.

Although Lu Chen is young, his style of dealing with people is no different from him.

"of course."

"Lu Chen, what do you plan to do with this tenth-grade life-renewing pill?" The old man added the tenth-grade second character. He is not a young man in alchemy. The highest is the eighth grade. It is the most common pill, the best The quality is also the sixth-rank life-continuing pills, which is a world of difference compared to the ten-rank life-continuing pills in front of them.

He also knew this well, so when facing Lu Chen's ten-grade life-renewing pill, the old man would look at the artwork with a vision and stare at the pill. Maybe he will spend his entire life. , There is no way to refine the tenth-grade life continuation pill, unless it is a qualitative breakthrough in the cultivation base, but the old man thinks that is unlikely.

Because he makes alchemy every day, most of his mind is put on alchemy, and he has little time and energy to practice. This also causes his cultivation to stagnate as he ages, although he can pass all kinds of pills. Improve your strength, but the pill can still be effective if you take it once, and the effect will gradually decrease if you take too much.

Later, no matter how much he eats, there is no effect. Therefore, the old man basically loses the confidence to pursue a higher level of alchemy and achieve his desired level.

"I don't need it for the time being, just keep it for now." Lu Chen thought for a while and said without rush.

"Alright, this should definitely be sent to the field in the future, and it hasn't appeared at all now." The old man was slightly excited, with a look of remembrance in his eyes, Lu Chen nodded.

"Okay." After returning to his room, Lu Chen once again comprehended the broken exercise technique. After the Hongmeng Jue's repair, this exercise technique played its proper purpose.

Feeling the abundant Five Elements Qi flowing in his body, a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, and then Lu Chen frowned slightly, because he felt a little contradiction.

This is not good for Lu Chen's cultivation. Although he absorbs the breath of heaven and earth faster than ordinary people, it is undeniable that the efficiency of the two breaths is absolutely impossible to achieve, and it may affect it. The root of Lu Chen.

As the saying goes, it makes sense to be too greedy and not to chew. The decisive expression in Lu Chen's eyes flashed past, and it seemed that he wanted to find a way to thoroughly integrate the two powers.

Lu Chen's thoughts can be described as shocking to the world. If it is spread out, it will only treat Lu Chen as a fool. After all, it is impossible for a cultivator to contain two powers.

Unless they are people with special constitutions and talents, they are different from ordinary people when they are born. Therefore, it is not strange to cultivate two powers, but Lu Chen was formed only after birth.

It's just that the two powers are the most miraculous in the world, even if Lu Chen hasn't fully grasped the Qi of the Great Meng, he can still look down upon the super power here.

When Lu Chen tried to mix the energy of the five elements with the Qi of the Five Elements, he found that the two forces seemed to repel each other, especially the Qi of the Hongmeng, which was unusually arrogant and arrogant. It seemed to look down on the Qi of the Five Elements. Unruly and rebellious, Hongmeng Qi ignored him and didn't want to merge with it. Why should it be rare.

This caused Lu Chen to lose his head. He originally thought that these two powers were controlled by him, but the unexpected situation caught Lu Chen off guard. He gritted his teeth and did not give up immediately, so he had to guide as much as possible. Lu Chen's efforts did not achieve significant results.

Suddenly, an unprecedented sense of crisis surged into his mind, and Lu Chen broke away from his silent thinking, his eyes flashed with cold light, his figure suddenly changed, and the next moment, Lu Chen's original position, there was an all-encompassing one. The sharp sword was just poked from the wooden board behind.

Lu Chen was furious with anger, stretched out his hand, strong force emerged, and gently folded, the original sharp sword of iron and mud, immediately turned into two pieces, Lu Chen did not stop his figure, took the sharp sword A throw, with incomparable wind, also pierced the plank.

"Huh." A muffled grunt sounded, Lu Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and as expected, someone assassinated him! Luckily, Lu Chen was aware of all this with his keen senses.

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