If he deliberately violated a certain rule, it would not do any good for his own cultivation. Those people would be a little bit disappointed. It turned out that Lu Chen was not going to help them call the shots. Even though he was sorry and helpless, he did not dare to ask Lu Chen for anything.

This kid wasn't even sure to deal with Guo Fengren. They accused Lu Chen of being wrong, didn't that mean he wanted to die? Besides, once Lu Chen didn't accept it, Zhang Family's monstrous anger would accompany the next moment. Let me ask, in Pingyun Village, how many people would not worry about Zhang Family's revenge and anger.

"Okay, okay, please tell me something, senior." Guo Fengren is also a smart person, otherwise he won't live this age, he waved his hand, and even changed his name to Lu Chen, but Lu Chen didn't let it go. In mind.

Sweeping a circle, the meaning is self-evident, Guo Fengren patted his head, "Aha, I'm sorry, senior, I've neglected this, senior come with me." Guo Fengren was very polite and said with a low body.

He also lowered his flying height. Lu Chen nodded faintly and responded. The rest of the people watched Lu Chen leave. Although the thugs were dissatisfied, the contempt of the people before, did not come out easily.

They will never forget the lesson just now. The immediate task is to take Young Master Zhang back for diagnosis and treatment. In case the imminent thing is delayed, the consequences will be disastrous. When the time comes, the old man will get angry, and their heads will fall. Relentless.

Lu Chen and Guo Fengren came to a temple. The former swept around and found no one. Guo Fengren landed to show respect for Lu Chen, but he was still a little vigilant. Who knows if Lu Chen will be unruly? .

Therefore, it is better to keep an eye on it. Fortunately, Lu Chen clasped his fists with both hands. There was nothing unusual. Guo Fengren sighed in relief, dripping cold sweat on his forehead.

When Lu Chen is in front of him, there is always an unspeakable sense of oppression. This is the real senior expert. He was just a slanderous old Taoist priest. With a little rune of his own, he was in Pingyun Village. With a certain position, ordinary people can just throw a first-grade rune and burn them. In the past, some ordinary people did not have long eyes and provoked and doubted Guo Fengren’s power, so Guo Fengren took out the first-grade rune and killed that person on the spot. .

This has also been passed down. When the real master appeared, Guo Fengren was useless. He bowed his head and asked respectfully, "I don't know what seniors have to say."

"Well, there is a problem." Lu Chen saw that Guo Fengren was very nervous, and he was a little bit dumbfounded. Is he so scary? This Guo Fengren is not a beautiful and beautiful fairy girl. He will not do anything inferior to animals.

"You speak." Guo Fengren directly used honorifics, and Lu Chen lightly nodded, "Are there any mountains nearby?" Lu Chen stared at Guo Fengren with electric eyes, to confirm whether he was telling lies.

He overestimated Guo Fengren. Since Lu Chen showed great power, his physique different from ordinary people has specially subverted Guo Fengren's cognition. He has treated Lu Chen as a god.

"Mountains?" Guo Fengren didn't seem to expect that Lu Chen would ask such a question, so he was stunned for a while, but the strong murderous intention suppressed Guo Fengren, so that Guo Fengren did not dare to tell lies. After trying hard to remember, he said solemnly. Have."

"How many?" Lu Chen's face remained unchanged. Originally, Guo Fengren wanted to see something from Lu Chen's expression, but found nothing.

His eyes were filled with disappointment, and he immediately realized that Lu Chen was looking at him interestingly. Guo Fengren couldn't help but restrain himself, worrying that Lu Chen would be disadvantageous to him.

"It looks like three or four." Guo Fengren hesitated for a while, nodding.

"Okay, draw everything you know on paper." Lu Chen played tricks and found the paper and ink. Guo Fengren was undecided, but after thinking about it, this is not a secret. As long as Lu Chen wants to find it, just ask Ping. The villagers in Yuncun can basically find out.

He might as well be a straightforward favor. As long as Lu Chen doesn't get the Zhang family right in the future, everything is easy to say. Guo Fengren didn't immediately start drawing positions, "Then you have to promise me that you can't target the Zhang family anymore!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere fell silent. Lu Chen's expression was joking, and he said without a smile, "Hehe, do you think you are still qualified to negotiate terms with me?" It was obviously mocking Guo Fengren's ignorance and naivety.

Guo Fengren frowned and couldn't help his old face getting hot. Lu Chen's analogous answer made him start to shake his determination again, so that there is still the possibility of a break with Lu Chen.

But immediately the unprecedented pressure rushed to Guo Fengren's whole body, making him feel enveloped by death. He was taken aback, and quickly nodded and said, "I draw, seniors, don't get excited."

In case Lu Chen was unhappy and raised his hand to kill him, he wouldn't be considered a member of the Zhang family, he was just a commission from a friend for many years, so I am embarrassed to shirk it.

Now he is considered benevolent and righteous. There is no need to work for the Zhang family. A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Chen’s mouth. After a while, the scenes near Pingyun Village were all on paper. Guo Fengren’s drawing skills were not too great. Rotten, can be clear at a glance, Lu Chen didn't care, took it over and took a closer look.

Although Guo Fengren kept observing Lu Chen and wanted to see some clues, it was a pity that Lu Chen's expression skills were very good, even if he was a long time old and experienced many things, there was no way to inquire into Lu Chen's details.

"Okay, you can go now." Lu Chen waved his hand, and there was an imperceptible surprise flashing in his eyes. Hearing Lu Chen's words, Guo Fengren was involuntarily overjoyed, and he was about to turn and step on the magic carpet to leave. Lu Chen said eagerly, "Slow. Now."

"Senior, what else is going on?" Guo Fengren didn't want to be with Lu Chen, a demon at all. He was not an ordinary person at all. After the flame burned by thousands of degrees, Lu Chen was still unscathed. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

However, it is also true that even a strong person of the same level as the elders of Qingyunmen and Zhuge’s elders can’t resist thousands of degrees of ghost flames without using treasures. Lu Chen is a strange species. The unique nine-sun real fire in his body, those two kinds of flames that meet Lu Chen's nine-sun real fire, are undoubtedly a little witch.

Lu Chen relied on his cosmic aura to absorb the aura of the five elements. Changing to a normal cultivator was a waste of resources. After all, the four elements are not like monsters containing the essence of the five elements. If it weren’t for the Hongmeng sword to pass to Lu Chen, He couldn't see it.

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