Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2230: Turn tactics

However, Zhuge Lei continued to persuade that Zhuge Yu's position for the Zhuge family over the years was hard work, even if there was no credit. After all, Zhuge Yu had been a leader of the younger generation before, and the reputation of Zhuge family has also grown because of him. A lot.

Therefore, Zhuge Lei's proposal was recognized after the high-level silence for a long time, and it was also an opportunity given to Zhuge Yu by the Zhuge family high-level management. However, the current situation completely exceeded everyone's surprise, and Zhuge Yu had no chance to reverse it.

Moreover, Lu Chen had to be driven into a desperate situation. Zhuge Lei was planning to come to see the situation, but discovered the situation of his son Zhuge Yu, and roared without thinking.

The majestic and majestic aura of heaven and earth is terrifying, but Lu Chen didn’t take it to heart. No one could do anything higher about the things he had decided. At this time, the expressions of Huang Zhongzheng and the old man were quite complicated, and Lu Chen wanted to be thorough. And Zhuge's family tore his face.

They were all on Lu Chen's side, and it seemed that they couldn't avoid being implicated. The old man was not bad, he had adapted to Lu Chen's bold behavior, and it could be said that he was not surprised.

But Huang Zhongzheng was in a dilemma. He was only one of the senior officials of Jubao Pavilion, and he had no absolute power to determine whether he wanted to help Lu Chen as much as he could.

After all, Lu Chen’s potential talents are obvious to everyone. As long as Lu Chen will fly to the sky in the future, not to mention the glory of the Treasure Pavilion, at least the Treasure Pavilion can be dazzled. With Lu Chen’s terrifying growth rate, it will not take long. You can easily stand at the peak height.

These old guys who have been practicing for many years may not be able to compare with Lu Chen. The key is whether Lu Chen can have that chance to breathe. If not, everything is a fantasy. If Lu Chen falls halfway, then Jubao Pavilion will bear a lot. When the time comes, there will be endless anger with Zhuge's family and Qingyunmen, and he will be the biggest sinner.

Therefore, the senior officials of Jubao Pavilion did not make a specific statement, which made Huang Zhongzheng quite embarrassed, and the old man was just a person, and there was no consequence.

"Huh." Lu Chen's sword carried a whirring wind. In the next moment, everyone witnessed Zhuge Yu's other arm landing. In such a shocking scene, those courageous were about to fall.

But Lu Chen didn't frown. It is conceivable that Lu Chen's mentality has reached an unimaginable height. The arm flew for a long time, and there was no drop of blood falling.

"Puff through." The sound of his arm fell on the ground, like a thunderbolt in the sun, knocking on everyone's hearts, not to mention Zhuge Lei, who hadn't completely rushed over. For a while, Zhuge Lei's face wrinkled a lot. , Almost fainted tottering.

And Zhuge Yu also stood stupidly, without any intuition, how exquisite Lu Chen's swordsmanship was, Zhuge Yu didn't have any pain!

"Hiss." Everyone involuntarily sucked in cold air together, so that the surrounding air seemed to be thinner. Of course, this was the illusion of everyone, and the leaders of the younger generation actually landed in such a field in front of them, and The falling water dog is no different, even more miserable, everyone can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

"Ah, you, your kid is looking for death!" Zhuge Lei was furious and roared violently. Everyone's eardrums were about to burst. It was the first time they saw Zhuge Lei's anger like this.

"Haha, you are really right." Lu Chen said recklessly and unscrupulously, the confidence revealed between his eyebrows and the understatement in his tone.

What kind of ability does Lu Chen have? It's all about not being afraid of Zhuge Yu. Even Zhuge Yu's old son, Zhuge Lei, is not afraid of him. He will not dare to eat the ambition.

Originally, Lu Chen cut off Zhuge Yu's hands and offended others. Now that the youngest and youngest of the Zhuge family are dispatched together, Lu Chen may not be able to withstand such a situation, so why does he even provoke Zhuge Lei.

Could it be that Lu Chen's confidence in dealing with Zhuge Yu greatly increased? When they thought about it, it was very possible that a young man was arrogant and arrogant, but Lu Chen's performance might not be conducive to Lu Chen's continued growth.

Is it going to die here? There are many people who are not optimistic about Lu Chen, thinking that his arrogance is paying a heavy price, but Lu Chen doesn't care. Zhu Ge Lei rushes towards Lu Chen with his teeth and claws. He doesn't believe that Lu Chen can continue to be extremely powerful. .

In Zhuge Lei's view, the reason why Lu Chen was able to deal with him last time was entirely because of good luck. Otherwise, where could Lu Chen's strength come from, he was a stinky hairy boy who dared to challenge their Zhuge family.

Because it has occupied the title of the first big family for a long time, the Zhuge family is completely immersed in its own world, thinking that the other big families are not worth mentioning.

What's more, the strength of the individual is even more elusive, but the courage that Lu Chen showed has dispelled Zhuge Lei's enthusiasm one after another.

"You're looking for death." Zhu Ge Lei lost his mind for a while, and the brilliant future of his son Zhuge Yu was ruined on Lu Chen's head. In this way, it would indirectly mean that his position and influence were reduced. After all, Zhuge Lei's The effort has been in vain.

Who could think of his pain? Others only saw Zhu Ge Lei's beauty, but did not see his hardships.

The old man gave a wry smile, a little dilemma, did not expect Lu Chen to solve a Zhuge Yu, and then ran out another Zhuge Lei, so he can support it? It can be said that Lu Chen's physical strength is limited. The old man squeezed his fist, ready to swallow his secret pill at any time, then stepped forward to help Lu Chen and let it go!

"Look at who is looking for death." Lu Chenfeng said lightly, with a deep contempt and contempt in his tone. Although he knew that Lu Chen was an aggressive general, Zhu Ge Lei couldn't keep himself calm.

He didn't remember how many years he had not been so angry. If Lu Chen offended his Ni Lin, he would endure the anger like a huge wave.

"Boom boom." Zhu Ge Lei slammed out his fist, his fist was filled with purple light, and the air had an anxious smell, and everyone felt thrilled.

If they didn't make a mistake in judgment, this should be the legendary breath of profound thunder, Zhu Ge Lei didn't seem to have mastered it, right? Lu Chen was also extremely surprised, he had also fought against Zhuge Lei before.

It was discovered that Zhuge Lei was vulnerable. At least in his opinion, he could not be mentioned as a senior expert, but he did not see Zhuge Lei for a short period of time, and such an earth-shaking change occurred.

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