Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2240: Crazy fight

"Bang Bang." One after another, the sound of earth-shaking explosions spread, Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged. At this time, the Five Elements Qi in his body also reached an unprecedented height.

Lu Chen was a little airy, but the speed under his hands did not slow down, like the roar of a violent storm, everyone covered their ears and was shocked with blood and blood. Those with slightly lower strength could not help but squirt blood. It was a deterrent to Lu Chen and Zhuge Batian fighting.

They are all jealous. This is the gap between the strong and the weak. In a world where the weak eats the strong and the fittest survives, their talent potential is not as good as that of enchanting evildoers like Lu Chen, and their lives are destined to be in the hands of others.

Between the electric light and the fire, accompanied by the collision of Lu Chen's five-element aura and Zhuge Batian's aura of heaven and earth, Zhuge Batian took a deep breath, the shock in his heart is indescribable, Lu Chen's five-element aura is weird Extremely, not only knocked his breath to pieces, but also absorbed a part of it and left.

"It turns out to be the energy of the five elements." Zhuge Batian lived a long time, can be described as a torch with insight, and easily saw the distinctive aura of Lu Chen's world.

It is normal for other cultivators to have a kind of heaven and earth aura, and the two are basically his genius leaders, or people with special physiques are possible. After all, mastering the two heaven and earth auras makes it even more difficult to cultivate. .

As the saying goes, more greedy can not chew badly. For this truth, Zhuge Batian naturally knows it, let alone the five auras. When Lu Chen concentrates on practicing one, how can he have so much time and Energy, to increase the five powers at the same time, Zhuge Batian directly denied this idea.

But immediately he felt that Lu Chen’s five elements maintained a high balance, which fully demonstrated Lu Chen’s peculiarities. No wonder Lu Chen had the ability and confidence to challenge him. It turned out to be a stunt for Lu Chen’s five elements. Zhiqi, even the ancestors of the Zhuge family were jealous.

There was greed in his heart suddenly. Although the Qi of the Five Elements has been fused with Lu Chen, there is no doubt that as long as he is through a certain method, it is possible for him to deprive him of the Qi of the Five Elements. Then his cultivation level And strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Although Zhuge Batian’s strength is already at the peak of the Garden of Eden, he is trying to see if he can break through this limit. When that time comes, he can travel freely to other realm and space to find more and broader opportunities. The rest of the cultivators are for self-protection or to gain more power and status.

He is different from Zhuge Batian. After all, he has reached this height and vision, and he has disdained the things that ordinary people pursue. In fact, he also has a desire for strength that ordinary people can't match.

Lu Chen seemed to have noticed Zhuge Batian’s abnormality. At this time, Zhuge Batian stared at him with an evil and sinister look, making Lu Chen chill all over, this old immortal fellow was thinking about something wrong, Lu Chen probably Thought of a little bit.

"Huh." Lu Chen sneered, his dissatisfaction revealed that he was not a prey, this old guy actually looked at him that way.

Lu Chen once again accelerated the speed of wielding the Hongmeng Sword. Since this old immortal guy has used hundreds of swordsmanship, let Lu Chen even give it to him.

Lu Chen had such confidence, even though the speed of consuming the five elements of Qi made Lu Chen marveled again and again, and even a little weak, after all, the continuous flow of time, even though Lu Chen's super high recovery speed, could not keep up.

Therefore, Lu Chen could only rely on the efficient use of the Five Elements Qi and try not to waste the Five Elements Qi. In just a few blinks, Lu Chen made more than a hundred sword flowers, and Lu Chen was not tired.

"Old guy, go to hell." Lu Chen yelled and roared. The whole person was on the verge of madness. No matter Lu Chen was desperate, his head was always sober. Lu Chen knew it well. Without taking a chance, he has no chance to come back.

The more critical the moment is, the more people’s potential can be stimulated. Lu Chen is convinced of this. He goes all out to deal with the old guy. Therefore, Lu Chen is fully absorbed. In the eyes of everyone, he is like a god. The general mighty and invincible.

"Hmph, hitting the stone with an egg is extremely ridiculous." Sure enough, Zhuge Batian felt that Lu Chen was boastful, and still contemptuously disdain him, but he thought of Lu Chen's young age. The opportunity for growth was completely torn apart because of Lu Chen and their Zhuge family.

"Boom." A majestic atmosphere of heaven and earth, with a terrifying explosive force tearing apart the space, continued to explode, first affecting the surrounding space, and then evolving into a masterpiece of dark clouds.

Zhuge Batian frantically showed unparalleled fierce fighting methods, just to solve Lu Chen, he had hundreds of swordsmanships before, all of which were broken by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, as if he hadn't heard all kinds of comments from the outside world, the broken and incomplete practice reverberated in his mind. Suddenly, Lu Chen understood the true meaning of it.

His gestures kept changing, making everyone unable to see what was going on. They looked confused. Isn't Lu Chen wasting an opportunity? Is it like the old man said, is he really seeking his own death?

Because Lu Chen's gestures did not bring any change in the atmosphere of heaven and earth, Lu Chen watched Zhuge Batian's offensive, not planning to fight back?

"Lu Chen!" Ru Pingdie exclaimed, with crystal tears flowing in her beautiful eyes. How Lu Chen is doing stupid things is not just that Ru Pingdie doesn't understand, even the old man doesn't understand what Lu Chen thinks. of.

The old man frowned. He directly denied the possibility of Lu Chen's death. He didn't know whether Lu Chen's personality was not clear. Although the two had not been in contact for a long time, he had to admit that Lu Chen's personality was not like others. The young talented geniuses, they may be lawless with a little achievement.

I feel that he is the number one in the world, and Lu Chen has always maintained a low-key thought of being calm and unchanging. Unless someone forced Lu Chen to take action, this time Lu Chen chose to kill Zhuge's family. The reason is that, after all, members of the Zhuge family have violated Lu Chen one after another. Lu Chen's principle of life is the principle and reason that people don't offend me, I don't offend others, and if people offend me, I will pay back ten times more.

Because his is not cruel and cruel enough, Zhuge's family has never remembered the lesson. There may be nothing in such a short time. It is nothing more than Lu Chen suffered a little trouble, but in his opinion, it is not a trouble. After all, Lu Chen Lu Chen didn't care about the strength of those little shrimps and crabs.

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