Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2243: Hate iron but not steel

Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard the series of conversations. Then he walked to the old man and the others, and their faces were filled with excitement, "Hehe, Lu Chen, people know you will come back triumphantly." Ru Pingdie didn't avoid suspicion, she took Lu Chen's arm directly in front of her grandpa, and her heart was full of sweetness.

Feeling the warmth and softness coming from Ru Pingdie's chest, Lu Chen's mind was a little rippling, but there were so many people here, he couldn't do anything harmful to the world, so he had to suppress the evil fire in his lower abdomen.

"Lu Chen, you are so powerful." Yan Dongqing couldn't help but said with emotion, his face was full of energy. At this time, the admiration for Lu Chen was unprecedented.

He never dreamed that Lu Chen, who had played against him not long ago, had the power to destroy the world. It shouldn't be an exaggeration to call him an extremely strong person. Lu Chen seemed to understand the emotions of Yan Dong, and he didn't mind. After waving his hand, "Where else, that old immortal fellow is not dead yet!" Lu Chen said solemnly.

"That's not because you don't want to kill and give him Zhuge a little face!" Yan Dong said in admiration without thinking.

There was envy, jealousy, and a little admiration in his words. When he heard that, Lu Chen smiled nonchalantly. He had nothing to refute about this. From the eyes of others, he had the power to kill Zhuge's overlord. Strength is just being soft-hearted, not doing so.

Lu Chen's current strength is still not enough. Since his cultivation time is not long, he is naturally inferior to Zhuge's domineering in terms of the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

But Lu Chen's Five Elements Qi was extremely special, and Zhuge Batian was caught off guard by the deterrent power of violent storms.

Watching Lu Chen and his party leave, everyone was in an uproar. The voices of various discussions could be said to be one after another. Lu Chen's appalling performance and strength were far beyond their surprise. After all, Lu Chen's methods, they knew As I know, I've witnessed Lu Chen clashing with the powerful Zhuge family before.

"The ancestors of the Zhuge family are not easy to hurt this time, tsk tsk." A person with emotion on his face, his admiration for Lu Chen is unimaginable.

The rest of the people also showed the appearance of worshipping.

"Well, it is estimated that for a long time, Zhuge's family will not be shown to the public. For this, it should be an unquestionable thing." The sturdy man next to him also showed his approval.

"Hey, I lost my wife and broke down. This time the Zhuge family may be in a slump." Various voices of the Zhuge family falling into the ground appeared, although they were only whispering, the Zhuge family heard some.

The complexion was blue and it was not easy to refute. Several senior members of the Zhuge family and young talented leaders were all torn apart due to the tossing of Lu Chen. Zhuge Batian, the ancestor of the Zhuge family, convulsed for a while before relieving.

Originally, Zhuge Feng wanted to help Zhuge Batian, but was stopped by Zhuge Batian. "Old, old man, what's the matter?" Zhuge Feng was a little nervous, and he was quite clear about Zhuge Batian's character.

At this time, Zhuge Batian’s gloomy expression was a bit terrifying. Zhuge Feng showed great beauty in front of everyone, but in front of Zhuge Batian, there was no confidence. A large part of the original incident was due to his negligence. Of course, the key lies in Zhu Ge Lei, he was a little gloating, but his expression didn't show it.

It's just that the old man wouldn't let him get up. Isn't this an act of repelling him? Zhuge Feng was slightly depressed, so he asked Zhuge Batian the reason. It was okay not to ask, but Zhuge Batian didn't get angry.

"Hmph, come here, you can't touch you." Zhuge Batian snorted coldly, and the aura of heaven and earth burst out all over his body. Zhuge Feng suddenly realized, with a grateful expression on his face. It turned out that Zhuge Batian thought about him everywhere. It's just that he didn't take this into consideration.

"Old man, are you going to chase Lu Chen? Now, it seems to be a little..." Zhuge Lei hesitated for a while, and said worriedly.

"Fart, is I as stupid as you? Talk nonsense." Zhuge Batian yelled, the Zhuge family was frightened, but the people on the sidelines didn’t worry about anything, even though Zhuge Batian possessed unimaginable shock and horror. Means, but absolutely dare not provoke them at this tense moment.

After all, there are elites from all forces in the spectators, and if you dare to move one, it is tantamount to offending one sect force. Zhuge family can't handle even Lu Chen. If you offend more forces, you will undoubtedly be embarrassed on all sides.

"Ah, no, no, I was wrong." Zhuge Lei was so scared that he was sweating. This Zhuge Domineering had a violent temper. When he was frustrated, it was even more so. Without a slap on him, he was good enough. .

Zhuge Lei didn't dare to show his atmosphere, Zhuge Feng secretly cheered, and the two of them kept showing their glory as much as possible in front of the old man, because as long as the ancestors of the Zhuge family valued it, it means that they are more likely to take over the Zhuge family in the future.

It is not that the ancestor Zhuge Batian will turn into a pile of loess, but Zhuge Batian is very hopeful that he will reach the peak of the Eden limit. At that time, Zhuge Batian has the ability to freely shuttle through the large foreign spaces and will not look at it. Frozen in a garden of Eden.

If they performed well and got Zhuge Batian's approval, and they wanted to become prosperous, that would not be just around the corner. Although Zhuge's family has suffered unprecedented setbacks today, fortunately, Zhuge Batian has nothing to do.

I don't know what kind of alien Lu Chen is. The dense dark clouds are the way of nature. Is it possible that Lu Chen has come into contact with him? This is totally unrealistic.

They only read the introduction in the ancient secret books. When the cultivator's mood reaches a certain degree of emptiness, there is a certain opportunity to communicate with nature. What Lu Chen showed is a bit similar to the introduction in the ancient books.

Although it is still not up to the means described in the ancient books, as long as Lu Chen keeps studying and pondering, one day he will be able to perceive the way of nature to the realm of Xiaocheng, and Zhuge's family will be in front of Lu Chen. , Without any resistance.

When Zhuge Lei and Zhuge Feng thought about this, their faces were not pretty. Especially Zhuge Lei, could it be a wrong choice to offend Lu Chen?

Zhuge Lei had never been unwilling. He had gritted his teeth and hated Lu Chen, but he felt an oppressive force, which came from the ancestors of the Zhuge family. He scratched his head, and forced a smile. "Master, I was wrong this time."

"You were wrong more than this time, you are wrong! To provoke that kid is not good for my Zhuge family." Zhuge Batian glanced at him deeply, with a feeling of hating iron for not making steel.

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