Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2246: Jiuzhongtianwai

But Lu Chen's Five Elements Qi was condensed to an extreme level. Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction. When he fought against Zhuge Batian, his potential was fully aroused, even though Lu Chen could only release his Divine Realm at present. With a very small part of the strength, he can also clearly understand how terrifying the real Earth Sage realm is.

In his opinion, the fat man in front of him is at best able to use a small part of his power in a low-level space like the Garden of Eden, so Lu Chen still hopes to escape under his pursuit.

"That's the trick?" The fat man was quite disdainful of Lu Chen, but he had to admit that Lu Chen's unwillingness to give in made him secretly recognized him.

Since Lu Chen can obtain the Hongmeng Sword, it proves that he has such a coincidence. In some aspects, he is much better than ordinary people of his age. When he was hiding before, Lu Chen noticed his existence. This is from Lu Chen took the initiative to look for him and it could be reflected.

If you fight near the house, I’m afraid it will destroy a lot of buildings. Of course, Fatty doesn’t care about these ant’s buildings and has nothing to do with him. His indifference has reached a certain level, and it will not be due to Lu Chen’s work. For things, I sympathize with those ants.

"Boom." The fat man waved his knife and cut off the huge wave formed by Lu Chen's five element qi abruptly. Lu Chen frowned and sent a part of the five element qi again. He couldn't take all the five element qi. They were all concentrated on the huge waves, otherwise, if they didn't retain a little strength, there would be no way to fight Fatty, and Lu Chen would not be able to defeat himself.

The huge wave was like a wild beast that was not reconciled. The oncoming cyclone raged every inch of the air and collided with a huge wave that was more than ten feet away. After the huge wave controlled by Lu Chen, it seemed to open a mouthful of blood. The beast swallowed the cyclone directly.

"Karma." Even the fat man, who was always calm, his expression was slightly moved, his face was full of weirdness and suspiciousness, and he looked like he was holding the winning ticket. Since Lu Chen controls the huge wave, he swallowed his cyclone attack. , There will be no good end.

Because this huge wave would suffer irreparable damage, Wuxin would also be scarred by his stupid actions. As long as Lu Chen was not killed, he would not violate the rules of heaven.

He can take away the Hongmeng Sword while holding the sheep hand in hand, and he can also prevent Lu Chen from fighting back, so why not do it?

"Boom boom." The more weird thing happened suddenly. It turned out to be emitted from within the giant wave of Qi of the Five Elements controlled by Lu Chen. He wanted to come to the fat man's horrible cyclone, struggling to explode inside, and Lu Chen's body was slight. Trembling, shocked all over his eyes.

He only realized that he had made a mistake. This fat man was indeed an undoubtedly strong man. He also wisely swallowed the cyclone, thinking that with the energy of the five elements, he could slowly annex it, because Lu Chen had already tried this trick repeatedly. It succeeded every time, so that Lu Chen was a little arrogant and blindly believed in his own ability. This time he suffered a loss due to his arrogance.

Although the Five Elements Qi is inclusive of all things, no matter what heaven and earth aura it is, it involves a little, but at present, Lu Chen's Five Elements Qi has not reached such a powerful start.

There is still some difficulty in fighting Fatty's cyclone. Under Fatty's intentional control, Lu Chen suffered a serious injury. He regretted the things he blamed for himself, but there was no regret medicine in the world.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and hurriedly swallowed a seventh-grade life-renewing pill. This was of great help to his healing effect and made up for Lu Chen's previous mistakes.

"Boy, you can eat whatever you want. Even if you eat one hundred ten-grade life renewal pills, it will not change your destiny. You should hand over the Hongmeng Sword obediently. I don't want to embarrass you." The fat man was very refreshing and immediately persuaded Lu. Chen, the latter was a little surprised, but shook his head decisively and asked him to offer the Hongmeng Sword, which was absolutely impossible.

It's just that the fat man mentioned the ten-grade life-renewal pills, and he didn't seem to care much. Perhaps to him, the video life-renewal pills were nothing, Lu Chen was slightly frightened and did not show it.

"Well, forget it, I will open the skylight for you to speak up. Since you can see that Lao Tzu is a strong man in the holy realm, there is no need to hide it from you. Lao Tzu is a strong man from outside the nine heavens." The fat man said bluntly. Said, there was a smug look in his eyes.

"Nine Heavens Outside?!!!" Lu Chen muttered to himself, his pupils contracted slightly, and the fat figure suddenly moved at the moment of loss of consciousness. He wanted to **** the Hongmeng Sword in Lu Chen's hand. Fortunately, Lu Chen didn't react slowly and frantically. Wielding the Hongmeng Sword, this fat man is agile, and it is impossible to avoid the all-pervasive sword flower. As long as he bears one, it will affect the speed. Lu Chen wants to dodge, isn't that easy?

"Bang Bang." But unexpectedly, after the earth-shaking loud noise, Lu Chen's sword flower disappeared. It turned out that there was an extra wall of light in front of the fat man. With Lu Chen's eyes, it is not difficult to analyze Come out, this is the best defensive weapon.

At least Lu Chen hadn't touched it yet, even though it was a gem of defense from his own aura of heaven and earth, the biggest advantage was that he responded quickly. According to the method of the caster, he could produce a defensive effect that was not weak.

There was a gap between Lu Chen and Fatty. Under these circumstances, the Fatty brazenly contended Lu Chen’s sword flower, and showed no signs of being injured. Lu Chen caught off guard by the Fatty’s sword. This iron-cut Hongmeng sword was actually caught in his hands, and he didn't appear to be jealous. Is this old fat man a copper wall and an iron wall? Lu Chen felt that his physique was special, but he didn't have any advantage compared to the fat man.

The sword light of the Na Hongmeng Sword, even if he touched it, would bleed to the skin. Lu Chen saw the faint light on Fatty's hand fluctuating. It was clearly a defensive glove, but it was combined with his hand.

Lu Chen was a little curious about what kind of existence the world outside of the Nine Heavens that the fat man said was like. The things that the fat man took out shocked Lu Chen, and he deeply felt his insignificance.

This fat man had already admitted that he was a strong man in the Earth Sage realm. I don’t know why, Wang Xinya's figure appeared in Lu Chen's mind. Wang Xinya was sent from the Pantheon, looking for the ethereal Hongmeng Pill, before he knew Lu Chen. The fat man in front of him is here for the Hongmeng Sword in his hand. Is there any connection between the two things?

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