A majestic breath of heaven and earth radiated from the fat man and locked on Lu Chen. Fortunately, it was not the **** of blood and had little effect on Lu Chen. He had a special physique, not more than ordinary people, for the ordinary heaven and earth breath. Oppression, there is not much resistance.

The fat man’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t understand Lu Chen’s performance. This kid was too weird. Not only could he motivate the Hongmeng Sword to absorb his vitality, but he could also resist the oppression of his heaven and earth. He was really a traitor. Weird, the fat man seized the opportunity when Lu Chen hesitated.

He accelerated his figure again, and his eyes were surging, but he found that Lu Chen's speed with the sword light was quite abnormal, no matter what angle he was from, he could not grab the Hongmeng sword.

Over time, Fatty had a headache. It was not a solution to stay in such a stalemate, but he felt that Lu Chen's aura of heaven and earth should not be as powerful as his, so he wanted to see where Lu Chen had the confidence.

"Will you give it to me?" The fat man was a little bit depressed. Lu Chen refused to accept him and refused to hand over the Hongmeng Sword, so that the fat man had no choice but to kill Lu Chen?

Lu Chen didn't care about his threat. The fat man gritted his teeth and seemed to have made some kind of decision, "Definite!" An extra bead appeared in the fat man's hand, and then he whispered.

In the next instant, Lu Chen became sluggish, motionless, his facial expression stiff, a huge wave was set off in Lu Chen's heart, and Lu Chen suddenly realized the effect of this bead.

He only felt that he was weighing ten thousand kilograms of things on his body, so that he could not move at all. It seems to be recorded in ancient books. It is a fixation pearl. As the name suggests, the effect is to fix the body specifically. It is not easy to resist. At least with Lu Chen's strength, he couldn't resist the effect of Fatty's release of the fixed body beads.

Lu Chen's intestines were all regretful. Although he kept resisting, he did not have the ability to resist under this unexpected treasure. Seeing that the fat man felt a little painful, there should be something This kind of special restraint cannot be used as he wants. Otherwise, the fat man would have taken it out long ago, and he would have waited until now. Lu Chen could meet him, and I don't know whether he should be lucky or he was lucky.

Indeed, Lu Chen's guess is reasonable. The fixation beads can only be used once in a hundred years. The fat man felt that using the fixation beads against Lu Chen was an unprecedented shame and disapproval and contempt for himself.

In the end, he was forced to take it out, but as long as Lu Chen was unable to resist, he could take the Hongmeng Sword with the flow. It was worth it. Fatty smiled sinisterly, "Boy, I said it all, you Don't go against me, you just didn't listen, how about it, now you know it's ruthless."

The fat man spoke lightly, showing his cynicism and triumph towards Lu Chen. Lu Chen didn't change his face and still said that he had no way to control it, "Huh, take advantage of the danger, bully the younger, what a senior man. Fortunately, you came from outside the Nine Heavens, and it simply ruined the reputation of the strong there." Although Lu Chen does not have the ability to resist, at least he can verbally ridicule and criticize the fat man. Lu Chen can also figure out the character of this fat man. One or two.

"You, did you guy force me to kill you?" The fat man didn't get angry and nearly slapped him. With Lu Chen lacking defensive power, he would definitely die.

It’s just that the fat man was unwilling to do that. After his expression changed for a while, he took a deep breath and slowly calmed down. Originally, he crossed the space and came to the Garden of Eden, and he was restrained by a lot of constraints. The feeling in the dark seems to imply that he cannot kill people here. Even if the fat man has the monstrous ability to turn the clouds and rain, he would not dare to violate the will of heaven. The will of heaven cannot be violated. For this, the fat man knows well. It was clear, so he tried not to hurt Lu Chen, as long as he brought the Hongmeng Sword to achieve his goal.

At this time, he used the fixation beads, which was an unexpected situation. "Boy, you should feel honored. Don't always challenge Lao Tzu's bottom line, otherwise you will be stripped of your clothes and thrown into that kiln to see you. How many young women can withstand the ravages of this small body!" The fat man said solemnly, and with a smile on his face, Lu Chen couldn't help but shudder. Although it didn't seem obvious, the fat man's careful observation made it clear and unmistakable. When he arrived, his eyes were filled with complacency, and it was obvious that Lu Chen was said to be in his mind, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

I had a quarrel with him before, but now I’m dumb, "Why, your kid is talking? Could it be that you have acquiesced to what I meant, it’s easy to handle, I will give you a little medicine first, so as not to prevent you from that Ability is not good." The fat man joked and said slowly, then stared at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen felt very cold. Why did he meet such a wretched fat man? He couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions. It is really big in the world. There are no surprises. After all, people like Fatty are rare. He didn't think of his character. , Can also achieve this high level of strength.

Lu Chen's heart was ashamed. The fat man had already said this, and he had no chance to come back. Couldn't he just watch the Hongmeng Sword be taken away?

The unwillingness in Lu Chen's heart has never happened before. This emotion was unknowingly displayed on the Hongmeng Sword. A light that only Lu Chen could see was radiated from the body to the Hongmeng Sword, so that the Hongmeng Sword was attached to it. Lu Chen was closer.

This is really nothing to prevent those who are interested. The fat man also saw that Lu Chen was wrong, but he still stretched out his hand nonchalantly and grabbed the tip of the Hongmeng Sword, but at this moment, it changed. Suddenly, an unprecedented strong red light erupted from the Hongmeng Sword. It was clearly repelling the fat man. It could be said that it was a demonstration of Hongmeng Sword's dissatisfaction. Lu Chen's eyes were full of ecstasy. It seems that God still treats him. Not bad.

After all, at this humiliating juncture, Lu Chen can be said to be frustrated. He clearly felt that his strength was low. If his strength is stronger than Fatty, or even much higher, there is no need to worry about the effect of this fixation pearl on him. , This is the sorrow of the weak, Lu Chen's fighting spirit, at this moment, has reached an unprecedented height. Lu Chen believes that sooner or later, he will surpass Fatty's strength, and that day will not be too far!

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